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Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is one of the more common predictive algorithms and is the binary classification counterpart to linear regression. It is usually used to describe the relationship between a binary response/dependent variable and any number of predictor/independent variables.

Some assumptions of the logistic regression are:

  • There should be no outliers in the data
  • The response variable must be binary, or dichotomous
  • Multicollinearity should be avoided (as with linear regressions).

The fact that you are predicting a qualitative target variable means that this is a classification problem, but remains supervised learning as we know the classes, or factors, that we are trying to predict.

Predictions are mapped between 0 and 1 through the logit function that is applied, so the predictions can be interpreted as class probabilities.

The main way that a logistic regression is performed in R is through using the glm function and package. You then specify the family/distribution that the generalized linear regression should use via the family argument.

mode <- glm(formula, data, family = "binomial")
predictions <- predict(model, data, type = "response")

Something that you might want to consider when using logistic regression to one-hot encode your categorical variables so that they have a boolean equivalent. One way of doing this is through using the vtreat package: I will cover this at a different stage.

It is still good practice to create testing and training sets to avoid over-fitting in the model performance metrics. This can be done with any type of model by varying the testing and training sets during the creation of the model.

Creating test and training sets refresher

Depending on the size of your data, the percentage split will differ. The less data you have then you might have to put aside more of the data so that the test set is substantial enough to give a clear indication of the out-of-sample metrics.

Cross-validation can also achieve this through creating multiple models and performing multiple out-of-sample assessments and then averaging them together. Cross-validation is probably best done using the caret package, where you are able to make reproducible model comparisons using the trainControl object and createFolds function.

I will show a simple test/train split below that just uses the sample function to create a random set of indexes that we can use to split our data.

# Create random indices
rows <- sample(nrow(data))
# Reorder the data to avoid order bias
data <- data [rows,]

# Split the data
split <- round(nrow(data) * 0.8)
train <- data[1:split, ]
test <- data[(split+1):nrow(data), ]

Plotting regressions

For some simple logistic regressions, you might be able to plot them using ggplot. You can do do using the geom_smooth function and passing in the arguments that you see below. You could do this to create a line that shows the predictions from other types of linear models as well through varying the family argument as you would when you’re creating the model outside of the ggplot call.

binomial is appropriate for logistic regression.
gaussian for linear regression.
poisson for Poisson when the response variable is a count.
quasipoisson should be used when the response variable doesn’t meet the assumptions of the Poisson distribution.

ggplot(dataset, aes(x = predictor_variable, y = binomial_variable)) +
    geom_point() + 
    geom_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial"))