#Module/Block/Object View Revision: Working Towards 1.0
##Purpose An activity that shows that a user has viewed a vle resource such as a Moodle Module or Blackboard building block (eg a page as identified by its url)
Accounts is used as the identifer. Account/Name to use is up to the sender, as long as it is resolvable, unique and persistant . Candidates include: vle id, the login name, and an other field with a student id in.
"version": "1.0.0",
"actor": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"name": "madmin",
"account": {
"name": "2",
"homePage": "https://courses.alpha.jisc.ac.uk/moodle"
The Verb,viewed denotes the action of the user's browser or app requesting the resource that the user wishes to view.
"verb": {
"id": "http://id.tincanapi.com/verb/viewed",
"display": {
"en": "viewed"
Context identifies the platform that is being logged into, Moodle in this example.
IP Address is used to identify the client's real address as a Context extension.
SessionId is the VLE session Id
CourseArea is the umbrella course/parent area identified by its home page URI
Plugin specific extensions are optional and not part of the core recipe.
"context": {
"platform": "Moodle",
"extensions": {
"http://xapi.jisc.ac.uk/courseArea": {
"http://xapi.jisc.ac.uk/vle_mod_id": "LA101",
"http://xapi.jisc.ac.uk/sessionId": "32456891" ,
"http://id.tincanapi.com/extensions/ip-address": ""
Needs to identify what was requested. A list of valid values can be found at the definition of object.definition.extensions on the vocabulary page
"object": {
"objectType": "Activity",
"id": "http://moodle.data.alpha.jisc.ac.uk/mod/quiz/view.php?id=13" // unique id or url of the item being logged into
"definition": {
"type": "http://xapi.jisc.ac.uk/define/vle/page", // definition type as above
"name": { "en": "Sample page" }, // name of item as returned by VLE
"description": { "en": "sample page" } // description of item as returned by VLE