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File metadata and controls

561 lines (450 loc) · 30.6 KB



AccessMod is a World Health Organization-recognized, free and open source software tool that allows users to model the geographic accessibility of health services. To model the geographic accessibility of health services, several layers of input data reflecting barriers and facilitators to the mobility of the target population are required in conjunction with data on the location and availability of health services. More information on AccessMod installation and use can be found here:

inAccessMod is a R package that allows the user to easily download and prepare all the required layers for AccessMod. A proper folder structure is created in order to manage multi-temporal data and/or multiple analysis scenarios. While the functions to process health facility tables are specifically designed to handle data from The Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS), the other ones can be used for any other project. The layer downloading, cropping, masking, resampling, exporting processes are automated to a large degree, making the preparation of the inputs quick and straightforward.


This package requires R version 4.1.3 or later. It also requires the following packages: crsuggest, data.table, dplyr, exactextractr, fasterize, fs, geodata, jsonlite, lubridate, osmdata, osmextract, purrr, raster, RCurl, readxl, rgeoboundaries (version or later), rmarkdown, sf, stringi, stringr, testthat, tibble, utils, and writexl. These dependencies should be installed automatically when dependencies = TRUE is set in the command used to install the package.

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("unige-geohealth/inAccessMod", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)

I you decided to install the dependencies manually, please note that rgeoboundaries must be installed using remotes or devtools:


Once it is installed, we can load the package in order to make its functions directly available. Remember that you must have a working internet connection in order to access all the functions that allow you to download data.


Initiate Project

With the initiate_project function, we can select a country (or a city) and automatically, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code is stored in a config.txt file and the directory main structure for the project is created. This function also creates a log.txt file that will record and track the main operations related to the project. We will see that the final structure arises when downloading and processing the data with the corresponding functions, and it allows multiple ’raw’ inputs and multiple ’processed’ outputs for each input. This can be useful when performing different analyses for the same country (e.g. when we have updated data) or using different processing parameters. To initiate the project, the only parameter we need to provide is the path where the project, namely the country folder will be created. Let’s run the function and select “Switzerland” for this tutorial.

# Replace workDir with the actual path to your working directory
mainPath <- getwd()

As indicated in the console, some input folders are created by default. We are asked if we want to add another input folder. Let’s say that it is not necessary. This is how the new directories look like in a tree-like format. Further, we will see how this tree can grow with the downloading and the processing of inputs.

Import inputs

Now, that the project is initiated we can use a set of functions that allow to download all the required layers from open databases. However, if we would like to use other input data, we can run the copy_input function which only requires the project root path, the country name, and the path of the file or the folder that we would like to import. To avoid possible further conflicts, the input is highly recommended to be a “raw” input (i.e. not projected). For instance, we want to use a country boundary shapefile from another source than the one available through inAccessMod. We call the function copy_input and indicate, as third parameter, the path to the shapefile folder.

country <- "Switzerland"
inputPath <- system.file("extdata", "swiss_boundaries_example", package="inAccessMod")
copy_input(mainPath, country, inputPath)

We are then asked to select the data we want to copy. In this case, as the folder contains shapefile of the boundaries, we would select index: 4

Download the country boundaries

Let’s say that we do not have any boundary shapefile. We can download it with the download_boundaries function. This layer will help to set the projected coordinate reference system and will be used for cropping, masking and clipping the other input layers. The function requires the name of the country folder, the boundary administrative level, the data source, and a logical parameter (TRUE/FALSE) that indicates if the layer should always be downloaded, even if it has already been downloaded. Data source parameter (type) can be ‘gbOpen’ for geoBoundaries data, ‘gbHumanitarian’ (default) for UN OCHA CODs data, or ‘gbAuthoritative’ for UN SALB data. The ISO code used to download the shapefile is retrieved by the internal function. Another internal function will query the geoBoundaries database (geoboundaries_query) to check availability and retrieve a json file that contains the download link.

download_boundaries(mainPath, country, adminLevel = 1, type = "gbOpen", alwaysDownload = TRUE)

Subset regions

In case we would like to work only on specific country regions, we use the subset_regions function. It subsets the boundary shapefile based on region names included in the shapefile attribute table. We are first asked to select the column that contains the region names, and then the region that we want to keep. A new boundary shapefile will be created. The function only requires the project root path and the country folder name. In the example below we also set the parameter mostRecent to TRUE so it will automatically load the most recent downloaded shapefile. We will be asked to select the column that we would like to use for subsetting the regions, let’s select the column 1 (shapeName) that refers to the names of the regions. A list of the region names will be displayed so we can select the regions. Let’s select the regions “Genève” and “Vaud”, by indicating their indices separated by a space: 8 24

subset_regions(mainPath, country, mostRecent = TRUE)

Set the projected coordinate reference system

Now, we will set the projected coordinate reference system with the set_projection function. The “best-fit” and the suitable projected coordinate reference systems are obtained with the suggest_top_crs and the suggest_crs functions, respectively, from the crsuggest package. Both functions work by analyzing the extent of the spatial layer and comparing it to the area extents in the EPSG’s coordinate reference system database. By setting bestCRS = TRUE, the reference system is set based on the “best-fit” system ? If FALSE, we are interactively asked to select the projected coordinate reference system from a list of the suitable reference systems. It has to be noted that the reference system is set for the entire project. If it is modified after having processed some input layers, we have to make sure to process these inputs again. The logical parameter mostRecent indicates if it is the most recent boundary shapefile that should be used (in case there were multiple ones). If FALSE and if there are multiple available inputs, we are interactively asked to select the input based on download time. Finally, the logical parameter alwaysSet indicates whether the projected coordinate reference system should always be set, even it it has already been set. If FALSE and if the projected coordinate reference system has already been set we are interactively asked whether we want to set it again or not.

set_projection(mainPath, country, mostRecent = TRUE, alwaysSet = TRUE, bestCRS = TRUE)

Let’s have a look at the project config.txt file. It is used to retrieve the project parameters in other functions and should not be modified manually.

The function also has projected the boundary shapefile and we can observe how the directory structure has changed. The sub-folder names refer to the time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, all together) at which the input was downloaded or the process was run. In the following example, we observe that the raw boundary shapefile was downloaded at 2022-05-27 14:09:56 and was processed at 2022-05-27 14:11:02.

Filter the health facilities and create a point shapefile (HeRAMS table)

This section is only compatible with the HeRAMS tables. If we are not working with HeRAMS data, we can just skip this part and use the copy_input function to copy a health facility shapefile into an appropriate sub-folder (it will copy the input to e.g. /vFacilities/20220524103021/raw).

Now, let’s say that we are dealing with HeRAMS data and let’s filter the health facilities from our raw health facility tables with the HeRAMS_filter_hf function, and create a point shapefile of the filtered facilities with the HeRAMS_create_hf_facilities function. We need two tables, the one with the responses as text (e.g.“Available”), and the one with responses as codes (e.g. “A1”). The functions allows to use example data for Switzerland.

The function HeRAMS_filter_hf requires the main project folder and the country folder name. Besides, it also requires the paths to the raw text and code tables (if NULL, we are asked whether we want to take fictitious example data from Switzerland). We have fourteen other parameters: scenario, mostRecentObs, defaultParamaters, type, ownership, status, building, equipment, functionality, accessibility, support, services, partners and barriers.

To understand these parameters, let’s see how this function works.


We are interactively asked to select the health facilities that we want to keep based on available attribute values. After a first filter on main information (e.g. health facility type) and operationality (e.g. status, building condition, functionality, etc.), we are asked whether we would like to focus on specific health services. The overall information regarding the analysis scenario is recorded in a text file (selected_hf.txt) which should not be modified manually. A new scenario folder is created for any new set of selection criteria. The first time this function is run, a first scenario folder is created. The next times, we have two options: 1) We leave the scenario parameter NULL; we will be then interactively asked to select the health facility based on specific attributes, and if the selection criteria are identical than in any previous run, the corresponding scenario folder will be used as output folder. If not, a new scenario will be created. 2) We specify an already created scenario folder, and the function will apply the selection criteria linked with this scenario. Values for the scenario argument can be for instance “001” that corresponds to the folder vFacilities/001 if we would like to use the scenario 1 for filtering.


HeRAMS data table may include multiple responses for the same health facility and this parameter will define which response is going to be taken into account. If mostRecentObs is TRUE, all the most recent observation for each facility will be considered. If FALSE or NULL, we are interactively asked to choose between the following options: “Most recent”, “Date limit” or “Case by case”. If we select the option 2, we have to specify a date. In option 2, the algorithm removes the observation above the date limit, and takes the most recent one if there still are more than one observation. The selected option is recorded in a text file (time_frame.txt) which should not be modified manually.


This logical parameter allows us to modify the pre-defined code values for the filtering process (column codes, impairment values, partnership values, etc.). When is set TRUE, we can see what are the default values and modify them.

type, ownership, status, building, equipment, functionality, accessibility, support

These logical parameters indicate whether the filtering process has to take into account the different health facility variables.


It is a logical parameter that indicate whether we would like to focus on specific health services


It is a logical parameter that indicate whether we would like to focus on specific support partners (ignored if support = FALSE)


This logical parameter indicates whether we would like to also filter the health facilities on the causes of possible impairment such as dysfunctionality, unavailable services usually provided, etc. when impaired facilities are selected.

Let’s see an example with the fictitious example data. The following command shows the the six first rows of the table and some of the main variables.

inAccessMod::fictitious_herams_data_txt[1:6, c("last_synced", "subject_id", "date", "MoSD4", "CONDB", "HFFUNCT", "HFACC", "MoSDGPS_SQ001", "MoSDGPS_SQ002")]
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   last_synced         subject_id date                MoSD4    CONDB                                                                 HFFUNCT HFACC MoSDG…¹ MoSDG…²
#>   <chr>               <chr>      <chr>               <chr>    <chr>                                                                 <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 2022-05-06 04:45:54 XD34E      2019-12-21 09:06:16 Existing Not damaged: or insignificant damage                                  Fully … Full…    47.5    7.68
#> 2 2022-05-06 04:45:54 PV78Y      2020-01-06 09:06:16 Existing Not damaged: or insignificant damage                                  Fully … Full…    46.7    9.68
#> 3 2022-05-06 04:45:54 FN72S      2019-12-17 09:06:16 Existing Not damaged: or insignificant damage                                  Fully … Full…    46.9    8.77
#> 4 2022-05-06 04:45:54 MA48H      2019-12-23 09:06:16 Existing Not damaged: or insignificant damage                                  Fully … Full…    47.5    7.86
#> 5 2022-05-06 04:45:54 ZT19V      2019-12-19 09:06:16 Existing Partially damaged: requiring substantial to large scale repair, but … Fully … Full…    47.5    9.39
#> 6 2022-05-06 04:45:54 HF61X      2019-12-04 09:06:16 Existing Not damaged: or insignificant damage                                  Fully … Full…    47.1    8.93
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​MoSDGPS_SQ001, ²​MoSDGPS_SQ002

Let’s filter the data: To the interactive questions, we select “1” twice in order to use the example data, and then let’s select all the health facility types. We just skip (press Enter without any input) to select all the options. Then we are asked to filter the health facilities based on the existing status. Let’s select only the ones that are “Existing” (index 1).

HeRAMS_filter_hf(mainPath, country, pathTableCode = NULL, pathTableText = NULL, barriers = FALSE, mostRecentObs = TRUE)

A folder “scenario001” was created in which we find the text file called “selected_hf.txt” with the selection criteria and a sub-folder whose name refers to the time at which the table was filtered. In this sub-folder, there is another text file called “time_frame.txt” informing about how the multiple responses per facility were handled, and a “raw” sub-folder that contains the filtered table.

Let’s say that we would like to re-run the function with different selection criteria. For instance, we select only the “Hospital” type (index 8).

HeRAMS_filter_hf(mainPath, country, pathTableCode = NULL, pathTableText = NULL, barriers = FALSE, mostRecentObs = TRUE)

We can see that we have now two scenario sub-folders. Running again this function with the same criteria used in “scenario001” would create a new sub-folder within “scenario001” and a new time_frame.txt file.

Now let’s create a shapefile from the first health facility filtered table. The function checks if there are missing coordinates and if the facilities fall within the country boundary. If so, we are asked whether we want to add/correct them or remove the corresponding facilities. The mostRecentBoundaries parameter indicates if the most recent downloaded boundaries has to be used. If FALSE and if there are multiple available boundary shapefiles, we are interactively asked to select the input based on file creation time. If rmNA and rmOut are TRUE, the function removes the facilities that have missing coordinates or that fall outside the country boundaries and create text files informing about the removed facilities. Finally the lonlat indicates if the coordinates reflect the WGS84 longitude and latitude. If FALSE, an epsg code is requires. Finally, the scenario parameter allows us to directly specify the sub-project from which we want to vectorize the health facilities. If NULL, we are interactively asked to choose the sub-project from the available ones (during this process we have the option of printing each sub-project selection criteria in the console). In the example below, many of the health facility entries in our original table will be removed from the process as we are only focusing on two regions/cantons of Switzerland.

HeRAMS_create_hf_shapefile(mainPath, country, mostRecentBoundaries = TRUE, lonlat = TRUE, rmNA = TRUE, rmOut = TRUE, scenario = "001")

Download open source layers


This function allows us to download a SRTM 90m resolution (3 arc-seconds) DEM for the entire country and copies it to its corresponding folder. The SRTM tiles to be downloaded are selected based on the extent of the boundary shapefile. If there are multiple tiles, a mosaic is produced. If alwaysDownload is TRUE, the raster will always be downloaded, even if it has already been downloaded ? If FALSE and if the raster has already been downloaded we are interactively asked whether we want to download it again or not. And the mostRecent logical parameter indicates if the most recent boundary shapefile should be selected to define the required DEM tiles ?

download_dem(mainPath, country, alwaysDownload = TRUE, mostRecent = TRUE)

Population raster

This function allows us to download a population raster from the World Pop FTP and copy it to its corresponding folder. It allows to interactively navigate through the folders and select the population raster to be downloaded. The ISO code retrieved internally is used to match the country FTP folder when available. If alwaysDownload is TRUE, the raster is always be downloaded, even if it has already been downloaded ? If FALSE and if the raster has already been downloaded we are interactively asked whether we want to download it again or not. Let’s download the UN adjusted and constrained to building footprint population layer by selecting the folder “Global_2000_2020_Constrained”, then “2020” and “BSGM”, and finally “che_ppp_2020_UNadj_constrained.tif”.

download_population(mainPath, country, alwaysDownload = TRUE)


This function allows us to download the Land Cover 100 m from the Copernicus Global Land Service and copy it to its corresponding folder. The function downloads the landcover tiles from the AWS cloud and determines the file names based on the extent of the boundary shapefile. If there are multiple tiles, it produces a mosaic. If alwaysDownload is TRUE, the raster is always be downloaded, even if it has already been downloaded ? If FALSE and if the raster has already been downloaded we are interactively asked whether we want to download it again or not. And the mostRecent logical parameter indicates if the most recent boundary shapefile should be selected to define the required landcover tiles ?

download_landcover(mainPath, country, alwaysDownload = TRUE, mostRecent = TRUE)

Open Street Maps

This function allows us to download the Open Street Map shapefiles corresponding to ‘roads’, ‘rivers’ or 'lakes' and copy them to their corresponding folders. The parameter type represents the target layer. Can be ‘roads’, ‘waterLines’ or ‘waterPolygons’. It is the extent of the boundary shapefile that is matched with the osm.pbf file in the Geofabrik’s free download server. If type = “roads” and defaultClasses is TRUE, only the official OSM road classes are kept. For waterLines and waterPolygons, default classes are river and water, respectively. If defaultClasses is FALSE, we can select the available classes we would like to keep. Let’s download the OSM data setting the defaulClasses parameter to TRUE. The process can take time, as the data for the entire country is downloaded even though we are focusing on two single regions.

download_osm(mainPath, country, "roads", alwaysDownload = TRUE, mostRecent = TRUE, defaultClasses = TRUE)

download_osm(mainPath, country, "waterLines", alwaysDownload = TRUE, mostRecent = TRUE, defaultClasses = TRUE)

At any time, we can check which inputs (either ‘raw’ or ‘processed’) are available and which are not available.

check_inputs(mainPath, country, type = "raw")

Let’s download the lakes from OSM before processing the inputs.

download_osm(mainPath, country, "waterPolygons", alwaysDownload = TRUE, mostRecent = TRUE, defaultClasses = TRUE)

Process layers

The following function allows to process any input layer and copy it to its corresponding folder. A ‘processed’ boundary shapefile is required for processing any other inputs. A ‘processed’ population raster is required for processing any other raster. These conditions are taken into account and the processing of these layers is performed even if they are not selected and if ‘processed’ layers are not available. These are the specific parameters:

  • selectedInputs character; vector indicating the inputs to be processed. Raw inputs must be available. Argument can be set to “All” to consider all the available ‘raw’ inputs. If NULL, the user is interactively asked to select the available inputs to be processed.

  • mostRecent logical; should the most recent input be selected ? If FALSE and if there are multiple available inputs, the user is interactively asked to select the input based on file creation time.

  • alwaysProcess logical; should always the input be processed ? If alwaysProcess = FALSE and if the input has already been processed, the user is interactively asked whether they want to process it or not.

  • defaultMethods logical; should be the default methods be used for projecting and resampling, respectively. For the population raster, these are the ‘bilinear’ method for projecting and the ‘sum’ or the ‘bilinear’ for the resampling, depending on if the new resolution is lower or higher. For the landcover raster, the ‘near’ method is used for both the projection and resampling. For the the DEM, the ‘bilinear’ method is used for both the projection and resampling. If FALSE, the user is interactively asked to choose the methods from a list of options.

  • changeRes logical; does the user want to change the raster resolution of the population raster ? If NULL, the resolution is printed and it is interactively asked the user if they want to change it. IF FALSE, there is no resampling.

  • newRes numeric; new resolution in meters. Ignored if the changeRes is FALSE. If NULL and if changeRes is TRUE, the user is interactively asked to provide the new resolution.

  • popCorrection logical; should the raster correction algorithm be run. If it is NULL, the user is interactively asked whether they want to run it or not.

  • gridRes numeric; the resolution of the grid shapefile used for correcting the raster. Ignored if popCorrection is FALSE. If NULL and popCorrection is TRUE, the user is interactively asked to provide the grid resolution.

    process_inputs(mainPath, country, selectedInputs = "All", mostRecent = TRUE, alwaysProcess = TRUE, defaultMethods = TRUE, changeRes = TRUE, newRes = 100, popCorrection = TRUE, gridRes = 3000)

We are asked to add a label after each input is processed which will be append to the processed file name (useful when dealing with multiple inputs).

Label land cover classes (processed landcover required)

The label_landcover function creates a CSV table with landcover codes and labels that can be imported into AccessMod. Besides the common arguments (mainPath, country, mostRecent) we have the defaultLabels logical parameter. It indicates if the Copernicus default labels should be associated with the the landcover raster values. If FALSE, we are interactively asked to enter the label names for each value.

label_landcover(mainPath, country, mostRecent = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, defaultLabels = TRUE)

Processed input compiling

To facilitate the importation of processed inputs into AccessMod, we can use the compile_processed_data function. It compiles the available processed layers and copy them to a new folder called “zToAccessMod”. Different runs of this function will create different sub-folder within the “zToAccessMod” folder.

When mostRecent is TRUE, it is the most recent processed layer that is copied into the new folder.

compile_processed_data(mainPath, country, mostRecent = TRUE)

Once you have the data processed (mandatory) and compiled (optional), you can create a project in AccessMod using the DEM and import the other data using the “Data” module. More information on AccessMod installation and use can be found here:

Other useful functions

Sub-national travel scenarios

We can use the multi_ts function to handle different travel scenarios for different administrative units. It creates an updated merged landcover and an updated travel scenario table. The required inputs are an administrative shapefile, a merged landcover imported from AccessMod, and an Excel (or CSV) table for each travel scenario. The function requires a folder that only contains the required inputs. When running the function, the user is asked to select the attribute table column of the shapefile that refers to each administrative unit, and then to select the travel scenario for each administrative unit.

The adminLayerName parameter is the name of the administrative unit layer (without extension) and the landcoverFile parameter is the file name of the original merged landcover (with extension) imported from AccessMod after using the merge land cover tool. The zones_ts argument refers to an Excel or CSV table that relates the administrative units to the different scenarios. Two columns: the first one has the same name than the field name of the administrative layer attribute table that refers to each administrative unit, and the second one called ‘scenario’. In the first all the different units (as indicated in the attribute table), in the second, the names (without the extension) of the different scenario tables. If set to NULL, the user is interactively asked to assign a scenario to each administrative unit, and a zones_ts table is created.

Let’s see how it works with example data where we have three different travel scenarios for the different regions of Switzerland:

# Replace outDir with the actual path to your output directory
outputFolder <- getwd()
inputPathMulti <- system.file("extdata", "multi_ts_example", package="inAccessMod")
# Have a look at the different travel scenario tables
ts1 <- read.csv(file.path(inputPathMulti, "ts1.csv"))
ts2 <- read.csv(file.path(inputPathMulti, "ts2.csv"))
ts3 <- read.csv(file.path(inputPathMulti, "ts3.csv"))
multi_ts(inputPathMulti, "admin", "raster_land_cover_merged.img", zones_ts = NULL, outputFolder)

Health facilities that provide the best coverage

The hf_best_cov function allows to select the health facilities that offer the best population coverage using their catchments (calculated in AccessMod) and a raster of population. This function also offers the possibility to ensure that N facilities are selected for each administrative unit. The inputs required are the catchment shapefile and the population raster. When we would like to select a minimum number of facilities per administrative unit, we also need the health facility shapefile and the administrative unit shapefile. The outputs are a table with the selected facilities with their names, the population they cover, the cumulative sum of the covered population, and when corresponding, the region they are located in. A bar plot is also generated representing the cumulative sum of the covered population for the selected facilities. The algorithm works recursively. It orders the facility based and the total population located within their catchments, it selects the first facility and removes the population covered in its catchment in case we would have catchments that overlap, to avoid counting the same population multiple times. It repeats the process until the number of facilities to be selected is reached.

Let’s say that we would like to select the 10 ‘best’ facilities in terms of coverage regardless the administrative units they belong to. You will need to have all your inputs in one folder.

# Replace outDir with the actual path to your output directory
outputFolder <- getwd()
inputPathBestCov <- system.file("extdata", "hf_best_cov_example", package="inAccessMod")
hf_best_cov(inputFolder = inputPathBestCov, outputFolder = outputFolder, catchShp = "shape_catchment_ex", popRaster = "raster_population_demo_patients.img", catchHfColName = "name", nTot = 5)

inputFolder is the path of the folder that contains the inputs, outputFolder is the path to the output folder (if NULL, an output folder is created within the inputFolder), catchShp is the name of the catchment shapefile WITHOUT extension, popRaster is the name of the population raster file WITH extension, catchHfColName is the name of the health facility name column in the catchment shapefile, and nTot the number of facilities to be selected.