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File metadata and controls

456 lines (383 loc) Β· 27.9 KB

⚑ Configuration

A comprehensive guide to configuring the Cord plugin to your liking. All options are set through the setup() function:

require('cord').setup {
    -- your options here
Default values

Note: You only need to specify the values you want to change. Your configuration will be merged with the default config, so any fields you don't specify will use their default values.

  enabled = true,
  log_level = vim.log.levels.OFF,
  editor = {
    client = 'neovim',
    tooltip = 'The Superior Text Editor',
    icon = nil,
  display = {
    theme = 'onyx',
    swap_fields = false,
    swap_icons = false,
  timestamp = {
    enabled = true,
    reset_on_idle = false,
    reset_on_change = false,
  idle = {
    enabled = true,
    timeout = 300000,
    show_status = true,
    ignore_focus = true,
    unidle_on_focus = true,
    smart_idle = true,
    details = 'Idling',
    state = nil,
    tooltip = 'πŸ’€',
    icon = nil,
  text = {
    workspace = function(opts) return 'In ' .. opts.workspace end,
    viewing = function(opts) return 'Viewing ' .. opts.filename end,
    editing = function(opts) return 'Editing ' .. opts.filename end,
    file_browser = function(opts) return 'Browsing files in ' .. end,
    plugin_manager = function(opts) return 'Managing plugins in ' .. end,
    lsp = function(opts) return 'Configuring LSP in ' .. end,
    docs = function(opts) return 'Reading ' .. end,
    vcs = function(opts) return 'Committing changes in ' .. end,
    notes = function(opts) return 'Taking notes in ' .. end,
    debug = function(opts) return 'Debugging in ' .. end,
    test = function(opts) return 'Testing in ' .. end,
    diagnostics = function(opts) return 'Fixing problems in ' .. end,
    games = function(opts) return 'Playing ' .. end,
    terminal = function(opts) return 'Running commands in ' .. end,
    dashboard = 'Home',
  buttons = nil,
  -- buttons = {
  --   {
  --     label = 'View Repository',
  --     url = function(opts) return opts.repo_url end,
  --   },
  -- },
  assets = nil,
  variables = nil,
  hooks = {
    ready = nil,
    shutdown = nil,
    pre_activity = nil,
    post_activity = nil,
    idle_enter = nil,
    idle_leave = nil,
    workspace_change = nil,
  plugins = nil,
  advanced = {
    plugin = {
      autocmds = true,
      cursor_update = 'on_hold',
      match_in_mappings = true,
    server = {
      update = 'fetch',
      pipe_path = nil,
      executable_path = nil,
      timeout = 300000,
    discord = {
      reconnect = {
        enabled = false,
        interval = 5000,
        initial = true,

🎨 Editor

Option Type Default Description
editor.client string 'neovim' Client identifier. Can be 'vim', 'neovim', 'lunarvim', 'nvchad', 'astronvim', 'lazyvim', or a custom Discord application ID
editor.tooltip string 'The Superior Text Editor' Tooltip shown when hovering over editor icon
editor.icon string | nil nil Custom icon URL or asset ID when using custom client ID

πŸ“Š Display

Option Type Default Description
display.theme string onyx Choose between different icon themes; one of 'onyx' (dark) or 'pastel' (accent)
display.swap_fields boolean false Show workspace name before filename
display.swap_icons boolean false Use editor icon as large image

⏰ Timestamp

Option Type Default Description
timestamp.enabled boolean true Show elapsed time in presence
timestamp.reset_on_idle boolean false Reset timestamp when entering idle state
timestamp.reset_on_change boolean false Reset timestamp when presence changes

πŸ’€ Idle

Option Type Default Description
idle.enabled boolean true Enable idle status detection
idle.timeout number 300000 Milliseconds before marking the session as idle
idle.show_status boolean true Show idle status in presence, or hide the presence if false
idle.ignore_focus boolean true Show idle despite Neovim having focus
idle.unidle_on_focus boolean true Unidle the session when Neovim gains focus
idle.smart_idle boolean true Enable smart idle feature
idle.details string | function(opts) 'Idling' Details shown when idle
idle.state string | function(opts) nil State shown when idle
idle.tooltip string | function(opts) 'πŸ’€' Tooltip shown when hovering over idle icon
idle.icon string | function(opts) default idle icon Custom icon URL or asset ID

πŸ“ Text

Option Type Default Description
workspace string | function(opts) | boolean In {workspace} Text shown when in a workspace
viewing string | function(opts) | boolean Viewing {filename} Text shown when viewing a file
editing string | function(opts) | boolean Editing {filename} Text shown when editing a file
file_browser string | function(opts) | boolean Browsing files in {name} Text shown when in a file browser
plugin_manager string | function(opts) | boolean Managing plugins in {name} Text shown when in a plugin manager
lsp string | function(opts) | boolean Configuring LSP in {name} Text shown when in an LSP manager
docs string | function(opts) | boolean Reading {name} Text shown when in a docs buffer
vcs string | function(opts) | boolean Committing changes in {name} Text shown when in a VCS buffer
notes string | function(opts) | boolean Taking notes in {name} Text shown when in a notes buffer
debug string | function(opts) | boolean Debugging in {name} Text shown when in a debug-related plugin buffer
test string | function(opts) | boolean Testing in {name} Text shown when in a testing-related plugin buffer
diagnostics string | function(opts) | boolean Fixing problems in {name} Text shown when in a diagnostics buffer
games string | function(opts) | boolean Playing {name} Text shown when in a game buffer
terminal string | function(opts) | boolean Running commands in {name} Text shown when in a terminal buffer
dashboard string | function(opts) | boolean 'Home' Home

Also see Text Options

🧩 Variables

Option Type Default Description
variables table | boolean | nil nil Define custom variables for use in string templates. Functions can be used to dynamically generate values. If true, uses the default options table, if table, extends the default table, if false, disables custom variables

πŸͺ Hooks

Option Type Description
hooks.ready function(manager) | table<fun: function(manager), priority: number> Called when connected to the server and ready for communication with Discord (manager)
hooks.shutdown function() | table<fun: function(), priority: number> Called when connection to Discord is closed
hooks.pre_activity function(opts) | table<fun: function(opts), priority: number> Called before building activity (opts)
hooks.post_activity function(opts, activity) | table<fun: function(opts, activity), priority: number> Called after building activity, but before sending it (opts, activity)
hooks.idle_enter function(opts) | table<fun: function(opts), priority: number> Called when entering idle state (opts)
hooks.idle_leave function(opts) | table<fun: function(opts), priority: number> Called when leaving idle state (opts)
hooks.workspace_change function(opts) | table<fun: function(opts), priority: number> Called when workspace changes (opts)

πŸ”Œ Plugins

Option Type Description
plugins string[] | table<string, table> Extend Cord with plugins. See the Wiki for more info

If you want to develop your own plugin, check out Cord's Plugin System

βš™οΈ Advanced

Option Type Default Description
advanced.plugin.autocmds boolean true Enable autocmds
advanced.plugin.cursor_update string 'on_hold' When to update cursor position: 'on_move', 'on_hold', or 'none'. See Cursor Update Mode
advanced.plugin.match_in_mappings boolean true Whether to match against file extensions in mappings
advanced.server.update string 'fetch' Default way to acquire the server executable either if the executable is not found or a manual update is requested: 'fetch' - fetch from GitHub, 'build' - build from source, 'none' - no-op
advanced.server.pipe_path string | nil nil Custom IPC pipe path
advanced.server.executable_path string | nil nil Custom server executable path
advanced.server.timeout number 300000 Server shutdown timeout (ms)
advanced.discord.reconnect.enabled boolean false Whether reconnection is enabled. Has minimal impact on performance
advanced.discord.reconnect.interval number 5000 Reconnection interval in milliseconds, 0 to disable
advanced.discord.reconnect.initial boolean true Whether to reconnect if initial connection fails

Text Options

The text table allows you to customize the displayed text for different states. You can customize it in three different ways:

  1. Using simple strings:
text = {
    editing = 'Editing a file',
    viewing = 'Viewing a file',
  1. Using functions for dynamic text:
text = {
    editing = function(opts)
        return string.format('Editing %s', opts.filename)
  1. Using string templates (requires enabling variables):
    text = {
        editing = 'Editing ${filename}',
        file_browser = 'Browsing files in ${tooltip}',
    variables = true, -- Enable string templates

To see all available options, refer to the default configuration.

It is also possible to use boolean values to completely disable a category:

text = {
    workspace = '',         -- Omit the text from the activity, meaning it will only have one row of text
    games = function() end, -- Returning `nil` is the same as above

    file_browser = true,    -- Ignore these types of buffers and the current activity will remain unchanged
    plugin_manager = false, -- Hide the activity for these types of buffers

    -- Also applicable to functions
    diagnostics = function(opts)
        -- Only show diagnostics activity if there are problems, otherwise do nothing
        return #vim.diagnostics.get(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()) > 0 and 'Fixing problems in ' .. opts.tooltip or true


Buttons can have static or dynamic labels and URLs:

buttons = {
        label = function(opts)
            return opts.repo_url and 'View Repository' or 'Website'
        url = function(opts)
            return opts.repo_url or ''


Override icons and text for specific filetypes or filenames. Most of the options also support functions.

assets = {
    ['.rs'] = {
        icon = 'rust',              -- Asset name or URL
        tooltip = 'Rust',           -- Hover text
        text = 'Writing in Rust'    -- Override entire text
    netrw = {
        name = 'Netrw',             -- Override asset name only
        type = 'file_browser'       -- Set asset type


A detailed guide can be found in the Wiki.

Some languages cannot be identified solely by their filename or extension. In such cases, we can utilize the vim.filetype.add function to add extra patterns for filetype detection:

vim.filetype.add {
  pattern = {
    ['.*/waybar/config'] = 'jsonc',
    ['.*/hypr/.*%.conf'] = 'hyprlang',
    -- ...

Smart Idle

Smart idle ensures that:

  • When an instance goes idle, it switches to show the most recent active one
  • You're only shown as idle when all instances are actually idle

Custom Variables

The variables option allows you to define custom variables to be used in string templates. These variables can be static values or functions that dynamically generate values based on the current context. By default, the table is populated with the options table but they can be overridden by user-defined variables.

Example configuration:

require('cord').setup {
    variables = {
        filename = 'a file',
        problems = function(opts) return #vim.diagnostic.get(0) end,
    text = {
        viewing = 'Viewing ${filename} - ${problems} problems',

User Commands


Autocompletion is fully supported. To see the list of all available features, hit <Tab> after typing :Cord enable

  • :Cord enable - Show presence
    • :Cord enable <feature> - Enable a feature
  • :Cord disable - Hide presence
    • :Cord disable <feature> - Disable a feature
  • :Cord toggle - Toggle presence
    • :Cord toggle <feature> - Toggle a feature
  • :Cord presence - Toggle presence display
    • :Cord presence show - Show presence
    • :Cord presence hide - Hide presence
    • :Cord presence suppress - Suppress presence for current Neovim session
    • :Cord presence toggle - Toggle presence
    • :Cord presence toggle_suppress - Toggle presence suppression
  • :Cord idle - Toggle idle state
    • :Cord idle toggle - Toggle idle state
    • :Cord idle show - Show idle state
    • :Cord idle hide - Hide idle state
    • :Cord idle force - Force idle state
  • :Cord update - Update the server executable using the configured update mode (fetch by default)
    • :Cord update check - Check for server updates
    • :Cord update fetch - Fetch the server executable from GitHub using curl
    • :Cord update build - Build the server executable using cargo
  • :Cord status - Show connection status
  • :Cord version - Show current server version
  • :Cord restart - Restart the server
  • :Cord shutdown - Disconnect from Discord and shutdown the server
  • :Cord health - Validate user configuration

Cursor Update Mode

The advanced.cursor_update_mode option controls how cursor position updates are handled:

  • 'on_move' - Uses CursorMoved[I] autocmd, updating on every cursor movement. Most accurate but triggered very often
  • 'on_hold' - Uses CursorHold[I] autocmd, updating only after the cursor has been stationary for 'updatetime' milliseconds. Better performance but less accurate
  • 'none' - Disables cursor position updates entirely

Options Table

The opts parameter passed to all functions and hooks contains the following information:

  manager           = ActivityManager,  -- Reference to the ActivityManager instance

  -- File Information
  name              = string?,          -- Name associated with the current mapping, if any
  tooltip           = string?,          -- Tooltip associated with the current mapping, if any
  filename          = string,           -- Current buffer's filename
  filetype          = string,           -- Current buffer's filetype
  buftype           = string,           -- Current buffer's buftype
  is_read_only      = boolean,          -- Whether the current buffer is read-only

  -- Cursor Information
  cursor_line       = number,           -- Current cursor line number
  cursor_char       = number,           -- Current cursor character number

  -- Timestamp Information
  timestamp         = number,           -- Timestamp passed to the Rich Presence in milliseconds

  -- Workspace Information
  workspace         = string?,          -- Current workspace name
  workspace_dir     = string?,          -- Current workspace directory
  repo_url          = string?,          -- Current Git repository URL, if any

  -- Editor Information
  is_focused        = boolean,          -- Whether Neovim is focused
  is_idle           = boolean,          -- Whether the session is idle
  buttons           = table?,           -- List of configured presence buttons

  -- Asset Information
  type              = string,           -- Which category the asset belongs to, e.g. 'language' or 'docs'
  icon              = string?,          -- Asset icon URL or name, if any
  text              = string?,          -- Custom text to display, if any

The ActivityManager contains useful methods:

ActivityManager Methods

Method Description
manager:queue_update(force_update) Schedules an update to the activity. If force_update is true, it bypasses checks and updates immediately.
manager:pause() Pauses all events and stops the idle timer.
manager:resume() Resumes events and restarts the idle timer.
manager:pause_events() Disables event handling without affecting the idle timer.
manager:resume_events() Enables event handling and queues an immediate update.
manager:skip_update() Skips the next update once.
manager:hide() Pauses events and clears rich presence.
manager:suppress() Pauses events and suppresses sending presence updates for the current Neovim session.
manager:toggle() Toggles between pausing and resuming the activity updates.
manager:toggle_suppress() Toggles between suppressing and resuming sending presence updates for the current Neovim session.
manager:idle() Sets the session to idle.
manager:force_idle() Forcibly sets the session to idle until unforced.
manager:unidle() Clears the idle state and resumes normal activity.
manager:toggle_idle() Toggles between idle and normal activity.
manager:set_activity(activity) Sets the rich presence to the provided activity, offering complete control over the presence.
manager:clear_activity(force) Clears the current activity from the server. If force is true, it completely clears the presence.

Activity Options

Parameter Type Description
type number One of 'playing', 'listening', 'watching'
state string The user's current state (e.g., "Editing a file").
details string Detailed information about what the user is doing.
timestamps table Contains start and end timestamps for the activity.
assets table Defines images and tooltips, including large_image, large_text, small_image, and small_text.
buttons array Array of objects, each with label and url, defining interactive buttons in the presence.
is_idle boolean Whether the activity should be considered as idle.

Useful Functions

  • require('cord.api.icon').get(name: string, theme?: string): string
    • Returns the URL for the specified icon name and optional theme, falling back to the configured theme.