title | tags | created | modified | ||||||
lib-collab-common-examples-editing-whiteboard-anno |
2022-11-07 15:53:52 UTC |
2022-11-07 17:36:22 UTC |
- 如slate或成熟编辑器都支持binding到不同的协作数据yjs/automerge/sharedb
Why CRDT didn't work out as well for collaborative editing xi-editor
- 研发编辑器不仅要考虑协作,其他功能如find、syntax-highlight对用户体验甚至更重要
- 所以还是要参考成熟编辑器的可复用功能,如copy-paste、import-export、word-excel
https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw-sync-cloudflare /MIT/202408/ts
- This is a production-ready backend for tldraw sync.
- Your client-side tldraw-based app can be served from anywhere you want.
- This backend uses Cloudflare Workers, and will need to be deployed to your own Cloudflare account.
- Each whiteboard is synced via WebSockets to a Cloudflare Durable Object.
- Whiteboards and any uploaded images/videos are stored in a Cloudflare R2 bucket.
- Although unreliated to tldraw sync, this server also includes a component to fetch link previews for URLs added to the canvas.
- This is a minimal setup of the same system that powers multiplayer collaboration for hundreds of thousands of rooms & users on www.tldraw.com
- https://x.com/_adamwiggins_/status/1820787800603533568
- http://tldraw.com (flagship app for the tldraw SDK) has a custom-built sync engine exactly made for the “shared whiteboard” use case. Over the last year it has hosted ~200k multiplayer whiteboards, so def production ready.
- The tldraw team had the idea just to extract that into its own library, and thus tldraw sync was born
https://github.com/feakin/feakin-web /MPLv2/202211/ts/inactive
- Feakin是一个架构资产可视化管理工具。
- 基于 图表即代码 的思想体系,支持导入 Mermaid, PlantUML, Excalidraw, Dot 等图形资产格式。
- stacks: Rust( + WASM) + React + TypeScript
- concepts: Collaboration (CRDT) + DSL (pest.rs) + Graph Engine + Editor Language (Monaco)
https://github.com/lovasoa/whitebophir /1.5kStar/AGPLv2/202211/js
- Online collaborative Whiteboard that is simple, free, easy to use and to deploy
https://github.com/netless-io/netless-app /MIT/202312/ts
- https://netless-io.github.io/netless-app
- Official Apps for the Agora Interactive Whiteboard.
- https://github.com/netless-io/flat /MIT/202401/ts
- https://flat.whiteboard.agora.io/
- Project flat is the Web, Windows and macOS client of Agora Flat open source classroom.
- https://github.com/netless-io/flat-server
- Node.js server for the Agora Flat open source classroom.
https://github.com/tableaunoir/tableaunoir /GPLv3/202312/ts
- https://tableaunoir.github.io/
- online collaborative blackboard tool with fridge magnets available in many languages.
- designed to give lectures. Tableaunoir enables to easily divide your board in panels and navigate panel by panel.
https://github.com/spacedeck/spacedeck-open /AGPLv3/202309/js/inactive
- a web based, real time, collaborative whiteboard application with rich media support
https://github.com/cracker0dks/whiteboard /MIT/202311/js
- a lightweight NodeJS collaborative Whiteboard/Sketchboard which can easily be customized
- Shows remote user cursors while drawing
- Undo/Redo function for each user
- collaborative Whiteboard powered by the [matrix] protocol and infrastructure.
- Real-time whiteboard made with Next. JS and Socket. IO
- 依赖recoil、nextjs、express、socket.io
https://github.com/muaz-khan/Canvas-Designer /202010/inactive
- Collaborative, extendable, JavaScript Canvas2D drawing tool, supports dozens of builtin tools, as well as generates JavaScript code for 2D animations.
- Simple proof of concept realtime collaborative drawing
- All the client-side javascript is vanilla javascript and requires no bundling or external dependencies.
- using Redis PubSub
https://github.com/markboard-io/markboard /MIT/ts
- Wysiwyg markdown whiteboard for note-taking and building team knowledge base.
- Markboard brings together Markdown and Whiteboard for all your writing, diagramming, sketching, and drawing needs in one place
- collaborative whiteboard using socketIO
- 在线电子白板,你画我猜,图片编辑,网页注解
- Canvas app lets you create multiple collaborative virtual whiteboards for free-hand sketching.
- This is the sketch-canvas web client developed to consume the sketch-canvas-api.
- https://github.com/givek/sketch-canvas-api/
- 依赖mongoose、zod
- A collaborative whiteboard powered by WebGL + react-fiber
- Web application for collaborative annotationggg
- 依赖mongodb
- A collaborative whiteboard and a step to revolutionarize classroom education using Open-Source software.
- Open Source collaborative text annotating platform based on React and Django
grida /104Star/Apache2/202206/ts
- https://github.com/gridaco/grida
- https://grida.co/
- Skia based performant live design collaboration & workspace app - redesigned for both designers and developers
https://github.com/cloud-annotations/cloud-annotations /202106/ts/jupyter/inactive
- collaborative open source image annotation tool for teams and individuals.
https://github.com/UniversalDataTool/universal-data-tool /MIT/202205/js/inactive
- Collaborate & label any type of data, images, text, or documents, in an easy web interface or desktop app.
- a web/desktop app for editing and annotating images, text, audio, documents and to view and edit any data defined in the extensible
standard. - Usable on web or as Windows, Mac or Linux desktop application
- Text annotation tool for team collaboration
boardsite /24Star/AGPLv3/202210/ts/画板
- https://github.com/boardsite-io/boardsite
- https://boardsite.io/
- a productivity app for taking notes, annotating documents and collaborating with friends on any device with a browser.
https://github.com/cachapa/crdt_draw /apache2/202309/dart
- https://draw.cachapa.net/
- A collaborative real-time local-first global canvas.
- This project is a demonstration of the family of the Dart-native libraries based on crdt and the WebSocket-based synchronization layer crdt_sync.
- The project is composed of a Flutter-based client optimized for the web, and a simple server that acts as a central orchestrator.
- A set of utilities that enhances a normal HTML
element with collaborative editing capabilities. - The enhanced
is able to render the cursor and selection of other collaborators. - This library has no dependency on Convergence.
- 只依赖textarea-caret,不依赖其他
- A set of utilities that enhances a normal HTML
nextcloud-text /366Star/AGPLv3/202208/js/tiptap/php
- https://github.com/nextcloud/text
- Collaborative document editing using Markdown
- 依赖tiptap.v2, yjs, @_ueberdosis/prosemirror-tables.v1.1.3, markdown-it、vue2、vuex3
https://github.com/munshkr/flok /GPLv3/202404/ts
- https://flok.cc/
- Web-based P2P collaborative editor for live coding sounds and images
- Similar to Etherpad, but focused on code evaluation for livecoding.
- REPL plugins: allows user to locally evaluate code from interpreters (like Haskell, Ruby, Python, etc.)
- Web Plugins, for languages embedded in editor
- Use CodeMirror 6
- Use Yjs for collaborative editor
- nice to have Import external JS libraries dynamically, instead of bundling them with Flok
https://github.com/hivejs/hive /GPLv3/201608/js
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-core /GPLv2
- http://hivejs.org/
- Hive.js is a real-time collaboration platform.
- It supports multiple document types and editors, features unopinionated authentication and authorization
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-editor-text-codemirror
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-editor-html-ckeditor
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-editor-text-textarea
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-editor-richtext-quill
- https://github.com/hivejs/hive-plugin-presence
https://github.com/josephg/statecraft /ISC/201911/ts/inactive
- Statecraft is a protocol and set of tools for interacting with data that changes over time.
- It is the spiritual successor to Sharedb.
- The store guarantees that the data is immutable with respect to time. (So if the data changes, the version number goes up).
- Stores can choose how much historical data to store and return.
- Stores provide a standard set of methods to interact with the data: fetch/mutate/subscribe
- A Statecraft store is more than just a database abstraction
- Unlike traditional transactional databases, Statecraft stores compose together like LEGO. Stores wrap one another
- The philosophy of Statecraft is to "ship the architecture diagram".
- The API is designed to make it easy to re-expose a statecraft store over the network.
- Show FDB: A scalable realtime text editor on top of foundationdb_201901
- I’m working on a realtime data processing pipeline / event sourcing system lately called statecraft. Over the last few days I’ve added foundationdb backend support.
- The current code also re-stores the whole text document with every edit, but this is just because I haven’t tuned it.
https://github.com/Rishabh-malhotraa/caucus /MIT/202405/ts
- https://caucus.rishabhmalhotra.in/
- Realtime Collaborate Editor with Embedded Compiler
- 类似协作codepen
- Built With React Material UI yjs Written in TypeScript
- 依赖knex、pg、yjs、codemirror5、mui.v4
mute /96Star/AGPLv3/202302/ts/rxjs
- https://github.com/coast-team/mute
- https://mutehost.loria.fr/
- a scalable collaborative document editor with CRDT, P2P and E2EE
- MUTE implements a CRDT-based consistency algorithm (LogootSplit) for large scale peer-to-peer collaboration on top of a peer-to-peer message layer (netflux and soon libp2p).
- 示例基于tui-editor.v2、codemirror5、angular
- https://github.com/coast-team/mute-core
- 依赖rxjs、dotted-logootsplit
- https://github.com/coast-team/dotted-logootsplit /MPL
- a delta-based version of LogootSplit with smaller metadata. We provide both op-based and delta-based synchronizations.
https://github.com/cchaonie/collaborative-editor /202401/ts/slate+sharedb
- Learn collaborative softwares by creating a collaborative editor
- The slate handles the UI part, and the sharedb handles the collaborative part.
https://github.com/codezri/react-node-websockets-demo /js
- A simple collaborative document editing app built with React and Node
- Used the react-use-websocket hook/library instead of directly using the inbuilt WebSockets browser API.
- 依赖 react-simple-wysiwyg
https://github.com/SkyGuardian42/piko.space /202406/ts
- Collaborate at the speed of light and seamlessly sync offline work
- tiptap的协作示例
- redis、yjs、tiptap
- 前端依赖tiptap、radix-ui、tanstack-query、yjs、zustand
- 后端依赖trpc、express、yjs、zod
- A real-time collaborative code editor and previewer.
- This project is just for fun and to learn firepad implementation.
web-editor-markdown /90Star/MIT/202211/ts
- https://github.com/Ben-love-zy/web-editor-markdown
- 基于 Web 浏览器,即时渲染的 Markdown 编辑器。它基于 TypeScript 和 vanillajs 打造,并且不依赖任何第三方框架,对中文支持友好
- 提供源码模式、双屏渲染模式、实时编辑模式和只读模式四种渲染模式。
- 如果有需要,它的底层同时也支持了协同编辑的能力,提供了原子操作 Operation 用于扩展协同编辑。
- A CRDT based collaborative markdown editor.
https://github.com/itoumlilt/crdt-md-editor /ts/slate/CouchDB
- React Typescript CRDT based Collaborative Markdown Editor
- A simple minimalist collabrative code editor
- 依赖codemirror5
- WebSocket client for react and Node
https://github.com/we-miks/collaborative-editor /202108/js/inactive
- A collaborative editor that supports authorship display, image uploading placeholder and CJK characters composition based on Quill and ShareDB.
- https://bloki.app/
- 支持在文档上放画板,ui设计友好
- project for a new typesetting system based on web standard technology.
- Vivliostyle Pub is a sub-project of Vivliostyle for enabling book writing, co-editing and publishing in web browsers.
- A buggy way to collaborate on text documents using the Matrix protocol.
https://github.com/iamlemec/elltwo /202304/js/python/inactive
- https://elltwo.io/
- a browser-based platform collaborative technical document creation.
- Collaborative technical document creation: SQLite backend, browser frontend.
- 依赖codemirror6、sequelize7、zip.js、katex
- Markdown, math, images, references, citations. Full text search.
- Articles are written in a simple markup language borrowing elements of Markdown and LaTeX.
- All data is stored in a single SQLite database.
- A real time code editor, with rooms
- Real time collaborative code editor using webrtc
- A collaborative Web IDE with Code Mirror's CRDT Server and Socket.io
- A collaborative, real-time, online coding environment for developers.
- CollabCode Editor: Codemirror and Firepad.
- Video and audio chat: Agora.
- a collaborative online office suite, used within a browser and based on LibreOffice technology.
- a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technolog
https://github.com/tajpure/TextSync /201606/js/inactive
- Synchronize text from client to server based on the rsync algorithm
https://github.com/nelsonic/amemo /GPLv2/202311/elixir/inactive
- https://amemo.fly.dev/
- Adventures in Markdown / Rich Text Editing & Rendering in Phoenix LiveView
EtherSheet /201Star/BSD/201708/js
- https://github.com/ethersheet-collective/EtherSheet
- Online spreadsheet collaboration in real time using node.js.
- Similar to etherpad-lite but its a spreadsheet!
- RCloud is an environment for collaboratively creating and sharing data analysis scripts.
- RCloud lets you mix analysis code in R, HTML5, Markdown, Python, and others.
- RCloud provides a notebook interface that lets you easily record a session and annotate it with text, equations, and supporting images.
- We are building a collaborative platform to create and collect key datasets.
https://github.com/slashbaseide/slashbase /ts/go
- Slashbase is an open-source minimal collaborative IDE for your databases in browser.
- It's written in Golang and Nextjs React Framework and runs as a single binary.
- Connect to your database, browse data, run a bunch of queries or share queries within your team, right from your browser.
- Works with two types of databases: PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
- Collaborative workspaces for exploring the world of math
- uses React.js and Redux.js, express and sockets.io.
- Fullstack Canvas Drawing App and TypeScript Starter Template
- A collaborative real-time white- and kanban board
- 依赖knex