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File metadata and controls

184 lines (129 loc) · 7.47 KB

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    sudo make install

    • druga opcja to instalacja z pakietow systemu operacyjnego - np $ sudo yum install npm
  • teraz zainstaluj markdowna

    npm install marked --save

  • wróć do katalogu projektu i odpal


to ściągnie wszystkie zależności strony

  • wróć do katalogu projektu i odpal


to odpali generowanie strony i wystawi ją na localhost:3333

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Bardzo łatwo ;p, przykładowy commit: 7edcf87aba4d7733f3c3f2362c0239ce28d37326

Jak deployować?

  • musisz mieć dostęp do repo (pisz do Kuby Nabrdalika)

  • lokalnie musisz mieć brancha gh-pages:

    git fetch origin

    git checkout -b gh-pages origin/gh-pages

  • musisz być na branchu master

  • musisz mieć wszystkie zmiany wrzucone, pull i push do mastera

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    aby przygotować wszystko do publikacji

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  • powinno działać

Co ja kodzę, czyli czego używamy tak naprawdę:


Using Jade

You will find the jade files in the app and app/partials directories. Upon save the Jade files will be compiled to HTML and placed in the app/assets folder. Do not modify the files in the app/assets folder as they will be overriden with subsequent changes to their *.jade counter part.

Using html

By default angular-brunch-seed uses jade templates. If you would prefer to use HTML run the command:


All Jade file will be compiled to HTML and be placed in the app/assets directory. Addtionally, the *.jade files will be removed from the project. Any changes that you make to the app/assets/**/*.html files will now appear in the browser.

Running the app during development

  • ./scripts/ to serve using Brunch

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:3333

NOTE: Occasionally the scripts will not load properly on the initial load. If this occurs, refresh the page. Subsequent refresh will render correctly.

Running the app in production

  • ./scripts/ to minify javascript and css files.

Please be aware of the caveats regarding Angular JS and minification, take a look at Dependency Injection for information.

Directory Layout

_public/                  --> Contains generated file for servering the app
                              These files should not be edited directly
app/                      --> all of the files to be used in production

  assets                  --> a place for static assets. These files will be copied to
                              the public directory un-modified.
    font/                 --> [fontawesome]( rendering icons
    img/                  --> image files
    partials/             --> angular view partials (partial HTML templates)
      nav.html                If you are using HTML you may modify these files directly.
      partial1.html           If you are using Jade these file will be update from their *.jade counterpart
    index.html            --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app).

  partials/               --> Jade partial files. This file will be converted to HTML upon save.
    nav.jade              If you are using HTML this directory will not be present. You will find the template file
    partial1.jade         in the `app/assets/partials` directory instead.
    partial2.jade         If you are using Jade these file will be converted to HTML and copied to `app/assets/partials` upon save.
  scripts/                --> base directory for app scripts
    controllers.js        --> application controllers
    directives.js         --> custom angular directives
    filters.js            --> custom angular filters
    services.js           --> custom angular services

  styles/                 --> all custom styles. Acceptable files types inculde:
                              less, sass, scss and stylus
    themes/               --> a place for custom themes
      custom/             --> starter theme **NOTE the underscore (_). Files begining with an
                              underscore will not automatically be compiled, they must be imported.
        _override.less    --> styles that should beloaded after bootstrap.
        _variables.less   --> bootstrap variables to be used during the compilation process
    app.less              --> a file for importing styles.              --> application definition and routes.
  index.jade              --> Index file. This will be converted to assets/index.html on save             --> application bootstrap

node_modules              --> NodeJS modules

scripts/                  --> handy shell scripts         --> compiles *.jade file to *.html file and places them in app/assets        --> compiles coffeescript test to javascript          --> compiles files and watches for changes                 --> installs node modules           --> compiles and compresses files for production use               --> runs a development server at `http://localhost:3333`                 --> runs all unit tests

test/                     --> test source files and libraries
  e2e/                    -->      --> end-to-end specs
    controllers.spec.js   --> specs for controllers
    directives.spec.js    --> specs for directives
    filters.spec.js       --> specs for filters
    services.spec.js      --> specs for services
    angular/              --> angular testing libraries
      angular-mocks.js    --> mocks that replace certain angular services in tests

  scripts/                --> angular and 3rd party javascript libraries
    angular/                  files are compiled to `vendor.js`
      angular.js          --> the latest angular js
      angular-*.js        --> angular add-on modules
      version.txt         --> version number
    bootstrap/            --> for responsive layout
    console-helper.js     --> makes it safe to do `console.log()` always
    jquery-1.8.3.js       --> for use with bootstrap-collapse
  styles/                 --> sapling / sapling themes and 3 party CSS
    bootstrap/            --> boostrap files - **NOTE** the underscore prevents the
      _*.less                 files from automatically being added to application.css
    sapling               --> extends boostrap
    themes                --> themes to extend Bootstrap
      default             --> the default bootstrap theme
      sapling             --> supplemental theme

For more information on angular please check out