Fullstack Blog application LIVE DEMO
- Users 🌟
- Posts 🌟
- Authentication 🌟
This fullstack application supports user profiles, users can post and all the functionality is allowed based on authentication and authorization.
- Backend
- MongoDB
- Node
- Express
- Frontend
- React
- Redux
Key tools/workflows used
- Backend
- mongoose v^5.12.13 -> ODM to communicate with mongoDB running in mongoDB atlas
- express v^4.17.1 -> to create web-application
- express-jwt v^6.0.0 -> for setting auth to request object
- jsonwebtoken -> to create json tokens for users
- bcrypt -> to generate secure passwords for users
- Frontend
- React -> using create-react-app
- Redux, react-redux -> for state management and hooks to update state
- redux-thunk -> for dispatching asynchronous actions
- Custom Hooks -> custom react hooks to manage form-data and other stateful components
- React-Bootstrap -> for styling and ui components
- Sign-up / Register an account
- Login/Logout
- Users
- List all users
- Create new user
- Read a single user
- Update a user
- remove a user
- Posts
- List all posts
- Create new post
- Read a single post
- Upadte a post (like, comment)
- Auth
- Authentication
- Authorization
- All actions on the site are validated based on the authentication and authorization of a user