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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 22, 2020. It is now read-only.

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201 lines (150 loc) · 6.83 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (150 loc) · 6.83 KB



  • "Generally" is used when a rule is not meant to be absolute.

Using JSCS with your editor

JSCS is available for you to properly get common coding styles/format among the whole team. You need to configure your editor to use JSCS. Here there's a list of packages for several editors:

In any case yuo'll need to have Node and JSCS installed globally:

npm install -g jscs

Plugin for Webstorm

Either search for it in the plugins manager or download the zip from and then select the downloaded zip from the "Install Jetbrains Plugin…" button in Preferences > Plugins dialogue.

Then you need to configure it in the Preferences > JSCS dialogue. Normally: "Node interpreter" should be "/usr/local/bin/node", and "Path to JSCS bin" should be "/usr/local/bin/jscs", and choose the "Let jscs search for .jscsrc up the folder tree" option.

Plugin for Sublime Text

Either get it from or use Package manager.

JSCS Formatter

JSCS includes a feature to automatically format JS files. This is enabled in the Gulp task, but you may want to use it directly while writting.

For Sublime Text users you can access this via Shortcut (default is Cmd + Shift + H) or Command Palette: - Cmd + Shift + P - Write JSCS - Choose "JSCS Formatter: format this file"

For Webstorm users the feature is also available via Acctions palette: - Cmd + Shift + A - Write JSCS - Choose "JSCS Fix"

Additionally, you could also configure the same shourtcut than Sublime (Cmd + Shift + H) in the Webstorm settings, or any other you may want.


1. General

  • Encoding: UTF-8
  • Indentation: Tabs


  • Attributes wrapped with double quotes
  • Filenames with underscores, no dashes

3. CSS

  • Properties indented
  • One property per line
  • One selector per line
  • Selectors in lowercase and with underscores, no dashes
  • Preprocessors: CamelCase for everything but selectors and placeholders

4. JS

  • Variables and function names in camelCase
  • Constructors and class names in PascalCase
  • References to jQuery objects start with $ (e.g. $carouselContainer)
  • Single quotes
  • Comments:
 * Not stripped when compressed

 * Not stripped when compressed
 * @license XY

 * Stripped when compressed  


1. Selectors

  • No use of IDs for styling, classes only
  • Prefixing of classes:
    • Layout: layout_, used for general page layout (e.g. .layout_wrapper)
    • Module: mod_, used for independent blocks of markup (e.g. .mod_teaser).
    • Variant: var_, used as modifier or above elements (e.g. .mod_teasers.var_onecol)
    • State: is_, used as modifier or above elements (e.g. .mod_accordion.is_enabled)
  • No BEM-like approach, use nesting instead (e.g. .mod_teaser .title instead of .mod_teaser_title). In case of "wrapper" modules like accordions: Use namespacing like .mod_accordion .accordion_title if necessary.
  • JS hooks: Use data attributes instead of classes to target elements using JavaScript (e.g. data-teaser="init)
  • No use of overqualified selectors (e.g. .mod_teaser instead of div.mod_teaser)

2. Units

  • rem, em or % for dimensions, generally no px
  • Prefer rem over em where reasonable, unless IE 8 has to be supported

3. CSS preprocessors

  • Use mixins for repeating styles
  • Define global variables/mixins/functions in the respective files in source/assets/css/globals/
  • Define colors in Color Schemer and export as HTML to source/assets/css/data/colors.html. Use gulp css:colors to generate the corresponding SCSS.
  • Nest your classes as little as possible
  • Use the mq() mixin for media queries (see source/assets/css/globals/_mediaqueries.scss):
.mod_test {
	color: green; // for anything smaller than a tablet

	@include mq($from: small, $to: medium) { // for tablets
		color: red;

	@include mq($from: medium) { // for anything bigger than a tablet
		color: blue;

4. JS

  • Use unobtrusive JS
  • Use our jQuery module factory (see source/modules/.scaffold/module.js)
  • Use custom (debounced) events for scroll and resize listener (see source/assets/js/helpers/events.js):
// Scroll
$(document).on(, function(event, originalEvent) {

// Resize
$(document).on(, function(event, originalEvent) {
  • Use custom events for media queries (see source/assets/js/helpers/mediaqueries.js):
// Listen to custom (debounced) event to react to viewport changes:
$document.on(, function(event, prevBreakpoint, currentBreakpoint) {
	console.log(prevBreakpoint); // { name: "small", value: "768px" }
	console.log(parseInt(prevBreakpoint.value)); // "768"

// Check the current breakpoint:
if ( === 'large') {

// Check the current viewport against a specific breakpoint:
if ({ from: 'small' })) {

5. Data/options handling, HTML/JS interaction

  • data is content, options are configuration
  • Save custom data and options specific to a module instance as data attribute on the module container:
<div class="mod_slideshow" data-init="slideshow" data-slideshow-data='{"items": ["Item 1", "Item 2"]}' data-slideshow-options='{"animationDuration": "100"}'></div>

The module instance will have this merged into and this.options, respectively, (and explicitly keep it as this._metaData and this._metaOptions, respectively).

Data and options provided this way have higher specificity than their global counterparts (see below) when merging (e.g. animationDuration provided here will overwrite the one provided below).

  • Save global (non-instance-specific) custom data to global namespace, preferably using helper.extend:
	estatico.helpers.extend(, {
		slideshow: {
			i18n: {
				prev: 'Previous',
				next: 'Next'

	estatico.helpers.extend(estatico.options, {
		slideshow: {
			animationDuration: 100

The module instance will have this merged into and this.options, respectively, (and explicitly keep a reference in this._globalData and this._globalOptions, respectively).

6. Vendor code

  • Use npm to manage dependencies (see dependencies in package.json).
  • If a dependency is not published in the npm registry, fork the repo to our Github account and link this fork.