- Running
sh kops_gpu_setup.sh
will add GPU Instances to the Cluster. - Wait for Nodes to become part of cluster.
- Running
sh gpu_setup/nvidia_one_time_setup.sh
will add the NVIDIA Deamonset as a part of Kube Systems. - Validate GPUS are Working :
kubectl create -f gpu_setup/tf_pod.yml
- You need to wait for sometime. The Plugin takes time to load and start scheduling.
# Check that nodes are detected to have GPUs
kubectl describe nodes|grep -E 'gpu:\s.*[1-9]'
# Check the logs of the Tensorflow Container to ensure that it ran
kubectl logs tf-gpu
# Show GPU info from within the pod
# Only works in DevicePlugin mode
kubectl exec -it tf-gpu nvidia-smi
# Show Tensorflow detects GPUs from within the pod.
# Only works in DevicePlugin mode
kubectl exec -it tf-gpu -- \
python -c 'from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib; print(device_lib.list_local_devices())'
Kops using the gpu_setup/gpu_instance.yml file to Configure the GPU Instances on AWS joininig the Cluster.
- Tested ON :
- Kubernetes Version 1.15.x, 1.16.x
- Tested ON :
Cuda Libraries v10.2. Credits
To use Cuda 9.1 change the below in gpu_setup/gpu_instance.yml
- execContainer:
image: dcwangmit01/nvidia-device-plugin:0.1.0
kops delete ig gpu-nodes
- Test Cuda Support for v10.2, 9.1
- https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/kubernetes/kubernetes-upstream/index.html
- https://github.com/NVIDIA/deepops/blob/master/docs/kubernetes-cluster.md
- https://docs.nvidia.com/ngc/ngc-ami-release-notes/index.html
- https://medium.com/@RouYunPan/how-to-use-tensorflow-gpu-with-docker-2b72f784fdf3
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/tree/master/hooks/nvidia-device-plugin