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96acd8d · Jan 26, 2022


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File metadata and controls

151 lines (143 loc) · 7.23 KB


  • The respository contains codes to generate dynamic equations for any general serial-manipulator robot given its DH parameters and link masses.
  • The dynamic equation calculator is implemented to calculate dynamic equations of SCARA, PUMA and Stanford-type Manipulators and generate their 3-D simulations.
  • It also contains codes to calculate the forward/inverse kinematics of the three manipulators and implementation of 4 different types of controllers to controller these 3 robots.
  • Requirements: numpy, sympy, matplotlib

Interactive mode and Scripted mode

1. Interactive Mode

  • Use to get side-by-side controllable simulation while passing commands in the command prompt.
  • Starting Interactive Mode:
    1. Open the cloned folder using command prompt.
    2. Start python interactive mode using py/python/python3
    3. Run the following lines:
      from load import*
      arko, arkoCon = load(SCARAManipulator, Multivariable_Position_Controller)
      This loads SCARA Manipulator and controls it using Multivariable_Position_Controller. This will open a window with live animation for the SCARA Manipulator.
    4. Try controlling the animation using these commands:

2. Scripted Mode

  • Use to generate pre-coded response from the simulations, passing command through a python script.
    1. Import the and use load function as done in interactive mode.
    2. Use commands in the script files in a similar manner as used in interactive mode.
    3. Run the python script file.
    4. Refer to for reference.

Folder Structure

│     # To load everything using one file
|     # A test file to ensure working of simulations and controllers
│   │
│   │   # Computed torques feedforward controller
|   |        # Normal feedforward controller
|   |      # Multivariable controller
|   |                # PID Position Controller
|   │
|   │                         # PUMA Manipulator (RRR) 
|   |                        # SCARA Manipulator (RRP)
|   |                     # Stanford Manipulator (RRP)
|   |                        # Tools required to generate dynamic equations



  • Each file contains robot classes with their respective functions.
  • Useful Methods:
    1. set_state: To set the state of the robot.
    2. get_state: To retrieve the state of the robot.
    3. inv_kin: To get joint angles from the end effector position.
    4. set_ee_position: Set the end effector position.
    5. get_ee_position: Get the end effector position.
    6. apply_constant_torques: Apply the defined constant torques for 2 sec of simulation time.
    7. reset: Reset the manipulator position and time.
    8. LiesInWorkspace: Checks if the given point lies in the workspace of the robot.
    9. run: Start the animation.
    10. stop: Stop the animation.


  • Each file contains robot controllers with their respective functions.
  • Useful Methods:
    1. set_K: Set the gains for the controllers.
    2. set_target_state: Set the target states.
    3. achieve_target_state: Achieve the target state.
    4. Achieve_EE_Position: Achieve the given end effector position.
    5. follow_trajectory: Follow a defined trajectory of the robot.

  • Contains the functions used to generate dynamic equations for any general 3D Manipulator.
  • List of functions:
    1. DHMatrix2Homo_and_Jacob

      • Calculates Homogeneous Transform Matrix and Jacobian from the DH parameter matrix.
      • Parameters:
        1. Hmat:
          • DH parameter matrix (nx4); n --> Number of joints
          • Number of links automatically estimated from the size of matrix
          • Each row is of form: theta (rotation about z), d (translation about z), a(translation about x), alpha(rotation about x)
          • First columns of params are frame 0-->1 transformation and last columns are frame (n-1)-->n transformation; n is the end effector frame
        2. prismatic:
          • An array of the joints that are prismatic; Joint corresponding to angle qi is ith joint
      • Returns: A tuple of:
        1. H: Homogenoeous Transformation Matrix of n w.r.t. 0.
        2. J: Jacobian of nth frame for the given joints.
    2. DV_Calculator

      • Calculates the Inertia Matrix (D) and Potential Scalar Function (V) from DHMI Matrix.
      • Parameters:
        1. DHMI Matrix:
          • Dhmi: Dhmi (DH + Mass + Inetria Tensor) array
          [[theta1,      d1,     l1,     alpha1,    m1,     I1],
           [theta2,      d2,     l2,     alpha2,    m2,     I2],
           [theta3,      d3,     l3,     alpha3,    m3,     I3]]
          • Ii is 3x3 inertia tensor of ith link w.r.t. the frame attached to ith link.
        2. g_dir:
          • Direction of gravity
          • Can be 'x', 'y', 'z', '-x', '-y', '-z'
        3. prismatic:
          • An array of the joints that are prismatic: Joint corresponding to qi is ith joint
      • Returns:
        • A tuple of:
          1. D: Inertia Matrix of the robot.
          2. V: Potential Scalar Function of the robot. Considers gravity only.
        • Assumed the centre of mass of link_i to lie at the midpoint of frame_(i-1) and frame_i.
        • DHMI is a matrix with manipulator lengths, link masses passed as constants and joint variables passed as symbolic constants.
        • g_dir is used to calculate the V, specifies the direction of g; Default is taken as -z
        • Can also pass whole DHMI Matrix in terms of symbolic constants.
    3. CG_from_DV

      • Calculates the Christoffel Matrix (C) and Potential Feild Matrix (g_)
      • Parameters:
        1. D: Inertia Matrix
        2. V: Scalar Potential Function
      • Returns:
        • A tuple of:
          1. C: Chritoffel Constants Matrix
          2. g_: Potential Feild Matrix
    4. Dynamic_Equations_from_Dhmi

      • Prints the dynamic equations from DHMI Matrix.
      • Parameters:
        1. DHMI Matrix
        2. g_dir
        3. prismatic
      • Returns:
        1. D: Inertia Matrix
        2. C: Christoffel Matrix
        3. g_: Potential Feild Matrix
    5. q_dot2_array

      • Gives an array of accelerations of joint angles, expressed in terms of joint angles and joint velocities and applied torques.
      • Parameters:
        1. DHMI Matrix
        2. tau: A symbolic matrix containing symbolic constants for torques/forces at the joints.
        3. q_dot: A symbolic matrix containing symbolic constants for angular/linear velocities of the joints.
        4. prismatic
      • Returns:
        • A matrix containing joint accelerations in symbolic form.

Interactive Mode Video
