Releases: wadpac/GGIR
Part 2: Fix bug that caused part 2 to struggle with corrupt ActiGraph .gt3x files #972
Part 2: Redefine horizontal axis of plots_to_check_data_quality #983
Documentation: Expanded documentation on desiredtz, configtz, and time stamp format in part 5 time series #966
Part 1: Now also able to handle some more variations in Actigraph csv count file format #978, and automatically aggregates to lower resolution if short epoch size is longer than observed epoch size in actigraph count csv.
Part 5: Reverting decision to prohibit segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5 to be c(0, 0). The default remains unchanged and documentation now only emphasizes the downside of using c(0, 0). #980
Argument documentation: Fixing series of typos (thanks to Pieter-Jan Marent for pointing them out)
Part 5: Fix bug in recently added functionality for studying overlap between sibs and self-reported behaviours #989.
Part 1:Enable use of temperature data in adhoc-csv format throughout GGIR #991
Part 1: Fix bug that caused a mismatch between IDs and filenames in part 1 when movisens participant folders did not contain the acc.bin file #994.
- Part 2: Added possibility to provide csv file with date-based definition of study protocol #943
- Part 5: New function to store dictionary of variable names in part 5 reports #938
- Part 2: Bug fix in csv report generation when appending part 2 milestone data with differing number of columns #951
- Part 1: Bug fix in gt3x data reading by avoiding duplication of seconds when appending chunks of data #952
- Part 1 + 2: Log information regarding number of time gaps and total time imputed with function g.imputeTimeGaps #571
- Part 6: Added as a new part with for now only Household co-analysis and Cosinor analysis
Part 1 and 2: Change default value for nonwear_approach to "2023" which labels the entire window as nonwear if conditions are met. This instead of only the middle 15 minutes as is the case for "2013" setting. Further, setting "2023" now uses a 5 Hertz version of the signals for non-wear detection, for clipping detection the code uses the original signal.
Part 2: Move cosinor analysis code to its own function in order to ease re-using it in both part 2 and part 6.
Part2: Expand cosinor analysis with R2
Part 2: Arguments hrs.del.start and hrs.del.end when combined with strategy = 3 and strategy = 5 now count
relative to start and end of the most active time window as identified. #905 -
Part 5: Change default for segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5 from c(0,0) to c(0, 0.9) and now prohibiting the use of c(0, 0) as it gives biased estimates. We knew this, but some users started using the default without attempting to understand it, by which it seems necessary to force a sensible default. #940
Part 5: Added optioned "OO" to argument timewindow, which defines windows from sleep Onset to sleep Onset #931
Part 4: Now better able to handle nights without sustained inactivity bouts (rest) #911
Part 5: Function g.fragmentation code cleaned up, TP formulas revised following feedback Ian Danilevicz, and code now also produces sleep fragmentation #817
Part 1: Fixed issue #914 relating to specifying timezone for processing ad-hoc csv format raw data.
Part 1: Improved recognition of ActiGraph csv that occassionally confused for Axivity csv #918
Part 1: Added argument rmc.scalefactor.acc to be used by read.myacc.csv #887
Vignette: Expanded with paragraph on minimum recording duration #835
Part 4: More informative error message when advanced sleep log has duplicate or missing dates #925
Fix recently introduced bug where GGIR environment was not exported to cluster in GGIR part 1, 2, 3, and 5 #910
Part 1: Fixed minor bug in ismovisens that failed when datadir started with "./" #897
Part 5: Now able to assess overlap between self-reported naps and nonwear
with sustained inactivity bouts in order to facilitate research on nap detection. Fixes #687 -
Part 5: Time series now also exported if recording only includes one night, even though this is not sufficient for the main part 5 analyses. #894 Further, the time series now also come with lightpeak (LUX).
Visualreport: Bug fixed extracting the numeric value of the days to exclude in g.plot5 #879
Part 1: Fixed minor bug to keep calibration data in the data quality report after re-running parts 1 and 2 with overwrite = TRUE and = "retrieve" #896
Part 5: Fix minor bug by which GGIR skipped the last day if measurement finishes before midnight and timewindow = MM #891
Part 4: Added parameter sleepefficiency.metric to decide if in-bed time (denominator) should be guider_spt or acc_spt + latency #811
A bit belated as it has been on CRAN for a couple of weeks and I have been on leave. The code is same though:
- Part 1 + 2: File health log captured by dependency GGIRread::readAxivity
and incorporated in data_quality_report #866 - Part 1: Fix ID extraction for externally generated epoch files #869
- Sleep log: Argument nnigths is now deprecated and number of nights are detected automatically in sleep logs #856
- Sleep log: Minor fixed related to misplaced parenthesis in g.loadlog and automatic extension of sleeplog matrix if needed to avoid error #867
- General: When recording starts after midnight and before 4am, then the wake time for this first day is now derived in parts 3-4 and used in part 5 #859
- Part 1: Fix major bug to .gt3x data autocalibration (only ActiGraph), where autocalibration was done but not applied to the data #864
- Refactored code for functions g.analyse.perfile and various functions which name starts with "g.part5"
- Part 1: Fix major bug to .gt3x data autocalibration, where autocalibration was done but not applied to the data #864
- Part 1: Fix .gt3x file serial number and firmware extraction #850
- Part 5: Now able to segment days based on qwindow #815
- Part 5: Fix minor bug related to the definition of the MM window (it was biased by 1 epoch) #838
- Part 5: Now g.part5.lux_persegment is able to handle timestamp in iso8601 format #848
- Part 5: Fix minor bug by which GGIR skipped the last day if measurement starts at midnight and timewindow = MM #852
- Activity log: Fix minor bug that appeared when seconds in the activity log are not compatible with the epoch length used in GGIR #844
- Config file: Fix minor bug by ignoring the local function getExt from the config file #846
- Update authors' information in DESCRIPTION and CITATION files
- Added structure for documentation page
- Part 4: Now able to handle first night without any sustained inactivity bout detected #812
- Vignettes: Buchan et al. 2023 cut-points for adults included in the cut-points vignette #804
- Part 4: Identification of column names in advanced sleeplog is now case insensitive #812
- Part 1: Functionality to append recordings with the same ID, see argument maxRecordingInterval #972
- Part 1: Handling of external derived epoch data now able to handle empty lines, user can now specify format of the timestamps with argument extEpochData_timeformat, and ActiGraph count data also facilitated.
- Part 1: Deprecate functionality for file formats .wav (Axivity Ltd) .bin (Unilever Discover) as keeping this code up to date with newer R versions took a lot of time. If you are interestedin re-inserting this functionality and contributing to its ongoing maintenance then please contact us.
- Part 1: Fully deprecate function g.cwaread as it migrated to GGIRread a year ago.
- Addresses #834 by using POSIXct where possible and avoiding use of POSIXlt in data.frame.
- Open-Source Software License for GGIR changed to Apache 2.0
- General: included functionality to allow the user select the separator
in the csv files written by GGIR: reports in part 2, part 4 and part 5,
data_quality_report.csv, and config.csv #770. - General: increased flexibility to read csv files related to sleeplog,
activity log, data cleaning file, and csv containing calibration coefficients,
by automatically detecting any separator argument from the set
of [,\t |;] with function data.table::fread #770. - Part 4: Bug fixed in the determination of SPT when daysleeper #802