provides simple yet flexible tools for documenting Design Systems. This project and its documentation are currently in development and, therefore, are undergoing frequent changes.
This project has not been deployed yet, so it cannot be imported directly at the moment. However, a usage example is being developed and can be consulted in the docs
Refer to our contributing guidelines.
The components
package consists of components that can come in handy for documenting a DS.
You can run yarn storybook:components
to execute Storybook locally and check out some examples of how the components can be used.
Displays the current status of the component, usually stable, experimental, or deprecated, to indicate if it is safe to utilize it.
Provides orientation on how a component should (Dos) and should not (Don'ts) be used.
The andromedocs Gatsby theme provides a framework to build documentation pages with the support of MDX (Markdown + JSX).
Run yarn develop:theme
to run the andromedocs theme in development mode.