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Calculating forces on a spherical particle

This section is a companion for the examples/example_sphere.m script and will guide you through the core functionality of the toolbox. The script sets up the variables for calculating forces on a spherical particle in a Gaussian beam. The particle is created using the :meth:`+ott.Tmatrix.simple` method, which for a spherical particle calls the :class:`+ott.TmatrixMie` class constructor. The beam is constructed using the :class:`+ott.BscPmGauss` class which can also be used for Laguerre-Gaussian and Hermite-Gaussian beam modes. And, forces are calculated using :func:`+ott.forcetorque`. A similar example is described in :ref:`calculating-forces-with-the-gui`.

The example_sphere.m script starts by setting up the Matlab workspace to work with OTT. The first step is to add OTT to the Matlab path, this step is not required if OTT is already on the path (for instance, if you installed OTT via the add-ons menu, OTT should already be on the path).

addpath('../');   % Change this to your OTT path if required

The next step is clearing all existing variables and configuring OTT specific warnings. Some OTT functions can trigger many warnings, to reduce the verbosity of the output, OTT can be asked to only warn once about issues during this Matlab session. Several OTT functions are also likely to move in a future release, we can turn off warnings related to these changes here too.

close all;

Next, we declare our material properties, wavelength, sphere radius and numerical aperture for the objective.

n_medium = 1.33;        % Water
n_particle = 1.59;      % Polystyrene
wavelength0 = 1064e-9;  % Vacuum wavelength
wavelength_medium = wavelength0 / n_medium;
radius = 1.0*wavelength_medium;
NA = 1.02;              % Numerical aperture of beam

To create a beam, we use :class:`+ott.BscPmGauss`. The constructor for this class accepts several positional and named arguments, in this example we set the numerical aperture, polarisation, refractive index and vacuum wavelength.

beam = ott.BscPmGauss('NA', NA, 'polarisation', [ 1 1i ], ...
     'index_medium', n_medium, 'wavelength0', wavelength0);

The class can also be used for generating Laguerre-Gaussian beams and other type of beams by adding additional parameters. For example, the following would generate an LG(0, 3) beam

beam = ott.BscPmGauss('lg', [ 0 3 ], ...
     'polarisation', [ 1 1i ], 'NA', NA, ...
     'index_medium', n_medium, 'wavelength0', wavelength0);

We may also want to set or normalise the beam power, this can be done at any time by setting the power property, for example

beam.power = 1.0;

Regardless of the type of beam we are using, we are now able to visualise the beam. The :class:`+ott.Bsc` base class (which :class:`+ott.BscPmGauss` inherits from) defines several visualisation function. To visualise the field around the focus, we can use :meth:`+ott.Bsc.visualise`. Before calling the function we need to specify the vector spherical wave function basis to use, for near-field visualisation this should be set to regular.

beam.basis = 'regular';

subplot(1, 2, 1);
beam.visualise('axis', 'y');
subplot(1, 2, 2);
beam.visualise('axis', 'z');

The above code should produce something similar to figure :numref:`example-sphere-nearfield`. The axis parameter specifies which axis should be normal to our visualisation slice.

Visualisation of the beam near-field

Visualisation of the incident beam near-field.

We can also visualise the far-field of the beam. For this we set the basis to incoming and use the :meth:`+ott.Bsc.visualiseFarfield` function.

beam.basis = 'incoming';

beam.visualiseFarfield('dir', 'neg');

The above should produce something similar to figure :numref:`example-sphere-farfield`. The dir parameter specifies which hemisphere we want to look at, in this case we look at the negative (backward) hemisphere. Depending on the beam and the chosen basis, either the forward or backward hemisphere may have very little power, if you are unsure about the direction of your beam it is a good idea to look in both directions.

Visualisation of the beam far-field

Visualisation of the incident beam far-field.

In this simulation we use a T-matrix for a spherical particle. The T-matrix is diagonal and the elements along the diagonal are the Mie coefficients for a sphere. To calculate the T-matrix we use the :meth:`+ott.Tmatrix.simple` method, we specify the shape as a sphere and the method automatically selects the best method for this shape, in this case :class:`+ott.TmatrixMie`. The :meth:`+ott.Tmatrix.simple` method takes various named parameters for the particle size, shape and refractive index.

T = ott.Tmatrix.simple('sphere', radius, 'wavelength0', wavelength0, ...
   'index_medium', n_medium, 'index_particle', n_particle);

For a sphere, this should only take a couple of seconds to evaluate.

The T-matrix and beam objects encapsulate the data for the T-matrix and beam shape coefficients (a matrix and vector respectively). We can view this data by accessing the data attribute of these objects, for example


In the T-matrix method, a T-matrix describes how a particle scatters light. It is a linear matrix which relates each incident mode to each scattered mode, mathematically this is

\left(\begin{array}{l}p \\ q\end{array}\right) =
   T \left(\begin{array}{l}a \\ b\end{array}\right)

where T is the T-matrix, and (a,b), (p, q) are the incident and scattered beam shape coefficients. To implement this in OTT, we can simply write

sbeam = T * beam;

This is equivalent to directly multiplying the and matrix and vector objects to calculate the resulting scattered beam shape coefficients, and encapsulating the result in a :class:`+ott.Bsc` object.

As with the incident beam, we are able to generate various visualisations of the fields. The following example shows a visualisation of the scattered field and the total field (incident + scattered) around the beam focus, for the sphere and Gaussian beam described above, the results are shown in :numref:`example-sphere-total-scattered`.

subplot(1, 2, 1);
sbeam.basis = 'outgoing';
sbeam.visualise('axis', 'y', ...
   'mask', @(xyz) vecnorm(xyz) < radius, 'range', [1,1]*2e-6)
title('Scattered field');

subplot(1, 2, 2);
tbeam = sbeam.totalField(beam);
tbeam.basis = 'regular';
tbeam.visualise('axis', 'y', ...
   'mask', @(xyz) vecnorm(xyz) < radius, 'range', [1,1]*2e-6)
title('Total field');
Scattered and total field visualisations

The total and scattered field visualised for a spherical particle at the focus of a Gaussian beam. This slice is along the beam axis, the region corresponding to the particle has been removed.

The T-matrix in this example only gives the fields outside the particle, we use the mask parameter to remove the region inside the particle. To visualise the fields inside the particle we would need to calculate a internal T-matrix instead.

Now that we have a scattered beam, we are able to calculate the change in momentum between the incident beam and the particle; and, therefore, infer the force acting on the particle. The main function for calculating forces is :func:`+ott.forcetorque`, this function can operate on beams or beams and T-matrix. When both the inputs are beams, the function calculates forces and torques using various summations over the beam shape coefficients.

[force, torque] = ott.forcetorque(beam, sbeam);

In this example, the force would be 0.0135 and the torque would be 1e-16 which is on the order of round-off error (i.e. numerically equivalent to zero). The units depend on the units used for the beam, in this example we can convert to SI units (Newtons) using

nPc = 0.001 .* index_medium / 3e8;  % 0.001 W * n / vacuum_speed
force_SI = force .* nPc

Being able to calculate optical forces is only useful if we can translate either the beam or the particle to different locations. For this, we can use the beam :meth:`+ott.Bsc.translateXyz` function. The behaviour of this function depends on the current beam basis: if the beam was generated using one of the ott.Bsc* functions, the basis should typically be set to regular; if the beam was generated from scattering by another particle, the basis should be outgoing. For example, in this example we could translate the beam along the x-axis with

beam.basis = 'regular';
x = 1.0e-6; y = 0.0e-6; z = 0.0e-6;
offset_beam = beam.translateXyz([x; y; z]);

We could translate the beam and calculate the forces multiple times with the above method; however, OTT provides a more convinient method using :func:`+ott.forcetorque`.

Instead of passing two beam objects to :func:`+ott.forcetorque`, we could instead pass a beam and T-matrix object and the various positions we want to translate the beam to. As with other translations, it is important to set the basis of the incident beam before calling the method. The following code calculates the force along the beam axis (the z-axis), output is shown in :numref:`example-sphere-force`.

xyz = [0;0;1] .* linspace(-4, 4, 100).*1e-6;
fxyz = ott.forcetorque(beam, T, 'position', xyz);

nPc = n_medium / 3e8;  % n / vacuum_speed
plot(xyz(3, :), fxyz .* nPc);
xlabel('Z position [m]');
ylabel('Force [N/W]');
legend({'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz'});
Position force curves for spherical particle

The force on a spherical particle positioned at different locations along the beam axis. The transverse components of the force are approximately zero. The axial force displays the well known profile of an optically traped particle.