Contains all 65 selectable tools in the Photoshop CC 2014 Tools palette.
I've built it to test an Adobe Configurator-like panel: one of the Configurator's feature was to let users compose a panel with selectable Tools - this first attempt is just a study with all the Tools together.
Even if I plan to build Templates targeted to non-coders in the future, this one isn't - think about it more like a way to prove myself it can be done ;-)
Just click any of the buttons to have that tool selected.
Please see the shared installation instruction.
The code is surprisingly minimal! My first attempt with Angular.js - the panel revolves around a directive in the app.js file:
app.directive('psTools', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
// seems like ToolTip doesn't work as button's title :-(
template: '<button class="topcoat-icon-button" ng-click="selectTool()" title="{{toolTip}}">\
<span class="ps-icon {{type}}"></span>\
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.type = $attrs.type;
if ($attrs.idx) {
$scope.toolTip = $scope.psToolsModel[$attrs.idx].toolTip;
// calls the selection function in JSX
$scope.selectTool = function() {
$scope.csInterface.evalScript("selectTool('" + $scope.type + "')");
I then use an $http.get()
to load a local JSON file containing objects for all the StringIDs.
Thanks God CEF doesn't fire a XMLHttpRequest error, like Google Chrome does if you try that. In case you're wondering, you can force it, launching the Chrome app with this flag --new --args -allow-file-access-from-files
Eventually, a simple JSX function that perform the actual tool selection is run when the user clicks a button - which in turns is passed the tool's StringID.
For some reason, Button ToolTips do not work :-/ They are in the form of title
attribute but CEF has problems rendering them, apparently.
Too many things to list them ;-) But first and foremost, I'd like to implement some form of toggle buttons (you click one, and it stays pressed). I'll probably go with Radio Buttons in disguise, but I wanted to start easy.
V0.1 June 2014.