YelpCamp is a campground review application where users can explore, review, and share information about campgrounds from around the world. It allows users to create, update, and delete campground listings, as well as leave reviews.
Note: Please be aware that this application is hosted on a free service, which may result in slower loading times, particularly during the initial visit as resources are being allocated.
Visit YelpCamp site -
- View campground listings
- User authentication (login and registration)
- Create new campground listings
- Update campground details
- Delete campground listings
- Leave reviews for campgrounds
- Cluster map showing all campgrounds around the world
- Image upload for campground listings
- Search campground by name or location.
Node.js (v14.17.3)
Express.js (v4.17.1)
MongoDB (v4.4.4)
EJS Templating (v3.1.9)
Bootstrap (v5.1.3)
Passport.js (v0.4.1)
Mapbox SDK (v0.15.3)
.Multer (v1.4.5-lts.1)
Cloudinary (v4.0.0)
dotenv (v16.3.1)
These are the environment variables of this application:
- DB_URL: The connection URL for MongoDB Atlas.
- CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME: Your Cloudinary cloud name.
- CLOUDINARY_KEY: Your Cloudinary API key.
- CLOUDINARY_SECRET: Your Cloudinary API secret.
- MAPBOX_TOKEN: Your Mapbox access token.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.