diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 88a0896..9f463b0 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Book records have a `"title"` property. This example artificially requires that
Book records also have an `"author"` property, which is not required to be unique. The code creates another index named `"by_author"` to allow look-ups by this property.
-The code first opens a connection to the database. The `upgradeneeded` event handler code creates the object store and indexes, if needed. The `success` event handler code saves the opened connection for use in later examples.
+The code first opens a connection to the database. The {{IDBOpenDBRequest/upgradeneeded!!event}} event handler code creates the object store and indexes, if needed. The {{IDBRequest/success!!event}} event handler code saves the opened connection for use in later examples.
const request = indexedDB.open("library");
@@ -283,13 +283,13 @@ request.onsuccess = function() {
1. When each [=/request=] associated with a transaction is [=request/processed=],
- a `success` or `error` [=event=] will be
+ a {{IDBRequest/success!!event}} or {{IDBRequest/error!!event}} [=event=] will be
fired. While the event is being [=dispatched=], the transaction
[=transaction/state=] is set to [=transaction/active=], allowing
additional requests to be made against the transaction. Once the
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ An [=/upgrade transaction=] is automatically created when running the
steps to [=run an upgrade transaction=] after a [=/connection=]
is opened to a [=/database=], if a [=database/version=] greater than
the current [=database/version=] is specified. This [=/transaction=]
-will be active inside the `upgradeneeded` event
+will be active inside the {{IDBOpenDBRequest/upgradeneeded!!event}} event
-The onabort attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `abort`.
+The onabort attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBTransaction/abort!!event}}.
-The onclose attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `close`.
+The onclose attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBDatabase/close!!event}}.
-The onerror attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `error`.
+The onerror attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBRequest/error!!event}}.
-The onversionchange attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `versionchange`.
+The onversionchange attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBDatabase/versionchange!!event}}.
@@ -2908,7 +2908,7 @@ and false otherwise.
If {{IDBObjectStore/put()}} is used, any existing [=object-store/record=]
with the [=/key=] will be replaced. If {{IDBObjectStore/add()}}
is used, and if a [=object-store/record=] with the [=/key=] already exists
- the |request| will fail, with |request|'s error
+ the |request| will fail, with |request|'s {{IDBRequest/error!!attribute}}
set to a "{{ConstraintError}}" {{DOMException}}.
If successful, |request|'s {{IDBRequest/result}} will be the
@@ -4370,7 +4370,7 @@ return [=/this=]'s [=cursor/request=].
The following methods advance a [=cursor=]. Once the cursor has
- advanced, a `success` event will be fired at the
+ advanced, a {{IDBRequest/success!!event}} event will be fired at the
same {{IDBRequest}} returned when the cursor was opened. The
{{IDBRequest/result}} will be the same cursor if a [=object-store/record=] was
in range, or `undefined` otherwise.
@@ -4852,12 +4852,12 @@ none.
Attempts to commit the transaction. All pending [=/requests=] will be allowed
to complete, but no new requests will be accepted. This can be used to force a
transaction to quickly finish, without waiting for pending requests to fire
- `success` events before attempting to commit normally.
+ {{IDBRequest/success!!event}} events before attempting to commit normally.
The transaction will abort if a pending request fails, for example due to a
- constraint error. The `success` events for successful requests
+ constraint error. The {{IDBRequest/success!!event}} events for successful requests
will still fire, but throwing an exception in an event handler will not abort
- the transaction. Similarly, `error` events for failed requests
+ the transaction. Similarly, {{IDBRequest/error!!event}} events for failed requests
will still fire, but calling `preventDefault()` will not prevent the
transaction from aborting.
@@ -4934,18 +4934,18 @@ The commit() method steps are:
-The onabort attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `abort`.
+The onabort attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBTransaction/abort!!event}}.
-The oncomplete attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `complete`.
+The oncomplete attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBTransaction/complete!!event}}.
-The onerror attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is `error`.
+The onerror attribute is an [=/event handler IDL attribute=] whose [=/event handler event type=] is {{IDBRequest/error!!event}}.
@@ -4994,13 +4994,13 @@ To open a database with |storageKey| which requested the [=/database=
1. [=set/For each=] |entry| of |openConnections| that does not have its
[=connection/close pending flag=] set to true, [=queue a task=] to [=fire a
- version change event=] named `versionchange` at
+ version change event=] named {{IDBDatabase/versionchange!!event}} at
|entry| with |db|'s [=database/version=] and |version|.
@@ -5008,7 +5008,7 @@ To open a database with |storageKey| which requested the [=/database=
1. If any of the [=/connections=] in |openConnections| are still
not closed, [=queue a task=] to [=fire a version change
- event=] named `blocked` at |request| with
+ event=] named {{IDBOpenDBRequest/blocked!!event}} at |request| with
|db|'s [=database/version=] and |version|.
1. Wait until all
@@ -5044,17 +5044,17 @@ optional |forced flag|, run these steps:
1. If the |forced flag| is true, then for each |transaction|
[=transaction/created=] using |connection| run [=abort a
- transaction=] with |transaction| and newly created
+ transaction=] with |transaction| and newly [=exception/created=]
"{{AbortError}}" {{DOMException}}.
1. Wait for all transactions [=transaction/created=] using |connection| to complete.
Once they are complete, |connection| is [=connection/closed=].
1. If the |forced flag| is true, then [=fire an event=] named
- `close` at |connection|.
+ {{IDBDatabase/close!!event}} at |connection|.