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  1. You will always learn much better when you Do-It-Yourself!
  2. Fun
  3. Provide a statement: You Know React


What you are having is...

  • A tiny React, with 2 basic API: createElement & RenderDOM
  • Create 2 Apps, one static and one dynamic (meaning it can update/delete)
  • Using RenderDOM mount the 2 apps to two different nodes on the DOM
  • The DOM tree after rendering would look like this:
  <!-- Static, cannot update except printing things -->
  <div id="static-app">
    <div class="example-static-app">
      This is my Static App
      <h1 class="title">This is a heading</h1>
      <div class="inner-body">
        <p class="text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
        <button>Say Hello</button>

  <!-- Fun part - a dynamic App that can update state & props & stuffs -->
  <div id="dynamic-app">
    <div class="example-dynamic-app">
      This is my Dynamic App
      <h1>This is a dynamic counter: 1</h1>
      <button>Reset counter!</button>
      <!-- if the Counter > 7, there will be a small hint shown bellow -->
      <!-- <h4>Counter > 7 and < 10 <h4> if counter > 7 and < 10 -->
      <!-- <h5>Counter more than 10 <h5> if counter >= 10 -->

Architecture brief

To achieve the target mention above, the generall architecture of your React would consists of

  • A VDOM is a tree of fiber-nodes
  • Text-Node should be a fiber-node as well
  • createElement should return a fiber-node
  • after setState, render a new sub-tree of fiber-nodes and process to diffing
  • diffing algorithm is a recursive run down both trees from the stateful root-node
  • during diffing, Tree-Swap happen when a component's tag has changed, or when a component's children-structure changed
  • when structure remains the same, but attributes change then only update the corresponding nodes

Project status

  • Rendering works!
  • Updating works! (replacing tree or updating individual nodes)
  • Fiber reconciliation - not perfect, but generally it works.
  • JSX ready!
  • Class Component Life-cycle Methods (reserved for studying)
  • Better optimized diffing algorithm (reserved for studying)
  • Hooks (reserved for studying)

Learning instruction

  • You can search in project for all TODO notes to know what needs to do to further enhance your React
  • You can learn and try to implement hooks and component-life-cycle method (before-mount, did-update, memoize etc)
  • Try to optimize diffing algorithm (ref to official doc of React about reconciliation)
  • Add more supported-events for your React




Using this home-made React, you can write your app something like...

const Button = (props: { onClick: EventHandler, text: string }) => {
  return <button onClick={props.onClick}>{props.text}</button>

const Heading = (props: { count: number }) => {
  const text = `This is a dynamic counter: ${props.count}`
  return <h1>{text}</h1>

const SubHeading = (props: { currentCount: number }) => {
  const { currentCount: cnt } = props

  if (cnt > 7 && cnt < 10) {
    return <h4>counter is more than 7 but less than 10, it's a H4</h4>
  if (cnt >= 10) {
    return <h5>counter is more than 10, it's a H5</h5>

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props: any) {
    this.state = {
      count: 1,

  handleOnClick = () => {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 })

  reset = () => {
    this.setState({ count: 0 })

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="example-dynamic-app">
        <Heading count={this.state.count} />
        <Button text="Incr!" onClick={this.handleOnClick} />
        <Button text="Reset" onClick={this.reset} />
        {this.state.count > 7 && SubHeading({ currentCount: this.state.count })}

And finally render it to a DOM node.

React.RenderDOM(App, "#container-id")