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Atomic Trading

The ability to trade in-game assets (fungible game currencies as well as non-fungible items) is an integral part of many blockchain games. Thus, it is important to support such trading also on the Xaya platform. Of course, trades can be implemented easily in various ways depending on trust: Seller or buyer can send first and trust that the other party will also send, or centralised exchange platforms can be used. In this document, we want to describe possible ways to implement trustless trading using atomic transactions instead.


The basic setting is as follows: A seller owns some assets in the game state of some application on the Xaya platform (or perhaps provides services). A buyer wants to buy those assets (or hire services), paying directly in CHI. (Trades and payment in currencies or assets belonging to the game state itself can be implemented easily simply by designing the game rules accordingly. Only trades between CHI and game assets are harder to do and will thus be discussed here.)

This can be accomplished in a trustless manner through an atomic transaction: Roughly speaking, buyer and seller cooperate to build a single transaction together, which performs the desired update in the game state (e.g. sending assets from seller to buyer) while at the same time sending CHI from buyer to seller. By doing that in a single transaction, it is guaranteed that either both effects take place (buyer and seller get what they want) or none (in which case noone of them lost anything). It is not possible at all for one party to defraud the other, e.g. for the seller to get CHI without transferring the sold assets to the buyer. Atomic transactions can be compared to CoinJoin's in Bitcoin.

There a multiple ways in which such an atomic transaction can be structured, and different usecases in games to which they fit. Those will be discussed in detail below.

Types of Atomic Transactions

Let us start by considering different structures (on the technical level) for atomic transactions. Each one has different potential usecases, which will be described below.

The simplest type of transaction is one where the buyer simply sends a game move indicating their desired purchase and transfers CHI to a pre-determined address of the seller. The game rules can then be defined in such a way that they react properly to such payments.

For instance, the game rules could define that anyone sending x CHI to the game developer's address Cabc gets x pieces of gold in the game. Then it is guaranteed for a buyer that they will get their gold pieces as long as they send CHI.

This approach is very simple, but it is best suited to situations where the offer is not cancellable and unlimited in quantity. In a situation where the seller has exactly one magic sword to sell, it could happen that two prospective buyers send CHI at the same time. Then the game state would not be able to honour both purchases. (There are ways to work around this by means of "reserving" offers first, but they are cumbersome.)

The second type of transaction is an atomic name trade as first described in the context of Namecoin. In such a transaction, an entire Xaya name with all attached assets in all games on the platform is sold.

This can be done as follows: Buyer and seller together construct a transaction of the following structure:

  • The seller provides the name's current transaction output as input for the transaction.

  • The seller also adds an output sending x CHI to an address he owns.

  • The buyer adds an output updating the name to an address of hers.

  • The buyer provides CHI inputs to the transaction providing at least x CHI (for the seller's output). She can also add a change output as needed.

Then both parties check that the transaction has the desired structure for the agreed deal and sign them (each party their associated inputs). When broadcast, this transaction will atomically transfer both the name and the price for it. If either seller or buyer double spend their inputs before the transaction is confirmed, then neither effect takes place.

Atomic name updates (ANUs) are very similar to atomic name trades, but they only update the name's value without transferring it. In the simplest form, this allows prospective buyers to bid on assets that someone else owns. In particular, they can propose a contract of the following form:

If you update your name p/seller to the value xyz, then I will pay you x CHI.

In a typical situation, xyz would be a game-specific move that transfers the desired asset to the buyer in the game state.

To construct such a transaction, the buyer needs to do the following:

  • Add the current output of the name as input (even though she does not have the keys to sign it).

  • Add an output that updates the name to the desired value xyz, while keeping it at the same address (owned by the seller).

  • Add an output of x CHI also the seller's address (e.g. which holds the name at the moment).

  • Fund the transaction with her own CHI inputs and add a change output of hers as needed.

  • Sign the inputs belonging to her (i.e. all except for the name input).

Then she can send that partially signed "bid" to the seller in some way (on-chain or through some external communication method). If the seller accepts the offer, he simply needs to sign the name input and broadcast the transaction.

Note that there is no interactive communication needed, it is enough to just send the bid transaction from buyer to seller once. In the end, only one on-chain transaction needs to be made if the trade is accepted by the seller; if it is not accepted, then all interaction can be purely off-chain.

Bids of this form are especially useful to make offers for buying non-fungible assets. For general trades of in-game currency, they are not perfectly applicable. The reason for that is that each bid is specific to one seller, so a prospective buyer cannot simply bid for buying gold pieces from anyone.

Similarly to ANU bids, sellers can themselves propose to update their name to a certain value if anyone is willing to send them x CHI for that. In other words, they can propose an offer like this:

Anyone is able to update my name p/seller to the value xyz, provided that they pay x CHI to my address that owns the name.

Constructing a partially signed transaction that represents such an ask is a bit trickier than constructing a partially signed bid, since the inputs of the buyer used to fund it cannot be known to the seller when constructing the transaction. This can still be achieved using special signature flags, though:

  • The seller adds his name as input for the transaction.

  • The seller adds an output, which updates the name to xyz and sends x CHI more than the amount currently held in the name coin into the name's output.

  • The seller then signs the input using the flags SINGLE | ANYONECANPAY.

The signature flags used imply that the signature stays valid even if more inputs and outputs are added to the transaction, provided that the seller's output stays untouched. This ensures that the name cannot be stolen from him and that he will get x CHI as payment (sent directly into the name output).

A prospective buyer who wants to accept such an offer now has to do the following:

  • She needs to add inputs of her own to cover x CHI and any potential transaction fees.

  • She may add a change output as needed.

  • She then has to sign her inputs and broadcast the transaction.

Since the payment is sent into the seller's name output, it won't show up immediately in the seller's wallet. It can, however, be released any time by him when updating the name again. (In fact, it will automatically be released by a standard name_update.)

Unfortunately, this type of transaction has a major caveat as it is: The value xyz, to which the name is updated, is fixed when creating the ask. This means that it is not possible for a buyer to specify that, for instance, some item should be sent to her in the game. The game rules can still be designed in such a way as to enable useful trades, though. This will be discussed later.

A variant of ANU asks are sentinel inputs: Here again a prospective seller provides a pair of one input and output signed with SINGLE | ANYONECANPAY. In contrast to the former, though, the input / output pair does not involve names at all:

  • The seller adds any currency input he owns into the transaction.

  • He then adds a matching currency output, paying the same amount back to himself.

  • He signs the input with SINGLE | ANYONECAYPAY.

As before, this partially-signed transaction allows anyone to add more inputs and outputs. It ensures, though, that the seller will always get back his CHI and none can be stolen.

This transaction by itself does not do much useful. It can, however, be used to ensure uniqueness of payments of CHI to the seller (for unique / limited items): Everyone can include the input / output pair in their transaction (e.g. when buying an item). But Xaya's coin tracking rules ensure that the sentinel input can be spent by only one transaction at most, so that only one such buying transaction can ever be valid. This can be used in conjunction with suitable game-state rules to enable trading as described later.

Next we discuss how the various transaction types can be applied to solve some common usecases of trading in games.

Buying Unlimited Assets or Services

Perhaps the simplest usecase is that of selling some unlimited asset or service. This situation may be because the developer of the game is selling something (which is unlimited in quantity) for CHI. Or it could be a guard "selling" the right for safe passage to players.

In such a situation, trading should simply be done by coding the game rules accordingly. In other words, there will be rules in the game logic that state something like this:

Anyone sending x CHI to my address Cabc will get x gold pieces in return.

Or perhaps:

Any player who sent x CHI to Cabc in the last 100 blocks will not be attacked when walking by me.

The exact nature of the offer can either be hard-coded into the game (e.g. for selling items by the developers), or it may be configurable through moves the seller sends (e.g. for setting a price for safe passage).

In both situations, the buyer can simply transfer CHI as specified, and the game backend will see the transaction and react accordingly.

Interactive Trades

The first approach for trading with limited quantities is using some interactive communication between buyer and seller to negotiate and build an atomic transaction. For instance, the market place could be built upon messages exchanged through IRC, XMPP, a P2P network, a direct network connection or even forum posts.

If such an interactive communication is possible, then buyer and seller will first agree to a particular deal. (Probably this involves publishing offers by one of the parties initially, and the other party observing the offers and then contacting the counterparty privately to finalise the trade.) After the desired trade is known, both parties can simply build an atomic transaction in the way of an ANU bid and execute the trade through it.

Where possible, using interactive communication is certainly desirable since it makes building the atomic transaction simple, flexible and effective (in every case, only a single on-chain transaction is required). The big drawback of this approach is that both parties need to be online at the same time (or the trade may take a long time to finalise). Note that executing a previously defined order can be done by an automated script integrated with a player's game wallet, though, so the human player need not be involved actively.

Offline Bids and Auctions

If interactive communication is not easily possible, then it is still easy for prospective buyers to make offline bids to sellers as ANU bids. Those partially signed bid transactions can then be sent to the seller through some communication channel, and then require no further interaction between both parties afterwards (i.e. the seller can then accept and broadcast or reject the offer just by himself).

This also enables selling of some item through an auction: Bidders can simply prepare such partially signed transactions and send them to the seller. The latter can then publish them (or the highest bid so far), and can at any time (e.g. when the auction is over) accept the highest bid to sell the item.

Note that with this scheme, the seller has the final decision which offer (if any) to accept. This means that he may choose to not sell the item after all, or that he may sell to another than the highest bid. Typically he will do neither of these, though, as they are irrational from a pure profit point of view.

Offline Asks

More complex and also more interesting than offline bids are offline asks. These are probably more common, as they correspond to prospective sellers listing items for sale (rather than prospective buyers inquiring whether something is for sale at some price). This is what a typical (game) market place will consist of.

There are two related but not equivalent ways in which offline asks can be implemented. Both have some advantages and drawbacks, so we discuss both of them.

Firstly, offline asks can be built from ANU asks. As discussed above, the difficulty here is that the name update must be pre-determined by the seller, so it cannot explicitly state to whom some asset should be sent (as would be the case for an ANU-bid-style transaction instead).

A potential approach for still making this work is as follows: Instead of specifying a direct transfer of assets in the seller's move ("send 100 gold pieces to p/buyer"), the move and the associated game rules state something like this:

Reserve 100 gold pieces from my assets. If a transaction spends the second output of this transaction and also performs a move in the game with some name, then send those reserved gold pieces to that name.

Since the second output in an ANU ask is the buyer's change output (and in any case added by the buyer), only the buyer will be able to spend that output in a later transaction. So the buyer can make sure that she spends that output at a convenient later time together with making a move in the game with her name, and at that time claim the bought asset.

In this way, it is possible to build an ask that can be taken by any buyer even if the seller is currently offline. The trade itself also requires only one on-chain transaction, although a second one has to be made later to fully claim the assets. This second transaction can be done together with a move the buyer would send anyway, though, so it does not necessarily increase the blockchain usage (or cost extra transaction fees).

Important: With such a scheme, it is crucial to make sure that spending the output associated with the bought asset is actually done in a move with that particular game (and not in some other name update or a pure currency transaction)! Otherwise, the asset will be lost. This is something that the game wallet has to ensure.

Note that a variation of this method can be applied to sell an undefined quantity of some asset (i.e. where the buyer can choose how much to buy). For this, the ANU ask transaction should not send the desired price into the name output. Instead, it simply updates the name without increasing the locked amount (acting like a sentinel input). However, the move and its game-state interpretation should then include correct payment. For instance like this:

If this transaction pays x (up to a maximum of 100) CHI to the address Cabc, then reserve x gold pieces from my assets and send them to whoever spends the second output of this transaction in the future.

It is also possible to use sentinel inputs for building offline asks. The basic idea is this:

  • The seller chooses one of their existing currency outputs as sentinel.

  • The seller then sends an ordinary move, which describes the offer they are making. The game rules should implement logic like this:

    If a move sent later spends the sentinel input and pays x CHI to my address Cabc, then transfer x gold pieces from my assets to the sender of that move.

  • The seller constructs a partially signed transaction spending the sentinel input as described above and publishes it through some communication channel.

A buyer who wants to accept the offer can now simply extend the partial transaction to include a move with her name (where she wishes to receive the sold asset) and payment to the seller's address. Due to the requirement of spending the sentinel input in the purchase transaction, it is guaranteed that at most one buyer can accept the offer.

Unfortunately, this approach requires two on-chain transactions for the trade. But in contrast to the previous method, there are no weird rules required to assign ownership of assets when spending some input in the future (together with the risk of losing the asset).

This method can be slightly optimised by not publishing the first transaction on-chain immediately. Instead, both the offer and sentinel transactions can be published off-chain, so that the offer only needs to be put onto the blockchain when a buyer actually wants to take it.

Security Considerations

Finally, we want to emphasise some details that are important to consider and get right by an implementation in order to avoid potential security issues.

Please note that these are not meant to be an exhaustive list! Individual games may have specific additional points to consider, and we may have missed some generally important issues here as well.

Game Rules

When a buyer accepts an offer or builds a bid for buying some asset, it must be possible for them to ensure that the seller actually has the asset (and thus that it can be transferred) upon execution of the trade. For instance, it must not be possible for a seller who just received a bid to sell a magic sword to transfer the sword to someone else and then accept the bid, so that they would still get the CHI payment for it.

Since all transaction schemes described above with the exception of sentinel inputs spend the seller's name, this can be ensured by defining the game rules in such a way that assets cannot be transferred without an explicit move from the owner's name. If this is the case, then the seller cannot accept a bid after updating his name, since that would be a double spend of the name output (and thus invalid). For trades based on sentinel inputs, there could instead be some rule in the game logic that states that the assets offered for sale are locked for a certain time interval; then buyers can safely accept the ask offer during that time interval.

In any case, however, it is important to make sure that the buyer knows the current game state (including the asset she is trying to buy) at a block corresponding to the inputs that are being spent in the trade. In other words, the game wallet or frontend must ensure that the buyer does not look at some state, then decides to buy the assets shown, but constructs a bid transaction based on a later block where the assets may have changed.

Accepting Bids

When accepting bids, a seller typically just signs their name input in a transaction. So before doing so, the seller (and his wallet application) should verify the following:

  • The output updating the name spends it to an address of the seller.

  • The name's update value is as agreed (and not some other move).

  • The desired price is paid to an address of the seller.

No other inputs except for the name should be signed. In particular, the application should explicitly ensure that, and not e.g. blindly call signrawtransactionwithwallet.

Accepting Asks

Since ask transactions are built without any inputs and outputs of the buyer, the main thing to verify for a buyer when accepting an ask is that the assets and the move transferring them are as she wants it. (And in particular, that the asset will actually be transferred with the given transaction according to the game rules.)

But also here, the buyer's application must ensure that only inputs added by the buyer are signed and not accidentally one of the inputs the seller should have signed.