diff --git a/src/posts/v4-5-8-2024-10-01.md b/src/posts/v4-5-8-2024-10-01.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9003e540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/posts/v4-5-8-2024-10-01.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+slug: "/news/v4-5-8-released-2024-10-01"
+date: "2024-10-01"
+title: "Warewulf v4.5.8 released"
+The Warewulf project is pleased to announce the release of v4.5.8, [now
+available on GitHub][1].
+[1]: https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf/releases/tag/v4.5.8
+Warewulf v4.5.8 simplifies the "wwinit" boot process for SELinux and configures
+tmpfs to spread the node image across all available NUMA nodes. It also
+improves the detection of kernels in the container image to more reliably
+detect the newest available kernel and to avoid debug / rescue kernels.
+This release also includes additional bug fixes and documentation improvements.
+[Let us know][2] if you encounter any issues. Our attention is increasingly
+focused on [the next major release, v4.6.0][3], but we will continue to
+maintain v4.5.x if significant issues are discovered prior to its release.
+[2]: https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf/issues/new/choose
+[3]: https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf/milestone/7
+Many thanks to the contributors for this release:
+- "Jason" Xu Yang (CIQ)
+- Elmar Pruesse (National Jewish Health)
+- Tobias Ribizel
+- Jonathon Anderson (CIQ)
+- Christian Goll (Suse)
+- Brandon Biggs (INL)
+To our contributors, and everyone who Uses Warewulf: thank you, as always, for
+being a part of the Warewulf community!