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This example demonstrates how to implement an email-password-based authentication workflow with Graphcool. Feel free to use it as a template for your own project!


This directory contains the service definition and file structure for a simple Graphcool authentication service. Read the last section of this README to learn how the different components fit together.

├── graphcool.yml
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── authenticate.graphql
│   ├── authenticate.js
│   ├── loggedInUser.graphql
│   ├── loggedInUser.js
│   ├── signup.graphql
│   └── signup.js
└── types.graphql

Read more about service configuration in the docs.

Get started

1. Download the example

Clone the full framework repository and navigate to this directory or download only this example with the following command:

curl | tar -xz --strip=2 framework-master/examples/auth
cd auth

Next, you need to create your GraphQL server using the Graphcool CLI.

2. Install the Graphcool CLI

If you haven't already, go ahead and install the CLI first:

npm install -g graphcool-framework

3. Create the GraphQL server

You can now deploy the Graphcool service that's defined in this directory. Before that, you need to install the node dependencies for the defined functions:

yarn install      # install dependencies
graphcool-framework deploy  # deploy service

When prompted which cluster you'd like to deploy, choose any of the Shared Clusters (shared-eu-west-1, shared-ap-northeast-1 or shared-us-west-2) rather than local.

Note: Whenever you make changes to files in this directory, you need to invoke graphcool-framework deploy again to make sure your changes get applied to the "remote" service.

That's it, you're now ready to offer a email-password based login to your users! 🎉

Testing the service

The easiest way to test the deployed service is by using a GraphQL Playground.

Open a Playground

You can open a Playground with the following command:

graphcool-framework playground

Creating a new user with the signupUser mutation

You can send the following mutation in the Playground to create a new User node and at the same time retrieve an authentication token for it:

mutation {
  signupUser(email: "[email protected]" password: "graphql") {

Logging in an existing user with the authenticateUser mutation

This mutation will log in an existing user by requesting a new temporary authentication token for her:

mutation {
  authenticateUser(email: "[email protected]" password: "graphql") {

Checking whether a user is currently logged in with the loggedInUser query

For this query, you need to make sure a valid authentication token is sent in the Authorization header of the request. Inside the Playground, you can set HTTP headers in the bottom-left corner:

Once you've set the header, you can send the following query to check whether the token is valid:

  loggedInUser {

If the token is valid, the server will return the id of the User node that it belongs to.

What's in this example?


This example demonstrates how you can implement an email-password-based authentication workflow. It defines a single type in types.graphql:

type User @model {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!

  email: String! @isUnique
  password: String!


We further define three resolver functions in the service definition file graphcool.yml:

The signup and authenticate resolvers each use graphcool-lib to generate an authentication token for an existing User node.