diff --git a/docs/services/ml/upload-training-script.md b/docs/services/ml/upload-training-script.md
index 0ff1f9e3f1..b6581e9fae 100644
--- a/docs/services/ml/upload-training-script.md
+++ b/docs/services/ml/upload-training-script.md
@@ -15,63 +15,70 @@ Follow this guide to create, upload, and submit your Python script that loads a
## Create a training script
You must save your training script in the `tar.gz` format to run in the Viam ML training service.
-Create a Python source distribution `tar.gz` file that contains all of the training code for training your model:
+Follow this guide to prepare a Python source distribution `tar.gz` file that contains the training code for training your model.
-1. Include an entrypoint file that contains the main logic at a predetermined location like model/training.py.
- This script must take as command line inputs a `dataset_file` and `model_output_directory` and output the model artifacts it generates to the `model_output_directory`.
+### Create entrypoint file model/training.py
-- The `dataset_file` is a file containing the GCS blob paths and annotations associated with the dataset ID on which the user is training.
-- The `model_output_directory` is the location where the user saves the model artifacts (the TFLite, PyTorch, TF, ONNX files) they produce from training.
+To start, create an entrypoint file that contains the main logic in a file called training.py in a folder called model.
- Parse these within your training script.
- See line 364 in the example script for an example of this.
- Then, read in the dataset and prepare the data for training, build and compile the model, train the model on the data, and save the model artifact to Google Container Storage (GCS).
+Add the following logic to your code in training.py:
- For example:
+{{%expand "Step 1: Parse command line inputs" %}}
-{{%expand "Click to view example training.py" %}}
+This script must take as command line inputs a `dataset_file` and `model_output_directory`.
+The `dataset_file` is a file containing the data and metadata for the training job and the `model_output_directory` is the location where the user-defined model artifacts (the TFLite, PyTorch, TF, ONNX files) produced from training are saved to.
+Parse these arguments in your training script as follows:
```python {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers" data-line="364"}
-import argparse
-import json
-import os
-import typing as ty
-import tensorflow as tf
-from keras import Model, callbacks
-import numpy as np
+# This parses the required args for running the training script.
+# You can use the data JSON to parse the images and their annotations for the specified dataset.
+# You can use the model directory for saving model artifacts associated with the model name and version.
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--dataset_file", dest="data_json", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("--model_output_directory", dest="model_dir", type=str)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ model_dir = args.model_dir
+ data_json = args.data_json
+ return model_dir, data_json
+{{% /expand%}}
+{{%expand "Step 2: Parse annotations from dataset file" %}}
-metrics_filename = "model_metrics.json"
-labels_filename = "labels.txt"
+The `dataset_file` is a file generated by Viam containing the file path and annotations associated with the dataset ID on which the user is training.
+The annotations are formatted as follows:
- tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS, # enable TensorFlow Lite ops.
- tf.lite.OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS, # enable TensorFlow ops.
+```json {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers"}
+{"image_path": "/path/to/data/data1.jpeg", "bounding_box_annotations":[{"annotation_label":"blue_star","x_min_normalized":0.38175675675675674,"x_max_normalized":0.5101351351351351,"y_min_normalized":0.35585585585585583,"y_max_normalized":0.527027027027027}], "classification_annotations": [{"annotation_label": "blue_star"}]}
+{"image_path": "/path/to/data/data2.jpeg", "bounding_box_annotations":[{"annotation_label":"blue_star","x_min_normalized":0.2939189189189189,"x_max_normalized":0.4594594594594595,"y_min_normalized":0.25225225225225223,"y_max_normalized":0.5495495495495496}], "classification_annotations": [{"annotation_label": "blue_star"}]}
+{"image_path": "/path/to/data/data3.jpeg", "bounding_box_annotations":[{"annotation_label":"blue_star","x_min_normalized":0.03557312252964427,"x_max_normalized":0.2015810276679842,"y_min_normalized":0.w30526315789473685,"y_max_normalized":0.5368421052631579}, {"annotation_label":"blue_square","x_min_normalized":0.039525691699604744,"x_max_normalized":0.2015810276679842,"y_min_normalized":0.2578947368421053,"y_max_normalized":0.5473684210526316}], "classification_annotations": [{"annotation_label": "blue_star"}, {"annotation_label": "blue_square"}]}
+With classification annotations like this:
+```json {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers"}
+"classification_annotations": [{"annotation_label": "blue_star"}, {"annotation_label": "blue_square"}]}
-# Normalization parameters are required when reprocessing the image.
-_INPUT_NORM_STD = 127.5
+And bounding box annotations looking like this:
-# IMPORTANT: One of the following two helper functions
-# must be included in your training script depending on the
-# type of model you're training.
-# This is used for parsing the dataset file produced and stored in Viam.
+```json {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers"}
+In your training script, you must parse the dataset file for the classification or bounding box annotations.
+Use the following functions:
+```python {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers" data-line="364"}
+# This is used for parsing the dataset file produced and stored in Viam, specifically for getting the label annotations
def parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
filename: str, all_labels: ty.List[str]
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str]]:
- """Load and parse the dataset JSON file to return
- image filenames and corresponding labels.
+ """Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames and corresponding labels.
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and labels
- model_type: either 'single_label' or 'multi_label'
+ all_labels: list of all labels present in dataset
image_filenames = []
image_labels = []
@@ -89,13 +96,12 @@ def parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
return image_filenames, image_labels
+# This is used for parsing the dataset file produced and stored in Viam, specifically for getting the bounding box annotations
def parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json(
filename: str,
all_labels: ty.List[str],
) -> ty.Tuple[ty.List[str], ty.List[str], ty.List[ty.List[float]]]:
- """Load and parse the dataset JSON file to return image filenames
- and corresponding labels with bboxes.
+ """Load and parse JSON file to return image filenames and corresponding labels with bboxes.
filename: JSONLines file containing filenames and bboxes
@@ -106,15 +112,14 @@ def parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json(
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for line in f:
json_line = json.loads(line)
- image_filenames.append(json_line["image_path"])
+ image_filenames.append(json_line["image_path"]))
annotations = json_line["bounding_box_annotations"]
labels = []
coords = []
for annotation in annotations:
if annotation["annotation_label"] in all_labels:
- # Store coordinates in rel_yxyx format
- # so that we can use the keras_cv function
+ # Store coordinates in rel_yxyx format so that we can use the keras_cv function
@@ -126,309 +131,29 @@ def parse_filenames_and_bboxes_from_json(
return image_filenames, bbox_labels, bbox_coords
+{{% /expand%}}
+{{%expand "Step 3: Add logic to produce model artifact" %}}
-def get_neural_network_params(
- num_classes: int, model_type: str
-) -> ty.Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
- """Function that returns units and activation used for the last layer
- and loss function for the model,
- based on number of classes and model type.
- Args:
- labels: list of labels corresponding to images
- model_type: string single-label or multi-label for desired output
- """
- # Single-label Classification
- if model_type == single_label:
- units = num_classes
- activation = "softmax"
- loss = tf.keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy
- metrics = (
- tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy(),
- tf.keras.metrics.Precision(),
- tf.keras.metrics.Recall(),
- )
- # Multi-label Classification
- elif model_type == multi_label:
- units = num_classes
- activation = "sigmoid"
- loss = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy
- metrics = (
- tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy(),
- tf.keras.metrics.Precision(),
- tf.keras.metrics.Recall(),
- )
- return units, activation, loss, metrics
-def preprocessing_layers_classification(
- img_size: ty.Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256)
-) -> ty.Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
- """Preprocessing steps to apply to all images passed through the model.
- Args:
- img_size: optional 2D shape of image
- """
- preprocessing = tf.keras.Sequential(
- [
- tf.keras.layers.Resizing(
- img_size[0], img_size[1], crop_to_aspect_ratio=False
- ),
- ]
- )
- return preprocessing
-def decode_image(image):
- """Decode the image as an uint8 dense vector.
- Args:
- image: the image file contents as a tensor
- """
- return tf.image.decode_image(
- image,
- channels=3,
- expand_animations=False,
- dtype=tf.dtypes.uint8,
- )
-def check_type_and_decode_image(image_string_tensor):
- """Parse an image from GCS and decode it.
- Ungzip the image from GCS if zipped.
- Args:
- image_string_tensor: the tensored form of an image gcs string
- """
- # Read an image from gcs
- image_string = tf.io.read_file(image_string_tensor)
- return decode_image(image_string)
-def encoded_labels(
- image_labels: ty.List[str], all_labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str
-) -> tf.Tensor:
- if model_type == single_label:
- encoder = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(
- vocabulary=all_labels, num_oov_indices=0, output_mode="one_hot"
- )
- elif model_type == multi_label:
- encoder = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(
- vocabulary=all_labels, num_oov_indices=0, output_mode="multi_hot"
- )
- return encoder(image_labels)
-def parse_image_and_encode_labels(
- filename: str,
- labels: ty.List[str],
- all_labels: ty.List[str],
- model_type: str,
- img_size: ty.Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256),
-) -> ty.Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
- """Returns a tuple of normalized image array and hot encoded labels array.
- Args:
- filename: string representing path to image
- labels: list of up to N_LABELS associated with image
- all_labels: list of all N_LABELS
- model_type: string single_label or multi_label
- """
- image_decoded = check_type_and_decode_image(filename)
- # Resize it to fixed shape
- image_resized = tf.image.resize(image_decoded, [img_size[0], img_size[1]])
- # Convert string labels to encoded labels
- labels_encoded = encoded_labels(labels, all_labels, model_type)
- return image_resized, labels_encoded
+After reading in the dataset and preparing the data for training, you can add logic to build and compile the model and train the model on the data.
+The code in this part of your script depends on the type of ML training you are doing.
-def create_dataset_classification(
- filenames: ty.List[str],
- labels: ty.List[str],
- all_labels: ty.List[str],
- model_type: str,
- img_size: ty.Tuple[int, int] = (256, 256),
- train_split: float = 0.8,
- batch_size: int = 64,
- shuffle_buffer_size: int = 1024,
- num_parallel_calls: int = tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE,
- prefetch_buffer_size: int = tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE,
-) -> ty.Tuple[tf.data.Dataset, tf.data.Dataset]:
- """Load and parse dataset from Tensorflow datasets.
- Args:
- filenames: string list of image paths
- labels: list of string lists, where each string list contains up to
- N_LABEL labels associated with an image.
- all_labels: string list of all N_LABELS
- model_type: string single_label or multi_label
- """
- # Create a first dataset of file paths and labels
- if model_type == single_label:
- dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((filenames, labels))
- else:
- dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
- (filenames, tf.ragged.constant(labels))
- )
- def mapping_fnc(x, y):
- return parse_image_and_encode_labels(
- x,
- y,
- all_labels,
- model_type,
- img_size
- )
- # Parse and preprocess observations in parallel
- dataset = dataset.map(mapping_fnc, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls)
- # Shuffle the data for each buffer size
- # Disabling reshuffling ensures items from the training
- # and test set will not get shuffled into each other.
- dataset = dataset.shuffle(
- buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, reshuffle_each_iteration=False
- )
- train_size = int(train_split * len(filenames))
- train_dataset = dataset.take(train_size)
- test_dataset = dataset.skip(train_size)
- # Batch the data for multiple steps
- # If the size of training data is smaller than the batch size,
- # batch the data to expand the dimensions by a length 1 axis.
- # This will ensure that the training data is valid model input
- train_batch_size = batch_size if batch_size < train_size else train_size
- if model_type == single_label:
- train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(train_batch_size)
- else:
- train_dataset = train_dataset.apply(
- tf.data.experimental.dense_to_ragged_batch(train_batch_size)
- )
- # Fetch batches in the background while the model is training.
- train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=prefetch_buffer_size)
- return train_dataset, test_dataset
-# Build the Keras model
-def build_and_compile_classification(
- labels: ty.List[str], model_type: str, input_shape: ty.Tuple[int, int, int]
-) -> Model:
- units, activation, loss_fnc, metrics = get_neural_network_params(
- len(labels), model_type
- )
- x = tf.keras.Input(input_shape, dtype=tf.uint8)
- # Data processing
- preprocessing = preprocessing_layers_classification(input_shape[:-1])
- data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential(
- [
- tf.keras.layers.RandomFlip(),
- tf.keras.layers.RandomRotation(0.1),
- tf.keras.layers.RandomZoom(0.1),
- ]
- )
- # Get the pre-trained model
- base_model = tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB0(
- input_shape=input_shape, include_top=False, weights="imagenet"
- )
- base_model.trainable = False
- # Add custom layers
- global_pooling = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()
- # Output layer
- classification = tf.keras.layers.Dense(
- units,
- activation=activation,
- name="output"
- )
- y = tf.keras.Sequential(
- [
- preprocessing,
- data_augmentation,
- base_model,
- global_pooling,
- classification,
- ]
- )(x)
- model = tf.keras.Model(x, y)
- model.compile(
- loss=loss_fnc,
- optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3),
- metrics=[metrics],
- )
- return model
-def save_labels(labels: ty.List[str], model_dir: str) -> None:
- filename = os.path.join(model_dir, labels_filename)
- with open(filename, "w") as f:
- for label in labels[:-1]:
- f.write(label + "\n")
- f.write(labels[-1])
-def get_rounded_number(val: tf.Tensor, rounding_digits: int) -> tf.Tensor:
- if np.isnan(val) or np.isinf(val):
- return -1
- else:
- return float(round(val, rounding_digits))
-def save_model_metrics_classification(
- loss_history: callbacks.History,
- monitored_val: ty.List[str],
- model_dir: str,
- model: Model,
- test_dataset: tf.data.Dataset,
-) -> None:
- test_images = np.array([x for x, _ in test_dataset])
- test_labels = np.array([y for _, y in test_dataset])
- test_metrics = model.evaluate(test_images, test_labels)
- metrics = {}
- # Since there could be many occurences of the
- # maximum value being monitored,
- # we reverse the list storing the tracked values
- # and take the last occurence.
- monitored_metric_max_idx = (
- len(monitored_val)
- - np.argmax(monitored_val[::-1])
- - 1
- )
- for i, key in enumerate(model.metrics_names):
- metrics["train_" + key] = get_rounded_number(
- loss_history.history[key][monitored_metric_max_idx],
- )
- metrics["test_" + key] = get_rounded_number(
- test_metrics[i],
- )
- # Save the loss and test metrics as model metrics
- filename = os.path.join(model_dir, metrics_filename)
- with open(filename, "w") as f:
- json.dump(metrics, f, ensure_ascii=False)
-# IMPORTANT: You must include a helper function like the following
-# for your framework type that allows you to save
-# the model artifact to Viam, which will be viewable as a registry item
-# for the ML model name and version specified.
+{{% /expand%}}
+{{%expand "Step 4: Save the model artifact the script produces" %}}
+You also need to include in your training.py logic to save the model artifact your training job produces to the `model_output_directory`.
+For example:
+# This allows us to save the model artifact to Viam, which will be viewable as a registry item for the ML model name and version specified
def save_tflite_classification(
model: Model,
model_dir: str,
model_name: str,
target_shape: ty.Tuple[int, int, int],
) -> None:
- # Convert the model to tflite, with batch size 1
- # so the graph does not have dynamic-sized tensors.
+ # Convert the model to tflite, with batch size 1 so the graph does not have dynamic-sized tensors.
input = tf.keras.Input(target_shape, batch_size=1, dtype=tf.uint8)
output = model(input, training=False)
wrapped_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
@@ -440,153 +165,18 @@ def save_tflite_classification(
filename = os.path.join(model_dir, f"{model_name}.tflite")
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # This parses the required args for running the training script.
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--dataset_file", dest="data_json", type=str)
- parser.add_argument("--model_output_directory", dest="model_dir", type=str)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- MODEL_DIR = args.model_dir
- DATA_JSON = args.data_json
- # Set up compute device strategy
- if len(tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU")) > 0:
- strategy = tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy(device="/gpu:0")
- else:
- strategy = tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy(device="/cpu:0")
- IMG_SIZE = (256, 256)
- EPOCHS = 1000
- BATCH_SIZE = 128
- tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE
- ) # Adapt preprocessing and prefetching dynamically
- # Model constants
- NUM_WORKERS = strategy.num_replicas_in_sync
- # Read dataset file
- LABELS = ["orange_triangle", "blue_star"]
- image_filenames, image_labels = parse_filenames_and_labels_from_json(
- )
- # Generate 80/20 split for train and test data
- train_dataset, test_dataset = create_dataset_classification(
- filenames=image_filenames,
- labels=image_labels,
- all_labels=LABELS,
- model_type=multi_label,
- img_size=IMG_SIZE,
- train_split=0.8,
- batch_size=GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE,
- shuffle_buffer_size=SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE,
- num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE,
- prefetch_buffer_size=AUTOTUNE,
- )
- # Build and compile model
- with strategy.scope():
- model = build_and_compile_classification(
- LABELS, multi_label, IMG_SIZE + (3,)
- )
- # Get callbacks for training classification
- callbackEarlyStopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
- # Stop training when `monitor` value is no longer improving
- monitor="binary_accuracy",
- # "no longer improving" being defined
- # as "no better than 'min_delta' less"
- min_delta=1e-3,
- # "no longer improving" being further defined
- # as "for at least 'patience' epochs"
- patience=5,
- # Restore weights from the best performing model,
- # requires keeping track of model weights and performance.
- restore_best_weights=True,
- )
- callbackReduceLROnPlateau = tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(
- # Reduce learning rate when `loss` is no longer improving
- monitor="loss",
- # "no longer improving" being defined as
- # "no better than 'min_delta' less"
- min_delta=1e-3,
- # "no longer improving" being further defined
- # as "for at least 'patience' epochs"
- patience=5,
- # Default lower bound on learning rate
- min_lr=0,
- )
- print(train_dataset)
- # Train model on data
- loss_history = model.fit(
- x=train_dataset,
- epochs=EPOCHS,
- callbacks=[
- callbackEarlyStopping,
- callbackReduceLROnPlateau
- ]
- )
- # Get the values of what is being monitored in the early stopping policy,
- # since this is what is used to restore
- # best weights for the resulting model.
- monitored_val = callbackEarlyStopping.get_monitor_value(
- loss_history.history
- )
- # Save trained model metrics to JSON file
- save_model_metrics_classification(
- loss_history,
- monitored_val,
- model,
- test_dataset,
- )
- # Save labels.txt file
- save_labels(LABELS, MODEL_DIR)
- # Convert the model to tflite
- save_tflite_classification(
- model, MODEL_DIR, "beepboop", IMG_SIZE + (3,)
- )
-{{% /expand%}}.
-2. You must also include in your tarball a setup.py file with installation dependencies to install in the container that runs the training script.
- For example:
-{{%expand "Click to view example setup.py" %}}
-```json {class="line-numbers linkable-line-numbers"}
-from setuptools import find_packages, setup
- name="training",
- version="0.1",
- packages=find_packages(),
- include_package_data=True,
- install_requires=[
- "google-cloud-aiplatform",
- "google-cloud-storage",
- "keras==2.11.0",
- "keras-cv==0.5.0",
- "Keras-Preprocessing==1.1.2",
- "tflite-support",
- ],
{{% /expand%}}
-3. Follow the instructions to [create a `tar.gz` gzip'd tar file from your files](https://docs.python.org/3.10/distutils/sourcedist).
+### Package the training script as a tar.gz source distribution
+Follow the instructions to [create a tar.gz gzip'd tar file](https://docs.python.org/3.10/distutils/sourcedist) from your project.
-You can reference the directory structure of this [example classification training script](https://app.viam.dev/packages/0fbe951e-d4c6-427f-985f-784b7b85842c/manual_testing_byots_classification/ml_training/latest/0fbe951e-d4c6-427f-985f-784b7b85842c).
+{{% alert title="Tip" color="tip" %}}
+You can reference the directory structure of this [example classification training script](https://app.viam.com/packages/e76d1b3b-0468-4efd-bb7f-fb1d2b352fcb/custom-training-classification/ml_training/latest/e76d1b3b-0468-4efd-bb7f-fb1d2b352fcb).
+See model/training.py for an example entrypoint file.
+{{% /alert %}}
## Upload a new training script or new version