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This branch is 665 commits behind mobilecoinfoundation/mobilecoin:main.



This is a standalone executable which provides a simple HTTP JSON API wrapping the mobilecoind gRPC API.

It should be run alongside mobilecoind.


Since it is just web server converting JSON requests to gRPC, and it's set up with the mobilecoind defaults, it can simply be launched with:

cargo run

Options are:

  • --listen-host - hostname for webserver, default
  • --listen-port - port for webserver, default 9090
  • --mobilecoind-uri - URI for connecting to mobilecoind gRPC, default insecure-mobilecoind://

Usage with cURL

Set password for DB

To ensure that the DB stores the account keys at rest, you should call "set-password" via mobilecoind-json on startup. This will set the password for the mobilecoinid-db backend. The password should be derived according to your security needs, for example, with argon2. It needs to be 32 bytes long, so 64 characters hex-encoded.

curl -s localhost:9090/set-password -d '{"password": "c7f04fcd40d093ca6578b13d790df0790c96e94a77815e5052993af1b9d12923"}' -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json'

The password can also be changed with the same API endpoint. Once a password has been set, future invocations of mobilecoind would need to have it provided in order to unlock (decrypt) the previously-encrypted database.

curl -s localhost:9090/unlock-db -d '{"password": "c7f04fcd40d093ca6578b13d790df0790c96e94a77815e5052993af1b9d12923"}' -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json'

Generate a new master key

$ curl localhost:9090/entropy -X POST

Generate an account key from entropy

$ curl localhost:9090/entropy/706db549844bc7b5c8328368d4b8276e9aa03a26ac02474d54aa99b7c3369e2e


Add a monitor for a key over a range of subaddress indices

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors \
  -d '{"account_key": {"view_private_key":"e0d42caf6edd0dc8a762c665ad5682a87e0a7159e60653827be3911af49d2b01",
       "first_subaddress": 0, "num_subaddresses": 10}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Get the status of an existing monitor

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>


Remove an existing monitor

$ curl -X DELETE localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>

Check the balance for a monitor and subaddress index

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/balance


Get the public address for a monitor and subaddress

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/public-address

 "b58_address_code": "7Q6gtA5EqSxkEsqsf5p2j7qEHkA8fBZYNsfuWTZTQaFAqo3FPo8PvhrrUobZfXagrLopzpxqxGBs7Hphwhsc56ryWriPWLCRadhRpnZW6AT"}

Simple payment flow

There are two possible ways to make a payment. The simplest option is to use the intended recipient's b58_address_code, which they can get using the call above.

Initiate a transaction to a b58 public address

This call initiates a transfer to a public address encoded as a b58 string. If the call returns successfully, the transaction has been submitted to the network. It returns receipts which you can use in calls below to determine if the transaction succeeded.

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/pay-address-code \
  -d '{"receiver_b58_address_code": "7Q6gtA5EqSxkEsqsf5p2j7qEHkA8fBZYNsfuWTZTQaFAqo3FPo8PvhrrUobZfXagrLopzpxqxGBs7Hphwhsc56ryWriPWLCRadhRpnZW6AT",
       "value": "1"}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

                  "fog_report_url":"", "fog_authority_fingerprint_sig":"", "fog_report_id":""},

If you would like the change from a used TXO returned to a different subaddress, there is an optional field to do so:

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/pay-address-code" \
  -d '{"receiver_b58_address_code": "7Q6gtA5EqSxkEsqsf5p2j7qEHkA8fBZYNsfuWTZTQaFAqo3FPo8PvhrrUobZfXagrLopzpxqxGBs7Hphwhsc56ryWriPWLCRadhRpnZW6AT",
       "value": "1",
       "change_subaddress": "2"}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Check the status of a transaction with a key image and tombstone block

The return value from pay-address-code (and build-and-submit below) can be passed directly to status-as-sender

$ curl localhost:9090/tx/status-as-sender \
  -d '{"sender_tx_receipt":{"key_images":
       "tombstone":2121}, "receiver_tx_receipt_list":[]}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Check the status of a transaction from the receiving side and verify confirmation number

The return value from pay-address-code includes a list called receiver_tx_receipt_list. The appropriate item in the list can be send to the recipient over a separate channel (e.g. a secure chat application) and they can use it to verify that they were paid by the sender.

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/tx-status-as-receiver \
  -d '{"recipient":{"view_public_key":"f460626a6cefb0bdfc73bb0c3a9c1a303a858f0b1b4ea59b154a1aa8d927af71",
                    "fog_report_url":"", "fog_authority_fingerprint_sig":"", "fog_report_id":""},
        "confirmation_number":"190ec89253bf47a05385b24e5b289a3a31127462aad613da9484f77d03986112"}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Request code payment flow

Request codes combine a public address with an requested payment value and a memo field. They can also be encoded in b58 and shared. A potential sender interpreting a b58 request code must first read the information which allows them to verify or modify the value.

Generate a request code from a public address and optional other information

$ curl localhost:9090/codes/request \
  -d '{"receiver": {"view_public_key":"543b376e9d5b949dd8694f065d95a98a89e6f17a20c621621a808605d1904324",
        "value": "10", "memo": "Please pay me"}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Read all the information in a request code

$ curl localhost:9090/codes/request/HUGpTreNKe4ziGAwDNYeW1iayWJgZ4DgiYRk9fw8E7f21PXQRUt4kbFsWBxzcJj12K6atUMuAyRNnwCybw5oJcm6xYXazdZzx4Tc5QuKdFdH2XSuUYM8pgQ1jq2ZBBi

 "value":"10","memo":"Please pay me"}

This JSON can be passed directly to build-and-submit or you can change the amount if desired.

Build and submit a payment from a monitor/subaddress to a request code

Using the information in the read-request, creates and submits a transaction. If this succeeds, funds will be transferred.

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/build-and-submit \
  -d '{"request_data":
        "value":"10","memo":"Please pay me"}}' \
  -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

                  "fog_report_url":"", "fog_authority_fingerprint_sig":"", "fog_report_id":""},

This returns receipt information that can be used by the sender to verify their transaction went through and also receipts to give to the receivers proving that you initiated the transaction. See Check the status of a transaction above.

Get block index by a tx output public key.

$ curl localhost:9090/tx-out/c853d6c33f5801941a312a5f876fa1e1379bb624a3acbdce5a64506522c6c223/block-index


Ledger status endpoints

Ledger totals

$ curl localhost:9090/ledger/local


Counts for a specific block

$ curl localhost:9090/ledger/blocks/1/header


Details about a specific block

$ curl localhost:9090/ledger/blocks/1


Offline Transactions

First, run the mobilecoind binary in offline mode, and run mobilecoind-json, both on the airgapped machine.

Get UnspentTxos

On the airgapped machine, get the utxos in the local ledger.

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor_id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/utxos


On the airgapped machine, generate a tx proposal.

$ curl localhost:9090/monitors/<monitor-id>/subaddresses/<subaddress>/generate-tx \
  -d ‘{“input_list”: [<paste output of utxos response>], “transfer”: ‘$(cat request_code.json)’}’ \
  -X POST -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ > tx_proposal.json

Submit Propsoal

Copy the tx_proposal.json to the internet connected machine, and submit.

$ curl localhost:9090/submit -d $(cat tx_propsoal.json) -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'