Author: | wisut hantanong |
Version: | 0.1 |
boost program_options allowed program to get command line arguments and from configuration file.
There are two types of options in this sample code
- Named option
- Position option
Named options declare via boost::program_options::options_description
name | type | default value |
help | string | NUll |
string | string | NULL |
int | int | 0 |
The following code block define named options in table
12 po::options_description name_desc("Options for [program]");
13 name_desc.add_options()
14 ("help", "this help message")
15 ("string", po::value<std::string>(), "pass string option to program")
16 ("int", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "pass int option to program")
17 ;
Ex1: Printing all supported options via --help name option
$ ./program --help
Options for [program]:
--help this help message
--string arg pass string option to program
--int arg (=0) pass int option to program
by following code segment
34 if (vmap.count("help"))
35 {
36 std::cout << name_desc << std::endl;
37 return 1;
38 }
Position options declare via boost::program_options::positional_options_description
Ex2: Get first unnamed argument as 'string' option
$ ./program xyz --int 5
string is xyz
int is 5
by following code segment
20 po::positional_options_description pos_desc;
21 pos_desc.add("string", -1);
The most complex part of using boost::program_options might be these part. To understand it, I recommend 'take time to read full documentation'.
28 po::store(
29 po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
30 options(name_desc).
31 positional(pos_desc).
32 run(), vmap);