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Here a summary of frequently asked questions.

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Q: How does μ/log compare to Dropwizard's Metrics/Prometheus/Reimann?

There is some overlapping between Riemann's concepts and µ/log, in fact both systems are event-based systems, although in Riemann the basic event is a metric event (an event that describes or samples a metric) . In µ/log, each event is a free-form, pure, event which means that like in Reimann you have a bunch of categorical properties (tags) which can be used to "slice & dice" the events and group them the way you want, but, in opposition to Riemann, µ/log doesn't constrain the user to a single numerical field. If an event needs multiple numerical properties to describe it fully in µ/log you can pack this information in a single event, is is just data, a free form map.

Another difference is that Riemann's core is a streaming and aggregation engine which allows you to turn raw data into high level (meaningful) insights. µ/log (at this stage) is just a client to produce the raw events.

It is entirely possible to write a µ/log publisher to send µ/log events to Riemann in its expected format.

Regarding Dropwizard's Metrics the difference is more fundamental. Metrics, like many other similar libraries, provides some basic instrumentation tool for a metering system. Events happen on a remote system and get aggregated at the source, then, time to time, the metric is sampled and the sample is sent to a collection system. Because the events are aggregated at the source, you automatically lost the fine-grained high-resolution capabilities to slice & dice the metrics at query time unless you have expressly captured that particular metric separately.

I'm very familiar with this approach, I used it for many years and I even wrote a Clojure wrapper for it (TRACKit!). Some tools like Prometheus try to overcome the lack of categorical dimensions providing a hybrid approach, but still not as rich as µ/log.

The benefits of switching to an event-based system are enormous although not very apparent at the start. Instrumenting your code with a metrics library and produce a rich set of metrics is a very tedious and time consuming. Gathering raw events, is more costly, but much more rich of information compared to metrics.

For example, if you instrument only your webservice request handlers with µ/log you could ask the following questions:

  • how many requests I've received in the last week
  • how many requests by day/hour/minute/second
  • how many requests by user over time
  • how many requests by endpoint overtime
  • how many requests were failures (4xx or 5xx)
  • of the error requests, how many were for a specific endpoint
  • which user issued the failing requests
  • what do they have different than the successful requests
  • which content-type/content-encoding was used
  • what's the latency distribution of the successful request vs the failed requests
  • what's the latency distribution of version X compared to version Y
  • what is the error-rate of version X compared to version Y
  • what's the distribution of the failures by host/jvm
  • what's the status JVM metrics (GC/memory/etc) of failing hosts during that time.
  • what's the repartition of the latencies between internal processing and external connections (db query, caches, etc)

... and much more. All this from 1 single good μ/log instrumentation.

To achieve the same with a metrics system you will need several dozens of metrics to be collected and published.

µ/log works incredibly well with Elasticsearch which is an amazing tool to slice and dice the data the way you need. One side of Elasticsearch which is not very well known is that Elasticsearch has a very fast and robust aggregation engine as well.

The final point is that traditional systems consider logs different from metrics and different from traces (the 3 pillars of observability), in reality, they are all different forms of events. For example, the same events that you use for the logs and you can use to capture metrics can represent traces. In µ/log, if you add the Zipkin publisher you get the traces collected and visualised as follow:

disruption traces

all this just come from simple µ/log instrumentation.

Q: Can I use μ/log as the sole logging library and send my traditional logging to it?

Yes, although I wouldn't recommend it.!

Traditional logs are high-volume low value. The presumption is that there will be a human to consume them. The reality is that most of the logs are only read during the development. Any non trivial application will have so many logs from so many libraries that they are hard to consume at scale. Many companies built very profitable building tools to extract information from the logs. The truth is that logs at scale are useless to find a problem, they are only useful when you already know where to look at.

What if you had to design logs not for human consumption, but for machine-only (or machine-first) consumption? I'm pretty sure that they won't look anything like the traditional logs. Instead they will look more and more like raw data.

For this reason I believe it is more productive and useful to instrument the system with real machine-fist events instead of spending money and time to work on old-fashioned human logs.

However, if you still want to send your old logs via μ/log, you can look at slf4j-mulog which is a SLF4j backend for μ/log.

The upside of using slf4j-mulog is that you can pre-process your logs as data before sending them so you won't need to configure Logstash and you can send logs directly to Elasticsearch.

NOTE: slf4j-mulog is an open-source library developed by Peter Nagy (@xificurC) outside of μ/log distribution.

Q: How do I get μ/log to send the :mulog/duration in milliseconds?

μ/log will send the :mulog/duration in nanoseconds because it uses the monotonic timer with a nanoseconds precision which guarantee the highest precision even on very small measurement.

However, if you want to send the duration in milliseconds instead, you can provide a custom transformation function to the publisher which will be applied to all the events, prior the publishing.

For example, the following snippet starts the console publisher with a transformation which convert the duration into milliseconds.

 {:type :console
  :transform (fn [events]
               (map (fn [{:keys [mulog/duration] :as e}]
                      (if duration
                        (update e :mulog/duration quot 1000000)
                        e)) events))})

Q: Why do I get No reader function for tag mulog/flake?

Flakes are unique 196-bits unique IDs, in Clojure, they are represented as custom tagged literals, for example this is a valid EDN flake:

#mulog/flake "4XQ_3iGMT9DVRa5cYN4iyLGu58SFQcm9"

EDN is an Extensible data format and it allows for custom reader tags. Custom reader tags are handled by the reader, here and excerpt from the Clojure doc:

Reader tags without namespace qualifiers are reserved for Clojure. Default reader tags are defined in default-data-readers but may be overridden in data_readers.clj or by rebinding *data-readers*. If no data reader is found for a tag, the function bound in *default-data-reader-fn* will be invoked with the tag and value to produce a value. If *default-data-reader-fn* is nil (the default), a RuntimeException will be thrown.

So depending on whether the data_readers.clj has been loaded of not you will get different error messages:

For example if you don't have μ/log in your project:

;; no data_readers.clj - possibly missing dependency
;; add [com.brunobonacci/mulog "x.x.x"] to project

user=> (read-string "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\"")
Execution error at user/eval1563 (form-init10114461616665553314.clj:1).
No reader function for tag mulog/flake

Here the JAR is in the classpath, but the namespace isn't loaded.

;; Dependency not loaded, just require the namespace: com.brunobonacci.mulog.flakes
user=> (read-string "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\"")
Execution error (IllegalStateException) at user/eval1558 (form-init10186056973176272264.clj:1).
Attempting to call unbound fn: #'com.brunobonacci.mulog.flakes/read-method

user=> (require 'com.brunobonacci.mulog.flakes)
user=> (read-string "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\"")

#mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR"

However is not recommended to use the clojure.core reader for untrusted code or data, it is recommended to use the clojure.edn namespace with will read the data without attempting to evaluate the forms and symbols.

SOLUTION: So to read μ/log events read as follow:

(require '[com.brunobonacci.mulog.flakes :as f]
         '[clojure.edn :as edn])

 {:readers {'mulog/flake #'com.brunobonacci.mulog.flakes/read-method}}
 "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\"")

#mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR"

ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION: If you don't care about reading the tagged values and you just want to do some unrelated processing and pass it on, then you can always read the EDN raw tag.

;; read it as tagged literal
(binding [*default-data-reader-fn* tagged-literal]
  (read-string "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\""))

#mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR"

;; same as above but when using `clojure.edn`
(edn/read-string {:default tagged-literal }
  "#mulog/flake \"4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR\"")

#mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR"

The difference is that in the first solution you obtain an actual flake while with the second solution you just get at tagged-literal

;; with first solution
(type #mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR")

;; with second solution
(type #mulog/flake "4XQ_3fpCt2-dxDHzqGNjJOub2qZGBmhR")