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--- a/.github/styles/Vocab/Docs/accept.txt
+++ b/.github/styles/Vocab/Docs/accept.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Azure
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ Liferay
diff --git a/articles/configuration/development-mode/index.asciidoc b/articles/configuration/development-mode/index.adoc
similarity index 88%
rename from articles/configuration/development-mode/index.asciidoc
rename to articles/configuration/development-mode/index.adoc
index df6df7fd8c..ed4c3004a3 100644
--- a/articles/configuration/development-mode/index.asciidoc
+++ b/articles/configuration/development-mode/index.adoc
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ When running with the frontend development server, JavaScript and CSS and other
== Faster Starts by Pre-Compiling
-The build and start-up time can be decreased significantly if no frontend installation or compilation is made. This means not installing the tools Node.js, npm/pnpm. It also means not downloading npm packages, or running the Vite development server.
+The build and start-up time can be decreased significantly if no frontend installation or compilation is made. This means not installing the tools Node.js, npm/pnpm/bun. It also means not having to download npm packages, or running the Vite development server.
-If your project uses only the standard Vaadin Flow components or third-party Vaadin add-ons (e.g., from Vaadin Directory) without client code, Vaadin skips frontend compilation and uses the default themes and frontend files shipped with the Vaadin platform.
+If your project uses only the standard Vaadin Flow components or third-party Vaadin add-ons (e.g., from the Vaadin Directory) without client code, Vaadin skips frontend compilation and uses the default themes and frontend files shipped with the Vaadin platform.
-Adding any custom JavaScript/TypeScript or add-ons with frontend customizations to a project can trigger the frontend re-compilation using Vite during the next start-up of the application. Any new or missing frontend packages are downloaded using npm/pnpm before building. Vaadin automatically does this, and spots the frontend customizations.
+Adding any custom JavaScript/TypeScript or add-ons with frontend customizations to a project can trigger the frontend re-compilation using Vite the next time the application is started. Any new or missing frontend packages are downloaded using npm/pnpm/bun before building. Vaadin does this automatically, and spots the frontend customizations.
Making a new frontend bundle takes time. However, the generated frontend files are compressed to the `src/main/bundles/prod.bundle` file inside the project’s root. This file can be added to the Version Control System, which allows other developers to fetch the application bundle and thereby run it.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ The application bundle is the same as the default bundle, but it's made for a sp
Vaadin generates an application bundle in the following situations:
-- An npm/pnpm package is added with `@NpmPackage`, or directly into [filename]`package.json`;
+- An npm package is added with `@NpmPackage`, or directly into [filename]`package.json`;
- CSS or JavaScript is added with `@CssImport`, `@JsModule`, or `@JavaScript`;
- Vaadin add-on with frontend customizations is added;
- Custom theme packaged as a `JAR` dependency is added, if it defines any assets to be added to the project; or
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ When working with a frontend heavy project, there can be a frontend development
Vaadin uses Vite to quicken frontend development by enabling the client-side live reload. By doing this, JavaScript/TypeScript changes are updated immediately in the browser. Vite only re-compiles what has changed, making hot reloads fast.
-Vite installation is made through npm/pnpm. Running Vite requires Node.js. See <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/node-js#,Node.js installation>> and <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm#,Configuring frontend package manager>> for more information.
+Vite installation is made through npm/pnpm/bun. Running Vite requires Node.js. See <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/node-js#,Node.js installation>> and <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm-bun#,Configuring frontend package manager>> for more information.
This mode is recommended if components or views use <<{articles}/create-ui/templates#,Templates>> and are edited often. This mode is used when the configuration parameter `frontend.hotdeploy` is set to `true` (see <<{articles}/configuration/properties#,Configuration Properties>> for more information).
diff --git a/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm-bun.adoc b/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm-bun.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..702c485b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm-bun.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+title: npm/pnpm/bun
+description: Configuring the frontend package manager.
+order: 20
+= Configuring npm/pnpm/bun
+https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm[npm] is the recommended and default package manager for Vaadin projects. This page explains how to configure npm and how to change to an alternative package manager (i.e., pnpm or bun).
+== Install a Custom Package
+To install a custom frontend package into your project with `npm`, run `npm i xxx`. For example, to add the `mobx` package as a dependency in [filename]`package.json` as well as install it into `node_modules`, run the following command in the project directory:
+npm i mobx
+Vaadin expects transitive platform dependencies to be available directly under `node_modules`.
+Vaadin uses the `npm` https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/configuring-npm/package-json#overrides[overrides feature] (since `npm` 8.3.0) to lock the transitive platform dependencies versions.
+== Switch Among npm, pnpm & bun
+`npm` is used as the default frontend package manager. Vaadin also supports using https://pnpm.io[_pnpm_] (also known as, _performant npm_). To switch to `pnpm`, you can set the `vaadin.pnpm.enable` system property to `true`.
+When using `pnpm`, the framework installs it locally using `npm` if it isn't installed globally. The [filename]`package-lock.json` file that's used by `npm` is incompatible with `pnpm` and is removed automatically if `pnpm` is used. `pnpm` uses the [filename]`pnpm-lock.yaml` file instead of [filename]`package-lock.json`. Any custom dependency configurations should go to [filename]`pnpm-lock.yaml`.
+Using https://bun.sh[_bun_] is also supported by Vaadin. With bun, packages are cached locally by default and linked -- instead of downloaded -- for every project. This results in reduced disk space usage, and faster recurring builds compared to npm. To switch to `bun`, you can set the `vaadin.bun.enable` system property to `true`.
+When using bun, a https://bun.sh/docs/install/lockfile[_binary lockfile_] named [filename]`bun.lockb` is used when `bun install` is run. This lockfile is not included in or used from Vaadin development bundle.
+Vaadin does not support automatic installation of bun - instead please follow the https://bun.sh/package-manager[_installation instructions_].
+=== Switching in a Spring Boot Project
+For a Spring Boot-based project, you can add `vaadin.pnpm.enable = true` or `vaadin.bun.enable = true` to the [filename]`application.properties` file.
+=== Switching in a Plain Java or JavaEE Project
+For a plain Java or a JavaEE-based project, you can set the `pnpmEnable` or `bunEnable` configuration property inside the `vaadin-maven-plugin`.
+.Enable pnpm (plain Java / JavaEE)
+ com.vaadin
+ vaadin-maven-plugin
+ ${project.version}
+ prepare-frontend
+ true
+.Enable bun (plain Java / JavaEE)
+ com.vaadin
+ vaadin-maven-plugin
+ ${project.version}
+ prepare-frontend
+ true
+Alternatively, you can use the Servlet 3.0 `@WebServlet` annotation:
+.Enable pnpm (via annotation)
+@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "myservlet", asyncSupported = true, loadOnStartup = 1,
+ initParams = { @WebInitParam(name = "pnpm.enable", value = "true") })
+public class CustomServlet extends VaadinServlet {
+.Enable bun (via annotation)
+@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "myservlet", asyncSupported = true, loadOnStartup = 1,
+ initParams = { @WebInitParam(name = "bun.enable", value = "true") })
+public class CustomServlet extends VaadinServlet {
+or use the traditional [filename]`web.xml` file:
+.Enable pnpm (via web.xml)
+ myservlet
+ com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet
+ 1
+ pnpm.enable
+ true
+ myservlet
+ /*
+.Enable bun (via web.xml)
+ myservlet
+ com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet
+ 1
+ bun.enable
+ true
+ myservlet
+ /*
+For more about how to set properties, see <<{articles}/configuration/properties#,Configuration Properties>>.
diff --git a/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm.asciidoc b/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index fd29dc3e5d..0000000000
--- a/articles/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-title: npm/pnpm
-description: Configuring the frontend package manager.
-order: 20
-= Configuring npm/pnpm
-https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm[npm] is the recommended and default package manager for Vaadin projects. This page explains how to configure this package manager.
-== Install a Custom Package
-To install a custom frontend package into your project with `npm`, run `npm i xxx`.
-For example, to add the `mobx` package as a dependency in [filename]`package.json` as well as install it into `node_modules`, run the following command in the project directory:
-npm i mobx
-Vaadin expects transitive platform dependencies to be available directly under `node_modules`.
-Vaadin uses the `npm` https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/configuring-npm/package-json#overrides[overrides feature] (since `npm` 8.3.0) to lock the transitive platform dependencies versions.
-== Switch between npm and pnpm
-`npm` is used as the default frontend package manager.
-Vaadin also supports using https://pnpm.io[_pnpm_] (also known as _performant npm_).
-To switch to `pnpm`, you can set the `vaadin.pnpm.enable` system property to `true`.
-When using `pnpm`, the framework installs it locally using `npm` if it isn't installed globally.
-The [filename]`package-lock.json` file that's used by `npm` is incompatible with `pnpm` and is removed automatically if `pnpm` is used.
-`pnpm` uses the [filename]`pnpm-lock.yaml` file instead of [filename]`package-lock.json`.
-This means that any custom dependency configurations should go to [filename]`pnpm-lock.yaml`.
-=== Switch between npm and pnpm in a Spring Boot Project
-For a Spring Boot-based project, you can add `vaadin.pnpm.enable = true` to the [filename]`application.properties` file.
-=== Switch between npm and pnpm in a Plain Java or JavaEE Project
-For a plain Java or a JavaEE-based project, you can set the `pnpmEnable` configuration property inside the `vaadin-maven-plugin`.
- com.vaadin
- vaadin-maven-plugin
- ${project.version}
- prepare-frontend
- true
-Alternatively, you can use the Servlet 3.0 `@WebServlet` annotation:
-@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "myservlet", asyncSupported = true, loadOnStartup = 1,
- initParams = { @WebInitParam(name = "pnpm.enable", value = "true") })
-public class CustomServlet extends VaadinServlet {
-or use the traditional [filename]`web.xml` file:
- myservlet
- com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet
- 1
- pnpm.enable
- true
- myservlet
- /*
-For more about how to set properties, see <<{articles}/configuration/properties#,Configuration Properties>>.
diff --git a/articles/configuration/properties.adoc b/articles/configuration/properties.adoc
index 3e9e57626c..11f224eb46 100644
--- a/articles/configuration/properties.adoc
+++ b/articles/configuration/properties.adoc
@@ -159,7 +159,11 @@ The following table contains the properties that are defined in the [classname]`
-|Enables `pnpm`, instead of `npm`, to resolve and download frontend dependencies. It's set by default to `false` since `npm` is used typically. Set it to `true` to enable `pnpm`. See <> for more information.
+|Enables `pnpm`, instead of `npm`, to resolve and download frontend dependencies. It's set by default to `false` since `npm` is used typically. Set it to `true` to enable `pnpm`. See <> for more information.
+|Enables `bun`, instead of `npm`, to resolve and download frontend dependencies. It's set by default to `false` since `npm` is used typically. Set it to `true` to enable `bun`. See <> for more information.
@@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ The following table contains the properties that are used only by the Vaadin Mav
-|Determines whether `npm ci` is run, instead of `npm i`, for production frontend builds. If you use `pnpm`, the install command runs with the `--frozen-lockfile` parameter. The build fails if the [filename]`package.json` and [filename]`package-lock.json` files have mismatching versions.
+|Determines whether `npm ci` is run, instead of `npm i`, for production frontend builds. If you use `pnpm` or `bun`, the install command runs with the `--frozen-lockfile` parameter. The build fails if the [filename]`package.json` and the lockfile have mismatching versions.
diff --git a/articles/create-ui/web-components/index.asciidoc b/articles/create-ui/web-components/index.adoc
similarity index 97%
rename from articles/create-ui/web-components/index.asciidoc
rename to articles/create-ui/web-components/index.adoc
index fafa571d55..e22003af6b 100644
--- a/articles/create-ui/web-components/index.asciidoc
+++ b/articles/create-ui/web-components/index.adoc
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ To use a Web Component in Vaadin, you first have to load the HTML, JavaScript, a
The Web Component's client-side files -- typically JavaScript module files -- are available using https://www.npmjs.com/[npm], which Vaadin supports by default. It automatically installs and uses `npm` packages. It also serves the static files to the browser.
-.Using pnpm instead of npm
+.Using pnpm or bun instead of npm
-Vaadin also supports using https://www.npmjs.com/package/pnpm[pnpm] (known as _performant npm_). See <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm#,Configuring npm/pnpm>> for details.
+Vaadin also supports using https://www.npmjs.com/package/pnpm[pnpm] (known as _performant npm_) or https://bun.sh[_bun_]. See <<{articles}/configuration/development-mode/npm-pnpm-bun#,Configuring npm/pnpm/bun>> for details.
== Integrating a JS Module into Vaadin
diff --git a/articles/guide/start/gradle.asciidoc b/articles/guide/start/gradle.adoc
similarity index 99%
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index 0f9d129cff..2df8acd87c 100644
--- a/articles/guide/start/gradle.asciidoc
+++ b/articles/guide/start/gradle.adoc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Starting a Vaadin Project with Gradle
-description: How to start a Vaadin project with the build tool, Gradle.
+description: Starting a Vaadin project with the build tool, Gradle.
tab-title: Gradle
order: 500
@@ -523,6 +523,9 @@ Use `pnpm` for installing `npm` frontend resources. Defaults to `false`.
`useGlobalPnpm: Boolean = false`::
Use the globally installed `pnpm` tool or the default supported `pnpm` version. Defaults to `false`.
+`bunEnable: Boolean = false`::
+Use `bun` for installing `npm` frontend resources. Defaults to `false`.
`requireHomeNodeExec: Boolean = false`::
Force use of Vaadin home node executable. If it's set to `true`, Vaadin home node is checked, and installed if absent. This is then be used instead of the globally or locally installed node.
diff --git a/articles/production/production-build.adoc b/articles/production/production-build.adoc
index d203a1246f..d5996d5dc3 100644
--- a/articles/production/production-build.adoc
+++ b/articles/production/production-build.adoc
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Executing this line builds a `JAR` or `WAR` file, with all of the dependencies a
If no add-ons or frontend files are used in the application, the previous command uses a pre-compiled production bundle to eliminate the need to run frontend tools like `npm` and Vite. However, frontend tools are still used to generate an application-specific bundle in the following situations:
-- An `npm`/`pnpm` package is added with `@NpmPackage`, or provided directly through [filename]`package.json`;
+- An `npm` package is added with `@NpmPackage`, or provided directly through [filename]`package.json`;
- CSS or JavaScript is added with `@CssImport`, `@JsModule`, or `@JavaScript`;
- Vaadin add-on with frontend customizations is added;
- Custom theme packaged as a `JAR` dependency is included, if it defines any assets to be added to the project;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ By default, Vaadin uses `npm install` to install frontend packages. This can be
-When set, Vaadin interrupts package installation if it spots any mismatch between package versions in the [filename]`package.json` and [filename]`package-lock.json` files. It'll then recommend re-running `npm install`. This makes production builds in the CI pipelines reproducible, enabling you to identify problems in advance.
+When set, Vaadin interrupts package installation if it spots any mismatch between package versions in the [filename]`package.json` and the lock file. It'll then recommend re-running `npm install`. This makes production builds in the CI pipelines reproducible, enabling you to identify problems in advance.
== Enabling Production Builds