If you are using Poetry for python dependency management it can help you to decide if you need to update a dependency or not.
e.g. your pyproject.toml
file may have a version range specified, but it may not be clear if the version in the lock file is the latest allowed by your range in the pyproject.toml file
You could run poetry show [dependency] to get the installed version, then pop over to PyPi to check the latest version but if you have a lot of dependencies, this can be time-consuming, so let this tool do it for you.
- Python 3.11+
- UV https://docs.astral.sh/uv/
Clone this repository and run the following commands in the root of the project:
This isn't strictly necessary but it is recommended to allow command completion for folder paths when checking a local repository.
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Without activating the virtual environment:
uv run check [-r] [local or remote]
With the virtual environment activated:
check [-r] [local or remote]
If you run uv check
without any arguments, it will display the help docs.
- Enter the url for your remote repository or the path to your local repository
- Choose the branch to checkout and run the report on
- If multiple Dockerfiles are found, choose the one to inspect
- Output a printable report to a file (report.html) View with open report.html
- Check a local repository (a folder relative to the directory this script is run from)
- Check a remote repository
Command help is available:
uv run check --help
uv run check remote --help
uv run check local --help
- Only works if the Dockerfile uses poetry to install dependencies
It will do the following:
- clone the repository and checkout the specified branch for a remote repository
- analyse the local folder if running against a local repository
- find & inspect the Dockerfile to find the docker image version and poetry version used
- build a new image based on the Dockerfile image and export the dependency list using poetry export -> requirements-frozen.txt
- compare each dependency version in requirements-frozen.txt with the latest version on PyPi if it is listed in the pyproject.toml file
- output the results in the console and indicate if there are any outdated dependencies and/or manual checks required
- optionally output a report to a file
e.g. Console output