- Makes the toolbox a package
- Creates a utils sub-package for non-essential functions, these functions may be more susceptable to change in future releases.
- Introduces Tmatrix and Bsc classes to manage/generate beams and T-matrices
- Introduces a simple method of calculating T-matrices (Tmatrix.simple())
- Removed bloat from the toolbox, some functions are now gone
- Removed the depreciation/change warnings added in 1.3.1
- Replaced bsc_bessel_farfield.m with bsc_bessel.m
- Added a new example for simulating SLM patterns
functions now accept a beam angle instead of a beam waist
- Added function name change warnings and depreciation warnings.
- Added functions from latest in-house development version of the toolbox.
- Various improvements and bug fixes
- Added
functions to make warnings less obtrusive. Internal calls to toolbox functions now suppress many warning messages.
Bugs: Fixed various bugs related to the beam code and vswf. These bugs were minor and would only have effects on a small range of calculations.
Added: Axisymmetric extended boundary condition codes. One of the codes can calculate and arbitrary perimeter with associated normals and surface area elements and the other calculates the EBCM T-matrix for that particular perimeter. axisym_boundarypoints.m and tmatrix_ebcm_axisym.m. By default tmatrix_ebcm_axisym.m calls axisym_boundarypoints.m for the desired boundary.
Added: multilayered sphere code tmatrix_mie_layered.m. Definitely works for two layers. Change: added vector m functionality in spharm.m, vsh.m and vswf.m. These are still compatible with previous version of the toolbox
Change: added proper LG mode support in bsc_pointmatch_farfield.m. Previously, only LGpl modes with p=0 could be used.
Change: re-wrote the example_x.m files to be more computationally efficient. example_landscape.m and example_cube.m now contain executable code producing results comparable to Nieminen et al. 2007.
Change: made many functions far more vector friendly. Files made more vectory are: spharm.m -- in addition the matlab legendre function was replaced by my own one. sbessel(x).m vsh.m vswf.m
Change: changed the readme.txt and readme.m to reflect the changes made to the toolbox and the addition of a user guide.
Bug: different power normalisations used in force_z.m, forcetorque.m, and elesewhere. force_z.m and forcetorque.m fixed to conform to the standard normalisation P = sum( abs(a).^2 + abs(b).^2 ). Optical forces and force efficiencies calculated with the wrong normalisation are 4 times too low.
Bug: example_gaussian.m and example_lg.m used z(nz) instead of zeq to determine Nmax before doing radial force calculation. Results numerically correct, but code runs slower. Now fixed.
Change: example_gaussian.m now uses numerical aperture to determine w0.
Change: example_lg.m now uses beam convergence angle and beam mode to determine w0.
Initial release.