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Advanced configuration

OpenProject advanced configuration

OpenProject can be configured via environment variables. These are often helpful for automatically deploying production systems.

NOTE: This documentation is for OpenProject on-premises Installations only, if you would like to setup similar in your OpenProject cloud instance, please contact us at [email protected]

NOTE: Using the configuration file config/configuration.yml is depracted and is NOT recommended anymore

Packaged installation

The file /opt/openproject/.env.example contains some information to learn more. Files stored within /etc/openproject/conf.d/ are used for parsing the variables and your custom values to your configuration. Whenever you call openproject config:set VARIABLE=value, it will end up in this folder.

To configure the environment variables such as the number of web server threads, copy the .env.example to /etc/openproject/conf.d/env and add the environment variables you want to configure. The variables will be automatically loaded to the application’s environment.

After changing the file /etc/openproject/conf.d/env the command sudo openproject configure must be issued

If you would like to change only one variable you are able to configure the environment variable by using the following command:

sudo openproject config:set VARIABLE=value

This will write the value of the variable to the file /etc/openproject/conf.d/other.

After the file /etc/openproject/conf.d/other is changed the command sudo openproject configure must be issued

Configuring OpenProject through environment variables is described in detail in the environment variables guide.


one container per process installation

Add your custom configuration to docker-compose.override.yml.

In the compose folder you will also find the file docker-compose.yml which shall NOT be edited.

After changing the file docker-compose.override.yml the command docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d must be issued

To add an environment variable manually to the docker-compose file, add it to the environment: section of the op-x-app definition like in the following example:

version: "3.7"



x-op-restart-policy: &restart_policy
  restart: unless-stopped
x-op-image: &image
  image: openproject/community:${TAG:-12}
x-op-app: &app
  <<: [*image, *restart_policy]
    # ... other configuration
    DATABASE_URL: "${DATABASE_URL:-postgres://postgres:p4ssw0rd@db/openproject?pool=20&encoding=unicode&reconnect=true}"
    # set to true to enable the email receiving feature. See ./docker/cron for more options
    - "${OPDATA:-opdata}:/var/openproject/assets"

# configuration cut off at this point.
# Please use the file at

Alternatively, you can also use an env file for docker-compose like so:

First, add a .env file with some variable:


And then you'll need to pass the environment variable to the respective containers you want to set it on. For most OpenProject environment variables, this will be for x-op-app:

version: "3.7"



x-op-restart-policy: &restart_policy
  restart: unless-stopped
x-op-image: &image
  image: openproject/community:${TAG:-12}
x-op-app: &app
  <<: [*image, *restart_policy]
    # ... more environment variables

# configuration cut off at this point.
# Please use the file at

Let's say you have a file with some production-specific configuration. Then, start the services with that special env file specified.

docker-compose --env-file up

Disabling services in the docker-compose file

If you have a docker-compose.override.yml file created, it is also easy to disable certain services, such as the database container if you have an external one running anyway.

To do that, add this section to the file:

      replicas: 0

Configuring OpenProject through environment variables is described in detail in the environment variables guide.

Docker all-in-one container installation

Environment variables can be either passed directly on the command-line to the Docker Engine, or via an environment file:

docker run -d -e KEY1=VALUE1 -e KEY2=VALUE2 ...
# or
docker run -d --env-file path/to/file ...

Configuring OpenProject through environment variables is described in detail in the environment variables guide.

Examples for common use cases

Setting session options

Delete old sessions for the same user when logging in

default: false

To enable, set the configuration option:


Delete old sessions for the same user when logging out

default: true

To disable, set the configuration option:


disable password login

If you enable this option you have to configure at least one omniauth authentication provider to take care of authentication instead of the password login.

All username/password forms will be removed and only a list of omniauth providers presented to the users.

default: false


auth source sso

Can be used to automatically login a user defined through a custom header sent by a load balancer or reverse proxy in front of OpenProject, for instance in a Kerberos Single Sign-On (SSO) setup via apache. The header with the given name has to be passed to OpenProject containing the logged in user and the defined global secret as in $login:$secret.

default: nil

OPENPROJECT_AUTH__SOURCE__SSO="{ header: X-Remote-User, secret: s3cr3t }"

This example in the old configuration.yml looked like this:

  header: X-Remote-User
  # Optional secret to be passed by the header in form
  # of a colon-separted userinfo string
  # e.g., X-Remote-User "username:s3cret"
  secret: s3cr3t
  # Uncomment to make the header optional.
  # optional: true

omniauth direct login provider

Per default the user may choose the usual password login as well as several omniauth providers on the login page and in the login drop down menu. With this configuration option you can set a specific omniauth provider to be used for direct login. Meaning that the login provider selection is skipped and the configured provider is used directly (non-interactive) instead.

If this option is active, a login will lead directly to the configured omniauth provider and so will a click on 'Sign in' (the drop down menu will not open).

To still reach the internal login route for e.g., an internal administrative user, you can manually navigate to /login/internal. This route is only available when the direct login provider is set.

NOTE: This does not stop a user from manually navigating to any other omniauth provider if additional ones are configured.

default: nil


prevent omniauth remapping of existing users

Per default external authentication providers through OmniAuth (such as SAML or OpenID connect providers) are allowed to take over existing accounts if the mapped login is already taken. This is usually desirable, if you have e.g., accounts created through LDAP and want these accounts to be accessible through a SSO provider as well

If you want to prevent this from happening, you can set this variable to false. In this case, accounts with matching logins will need to create a new account.

default: true


Gravatar images

OpenProject uses gravatar images with a 404 fallback by default to render an internal, initials-based avatar. You can override this behavior by setting gravatar_fallback_image to a different value to always render Gravatars

For supported values, please see

default: 404


Attachments storage

You can modify the folder where attachments are stored locally. Use the attachments_storage_path configuration variable for that. But ensure that you move the existing paths. To find out the current path on a packaged installation, use openproject config:get OPENPROJECT_ATTACHMENTS__STORAGE__PATH.

To update the path, use openproject config:set OPENPROJECT_ATTACHMENTS__STORAGE__PATH="/path/to/new/folder". Ensure that this is writable by the openproject user. Afterwards issue a restart by sudo openproject configure

attachment storage type

Attachments can be stored using e.g. Amazon S3, In order to set these values through ENV variables, add to the file :

default: file


backend migration

You can migrate attachments between the available backends. One example would be that you change the configuration from the file storage to the fog storage. If you want to put all the present file-based attachments into the cloud, you will have to use the following rake task:

rake attachments:copy_to[fog]

It works the other way around too:

rake attachments:copy_to[file]

NOTE: that you have to configure the respective storage (i.e. fog) beforehand as described in the previous section. In the case of fog you only have to configure everything under fog, however. Don't change attachments_storage to fog just yet. Instead leave it as file. This is because the current attachments storage is used as the source for the migration.

direct uploads

NOTE: This only works for AWS S3 or S3-compatible storages*. When using fog with another provider this configuration will be false. The same goes for when no fog storage is configured, or when the use_iam_profile option is used in the fog credentials when using S3.

When using fog attachments uploaded in the frontend will be posted directly to the cloud rather than going through the OpenProject servers. This allows large attachments to be uploaded without the need to increase the client_max_body_size for the proxy in front of OpenProject. Also it prevents web processes from being blocked through long uploads.

If, for what ever reason, this is undesirable, you can disable this option. In that case attachments will be posted as usual to the OpenProject server which then uploads the file to the remote storage in an extra step.

default: true


* If not using AWS S3, you will have to explicitly configure remote_storage_upload_host and remote_storage_download_host.

Here is what it would look like if we were to configure the default for AWS S3:"

fog download url expires in

When using remote storage for attachments via fog - usually S3 (see attachments_storage option) - each attachment download will generate a temporary URL. This option determines how long these links will be valid.

The default is 21600 seconds, that is 6 hours, which is the maximum expiry time allowed by S3 when using IAM roles for authentication.

default: 21600


force help link

You can override the default help menu of OpenProject by specifying a force_help_link option to the configuration. This value is used for the href of the help link, and the default dropdown is removed.

deafult: nil


impressum link

You can set a impressum link (legal notice) for your OpenProject instance by setting impressum_link to an absolute URL.

deafult: nil


hidden menu items admin menu

You can disable specific menu items in the menu sidebar for each main menu (such as Administration and Projects). The configuration can be done through environment variables. You have to define one variable for each menu that shall be hidden.

default: {}

For instance 'Roles' and 'Types' under 'Administration' can be disabled by defining the following variable:


The following example disables all menu items except 'Users', 'Groups' and 'Custom fields' under 'Administration':

OPENPROJECT_HIDDEN__MENU__ITEMS_ADMIN__MENU="roles types statuses workflows enumerations settings ldap_authentication colors project_types export_card_configurations plugins info"

blacklisted routes

You can blacklist specific routes

default: []

The following example forbid all routes for the second example at the 'hidden menu items admin menu':

OPENPROJECT_BLACKLISTED__ROUTES="admin/info admin/plugins export_card_configurations project_types colors settings admin/enumerations workflows/* statuses types admin/roles"

disabled modules

Modules may be disabled through the configuration. Just give a list of the module names either as an array or as a string with values separated by spaces.

default: []


local checkout path

default: "repositories"

Remote git repositories will be checked out here.

note: to be verified, maybe option was removed, not in environement variables list

apiv3 enable basic auth

You can control basic auth access to the APIv3 with the following configuration option:

default: true


global basic auth

default: none

You can define a global set of credentials used to authenticate towards API v3:

OPENPROJECT_AUTHENTICATION="{ global_basic_auth: { user: admin, password: adminpw } }"

This example in the old configuration.yml looked like this:

      user: admin
      password: adminpw

security badge displayed

OpenProject provides a release indicator (security badge) that will inform administrators of an OpenProject installation on whether new releases or security updates are available for your platform. If enabled, this option will display a badge with your installation status at Administration > Information right next to the release version, and on the home screen. It is only displayed to administrators.

The badge will match your current OpenProject version against the official OpenProject release database to alert you of any updates or known vulnerabilities. To ensure the newest available update can be returned, the check will include your installation type, current version, database type, enterprise status and an anonymous unique ID of the instance. To localize the badge, the user's locale is sent. No personal information of your installation or any user within is transmitted, processed, or stored.

To disable rendering the badge, uncheck the setting at Administration > System settings > General or pass the configuration flag security_badge_displayed: false .



Cache configuration options

  • rails_cache_store: memcache for memcached or memory_store (default: file_store)
  • cache_memcache_server: The memcache server host and IP (default: nil)
  • cache_expires_in: Expiration time for memcache entries (default: nil, no expiry)
  • cache_namespace: Namespace for cache keys, useful when multiple applications use a single memcache server (default: nil)

rails asset host

rails_asset_host: A custom host to use to serve static assets such as javascript, CSS, images, etc. (default: nil)

onboarding video url

onboarding_video_url: An URL for the video displayed on the onboarding modal. This is only shown when the user logs in for the first time.


enterprise fail fast

If using an Enterprise token there are certain limits that apply. You can configure how these limits are enforced.

If you set fail_fast to true, new users cannot be invited or registered if the user limit has been reached. If it is false then you can still invite and register new users but their activation will fail until the user limit has been increased (or the number of active users decreased).

default: false

OPENPROJECT_ENTERPRISE="{ fail_fast: true }"

Which is the same as:


This example in the old configuration.yml looked like this:

  fail_fast: true

backup configuration

backup enabled

If enabled, admins (or users with the necessary permission) can download backups of the OpenProject installation via OpenProject's web interface or via the API.

default: true


backup attachment size max sum mb

Per default the maximum overall size of all attachments must not exceed 1GB for them to be included in the backup. If they are larger only the database dump will be included.



additional configurations for backup


show community links

If you would like to hide the homescreen links to the OpenProject community, you can do this with the following configuration:




Configuration of the main ruby web server (currently puma). Sensible defaults are provided.


NOTE: Timeouts only are supported when using at least 2 workers.

Two-factor authentication

2fa enforced

You can set the available 2FA strategies and/or enforce or disable 2FA system-wide.

Enforcing 2FA authentication system-wide

To enforce every user requires 2FA, you can use the checkbox under System settings > Authentication > Two-factor authentication. However, if you also want to ensure administrators cannot uncheck this, use the following variable


Setting available strategies

By default, the TOTP strategy for phone authenticator apps is active.

If you have a MessageBird account, you can setup a SMS 2FA by activating that strategy like so:


You can also use Amazon SNS to send SMS for authentication:


To disable 2FA altogether and remove all menus from the system, so that users cannot register their 2FA devices:



default: { host: nil, port: 8125 }

OpenProject can push metrics to statsd. Currently these are simply the metrics for the puma server, but this may include more in the future.

This is disabled by default unless a host is configured.


Other configuration topics

Topic Content
List of supported environment variables The full list of environment variables you can use to override the default configuration
Configuring SSL How to configure SSL so that your OpenProject installation is available over HTTPS
Configuring outbound emails How to configure outbound emails for notifications, etc.
Configuring inbound emails How to configure inbound emails for work package updates directly from an email
Configuring a custom database How to use an external database
Configuring a custom web server How to use a custom web server (e.g. NginX) with your OpenProject installation
Configuring a custom caching server How to use a custom caching server with your OpenProject installation
Configuring Git and Subversion repositories How to integrate Git and Subversion repositories into OpenProject
Adding plugins How to add plugins to your OpenProject installation