All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Navigate to user profile or credentials page and log out through the user icon dropdown
- Create and edit dataclips
- Add a production tag to credentials
- View a dropdown of operations and their description for the language-common
adaptor (this pattern to be rolled out across adaptors)
- Navigate between projects through a project picker on the navbar
- Run Lightning with docker
- Sensitive credential values are scrubbed from run logs
- All credentials are encrypted at REST
- Run a job with a cron trigger
- Queue jobs via Oban/Postgres
- Edit jobs via the workflow canvas
Register, log in and log out of an account
Allow superusers and admin users to create projects
Allow admin users to create or disable a user’s account
Allow superusers for local deployments to create users and give them access to project spaces
Create and edit a job with a webhook, flow/fail or cron trigger
Create and edit credentials for a job
Copy a job's webhook URL
View all workflows in a project visually
Deploy lightning locally with Docker
Enable a job to automatically process incoming requests
Run a job with a webhook or flow/fail trigger
View job runs along with their logs, exit code, start and end time
View data clips that have initiated job runs (http requests for webhooks, run results)