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Config reference

For each type, the table will list each config and potentially its' purpose and default values.

Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ The name of the model file
ModelScale Float 1 The scale to transform
Name String ~ The name of the model (Names are set in the lang file, not here)
Description String ~ The item description
ShortName String ~ The item's shortname
Colour / Color Int Int Int 255 255 255 The colour of the item (Not sure where this is actually used?)
Icon String ~ The texture path of the item icon
RecipeOutput Integer 1 The number of items produced when crafted
Recipe RecipeFormat (See line 20) ~ Recipe for the item
ShapelessRecipe List of recipe items? ~ Shapeless recipe for the item
SmeltableFrom String ~ The shortname of the item that it may be smelted from
CanDrop Bool true Whether the item can be.. dropped?

Recipe format:

A ItemTypeOne B ItemTypeTwo
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Paintjob iconName textureName [dyeName dyeAmount (dyeDamage)] ~ Sets up a new paintjob with the dyes required dyeDamage is optional and I'm not entirely sure how that works. The dye setup in [] can be repeated. (you don't need to add the [])
AdvPaintjob displayName iconName textureName [dyeName dyeAmount (dyeDamage)] ~ Creates an advanced paintjob
AddPaintableToTables bool true Whether any (other than default) skins should be added to the gun mod table/paintable table.
AddPaintableToTables textureName true/false true Whether an individual texture should be added to the tables.
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Damage Float 0 Multiplies the damage of the bullet
MeleeDamage Float 1 The damage caused by punching with the gun
MeleeDamageDriveableModifier Float 1 Multiplier for melee damage when the entity is a DriveableEntity.
CounterRecoilForce Float 0.8 Constant to determine how quickly the gun returns to centre after firing. Higher = longer
CounterRecoilForceSneaking Float 0.7 ~
CounterRecoilForceSprinting Float 0.9 ~
HipFireWhileSprinting Boolean true (can be changed in flansmod.cfg) Whether the gun can fire when a player is sprinting and in hip position
CanForceReload Bool true Whether R can be used to reload the gun
AllowRearm Bool true Ammo bags give ammo when right clicked with the gun
ReloadTime Integer ~ Ticks taken to reload the gun
Recoil Float 0 Upwards view recoil
FancyRecoil String ~ Fancy Recoil System, when using this parameter, the rest of the recoil parameters will be ignored. there is no network synchronization with the server. template to use - FancyRecoil 1.9 horizontal=2 recovery=1 recoveryScope=1 fall=1.1 increase=1.1 sneak=0.9 speed=1.1
RecoilYaw Float 0 Sideways view recoil
RandomRecoilRange Float 0.5 Maximum divergence of the recoil vertically
RandomRecoilYawRange Float 0.5 ~ Horizontally
DecreaseRecoil Float 0 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE! Amount to subtract from recoil when sneaking. WILL result in negative recoil.
DecreaseRecoilYaw Float 0 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE! Divisor for yaw recoil when sneaking.
RecoilSneakingMultiplier Float Backwards Compatibility (DecreaseRecoil 0.5) Multiplies recoil when sneaking. 1 = no change
RecoilSprintingMultiplier Float 1 Multiplies recoil when sprinting. 1 = no change
RecoilSneakingMultiplierYaw Float 0.8 Multiplies horizontal recoil when sneaking. 1 = no change
RecoilSprintingMultiplierYaw Float 1.2 Multiplies horizontal recoil when sprinting. 1 = no change
Accuracy / Spread Float 0 Amount that the bullets spread out. Higher = wider cone
SprintSpreadModifier/SprintSpreadMultiplier Float 1.75 Multiplier for spread applied when player is sprinting.
SneakSpreadModifier/SneakSpreadMultiplier Float 0.63 Multiplier for spread applied when player is sneaking.
ADSSpreadModifier Float -1 Modifier for spread when ADS. -1 means use the FlansMod.cfg default (0.2). Anything other overrides it.
ADSSpreadModifierShotgun Float -1 Modifier for spread when ADS. -1 means use the FlansMod.cfg default (0.2). Anything other overrides it. For shotguns/multibullet guns.
NumBullets Integer 1 The number of bullets created by each shot
AllowNumBulletsByBulletType Bool false The NumBullets of the ammo overrides the guns NumBullets.
AllowSpreadByBullet Bool false The Spread of the ammo overrides the guns Spread.
CanLockAngle Integer 5 The angle between entity and player view that a launcher can lock on with
LockOnSoundTime Integer 0
LockOnToDriveables Bool Whether the launcher can lock on to planes, vehicles, mechas
LockOnToVehicles Bool false ~
LockOnToPlanes Bool false
LockOnToMechas Bool false
LockOnToPlayers Bool false
LockOnToLivings Bool false
ConsumeGunOnUse Bool false Gun deletes when shot. (E.g. Panzerfaust)
ShowCrosshair Bool false Show a crosshair when holding the gun
DropItemOnShoot String ~ Drop the item specified when gun has been shot onto the floor
NumBurstRounds Integer 3 Number of bullets to fire per burst in burst fire mode
MinigunStartSpeed Float 15 Required speed of revolution for minigun to start firing
ItemUseAction EnumAction EnumAction.bow The type of action MC thinks you're doing.
MaxRangeLockOn Integer 80 Max range in... blocks? That lockon will work.
ShootDelay Float 0 Ticks between shots (Supposedly outdated?)
RoundsPerMin Float 0 Fire rate of the gun in rounds per minute. 1200 is the max (60 seconds*20 ticks).
SoundLength Integer ~ Length of the shoot sound for looping
DistortSound Bool true Whether to distort the sound played
IdleSoundRange Integer 50 Block range that players can hear the idle sound (minigun spin)
MeleeSoundRange Integer 50 ~
ReloadSoundRange Integer 50 ~
GunSoundRange Integer 50 ~
ShootSound String ~
BulletInsertSound String ~ Only works for guns with an animation type of SHOTGUN, STRIKER, CUSTOMSHOTGUN, CUSTOMSTRIKER, CUSTOMRIFLE
ActionSound String ~
LastShootSound String ~ Sound to play when shooting last bullet in magazine
SuppressedShootSound String ~ Sound to play when shooting with silencer
LastSuppressedShootSound String ~ Sound to play when shooting with silencer, on the last bullet in the magazine
ReloadSound String ~
EmptyReloadSound String ~
EmptyClickSound String ~ Plays the first time the player tries to shoot with no ammo.
EmptyClickSoundRepeated String ~ Plays when the player tries to shoot with no ammo (after first time if click if defined)
IdleSound String ~
IdleSoundLength String ~
MeleeSound String ~
WarmupSound String ~
WarmupSoundLength String ~
LoopedSound / SpinSound String ~
LoopedSoundLength / SpinSoundLength String ~
CooldownSound String ~
LockOnSound String ~
DistantSound String ~ Sound to use for players outside of GunSoundRange but within DistantSoundRange
DistantSoundRange Int 100 Range to play distant shooting sound around the gun.
Mode String FULLAUTO The mode of the gun. (fullauto, minigun, burst, semiauto)
Scope String ~ None = NoScope, otherwise scopeTexture
AllowNightVision Bool false Gives night vision effect when scoped
ZoomLevel Float 1 Zoom level of the default scope. It is NOT possible to zoom in and have the gun visible, due to a limitation of forge.
FOVZoomLevel Float 1.5 The FOV zoom level of the default scope. Keeps the gun visible (if animated properly).
HasVariableZoom Boolean false Is it possible to adjust the zoom. P.s. The ZoomLevel and FOVZoomLevel values will not affect the zoom.
MinZoom Float 1.00 Minimum zoom level.
MaxZoom Float 4.00 Maximum zoom level.
ZoomAugment Float 1.00 Zoom in/out augment. ATTENTION! The result of division (÷) MaxZoom by ZoomAugment must be an integer. (Correct example: 8/2=4. NOT correct example: 8/3=2.66...).
Deployable Bool false Whether the gun is placeable
DeployedModel String ~ The model name of the deployed model
CasingModel String ~ The model name of the casings to eject
FlashModel String ~ The model name of the muzzle flash
CasingTexture String ~ The texture name of the casings to eject
FlashTexture String ~ The texture name of the muzzle flash
MuzzleFlashParticle String flansmod.muzzleflash Particle to use for muzzle flash effect.
MuzzleFlashParticleSize Float 1 Scaling for size of muzzle flash particle.
MuzzleFlashParticleShoulderOffset Vector3F [0, 0, 0] Offset relative to the players body. Used to calculate hand position. Uses format [x,y,z] where x, y and z can be floats.
MuzzleFlashParticleHandOffset Vector3F [0, 0, 0] Offset relative to the players right arm. Used to calculate gun position. Uses format [x,y,z] where x, y and z can be floats.
ShowMuzzleFlashParticle Boolean true Whether to show muzzle flash particles - overrides default set in flansmod.cfg
ShowMuzzleFlashParticleFirstPerson Boolean false Whether to show muzzle flash particles to the shooter by default.
ModelScale Float 1 The scale to transform by
Texture String ~ The name of the texture file to use
HitTexture String ~ The name of the hit texture file to use. Will look in the skins folder.
DeployedTexture String ~ The name of the deployed texture file to use
StandBackDistance Float 1.5 How far behind the player should be behind a deployed gun
TopViewLimit Float -60 How far the players view should be limited upwards (Deployed)
BottomViewLimit Float 30 How far the players view should be limited downwards (Deployed)
SideViewLimit Float 45 How far the players view should be limited sideways (Deployed)
PivotHeight Float 0.375 Something to do with deployables
Ammo String ~ Add to the list of types of ammo that the gun will take
NumAmmoSlots / NumAmmoItemsInGun / LoadIntoGun Integer 1 The number of bullets to take into the gun when loading
BulletSpeed Float 5 Speed of the bullet when leaving the gun. Measured in blocks/tick (so 20m/s)
CanShootUnderwater Bool true Whether the gun may be used underwater
CanSetPosition Bool false Whether the gun will move with the target when locked on
OneHanded Bool false Whether the gun may be dual wielded
SecondaryFunction EnumSecondaryFunction ADS_ZOOM The function of left click (Zoom, melee, custommelee, ads_zoom)
UsableByPlayers Bool true Whether the gun may be used by players
UsableByMechas Bool true Whether the gun may be used by mechas
UseCustomMelee Bool false ( kind of ) Whether to use the custom melee function
UseCustomMeleeWhenShot Bool false ( kind of ) Whether to use the custom melee function when shot
MeleeTime Integer 1 Time delay between custom melee attacks
AddNode 2x Vec3 ( x y z ) ~ Add a node to the animation track for melee/other
MeleeDamagePoint / MeleeDamageOffset Vec3 ( x y z ) ~ Add a point where damage should be dealt
MoveSpeedModifier / Slowness Float 1 Modifier to player movement speed
KnockbackModifier / KnockbackReduction Float 0 Modifier to player knockback
AllowAllAttachments Bool false Allow all attachments to be used with the gun
AllowAttachments List of attachments ~ Add attachments to gun
AllowBarrelAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowScopeAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowStockAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowGripAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowGadgetAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowSlideAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowPumpAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
AllowAccessoryAttachments Bool false Allow x attachments to be used with this gun
NumGenericAttachments Integer 0 The number of generic attachments that can be used
Shield damageAbsorption (origin) X Y Z (dimensions) X Y Z false Shield setup for riot shields
SwitchDelay Integer 0 The time (in ticks) required to draw a weapon

Special note for guns - all animation variables that you can change in the gun's model file can be changed from here as well. Simply: animVARIABLENAME in this style variableVariableNameA for variableNameA. anim always lower case, first letters of any other word upper case. For vector3fs, animSomeVariable 0 -4 4 for animation types: animAnimationType BOTTOM_CLIP

This will override the value set in the gun's model!

Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ Location of the model
Texture String ~ Name of the texture file
ReloadTime Integer ~ Time in ticks that it takes to reload
Recoil Integer 5 The recoil
Accuracy Integer ~ The accuracy of the gun
ShootDelay Integer ~ Delay in ticks between shots
ShootSound String ~ Sound to play on shooting
ReloadSound String ~ Sound to play on reload
FireAlternatiely Bool ~ Alternate firing between shootpoints ?
NumBarrels Integer ~ The number of barrels the AAGun has
Barrel ID X Y Z ~ Add a barrel with ID at the specified position
Health Integer ~ The health of the AAGun
TopViewLimit Float 75 The angle which the view is limited to at the top
BottomViewLimit Float 0 The angle which the view is limited to at the bottom
Ammo String ~ The shortname of the ammo to use
GunnerPos X Y Z ~ The position of the gunner on the AAGun
TargetMobs Bool false Sentry mode, fire at mobs
TargetPlayers Bool false Sentry mode, fire at X
TargetVehicles Bool false Sentry mode, fire at X
TargetPlanes Bool false Sentry mode, fire at X
TargetMechas Bool false Sentry mode, fire at X
TargetDriveables Bool false Sentry mode, fire at Planes, Vehicles and Mechas
ShareAmmo Bool false Whether all barrels should share the same ammo slot.
TargetRange Float 10 Sentry mode, max distance that it will target
CanShootHomingMissile Bool false Whether homing missiles may be shot from the AAGun
CountExplodeAfterShoot Integer -1 How long after shot should the missile explode. -1 = never/when hit target
IsDropThis Bool true Whether it drops item when destroyed?
Keyword Type Default Purpose
AttachmentType String EnumAttachmentType.generic The type of attachment
Model String ~ The model name of the model to use
ModelScale Float 1 Scale to transform
Texture String ~ The texture file to use
Silencer Bool false Whether this attachment should muffle bullet sounds
DisableMuzzleFlash Bool false Whether this attachment should remove any muzzle flash from rendering
FlashLight Bool false Whether this attachment is a flashlight
FlashLightRange Float 10 Number of blocks range of the flashlight
FlashLightStrength Float 12 Light level produced (between 0 and 15)
ModeOverride String ~ Override the fire mode of a gun with a valid EnumFireMode (fullauto, minigun, burst, semiauto)
SecondaryMode Bool false Whether this attachment is an underbarrel attachment
SecondaryAmmo String ~ Add an ammo type for the underbarrel gun
SecondaryDamage Float 1 The damage multiplier of the underbarrel gun
SecondarySpread / Accuracy Float 1 The inaccuracy of the underbarrel
SecondaryBulletSpeed Float 5 Speed of the bullet when leaving the underbarrel
SecondaryShootDelay Integer 1 Ticks to wait between firing the underbarrel
SecondaryReloadTime Integer 1 Ticks taken to reload the underbarrel
SecondaryNumBullets Integer 1 Number of bullets created by the underbarrel when fired
LoadSecondaryIntoGun integer 1 Number of bullet stacks in magazine? (Has something to do with underbarrel)
SecondaryFireMode String SEMIAUTO The EnumFireMode of the underbarrel (fullauto, minigun, burst, semiauto)
SecondaryShootSound String ~ The sound to play when the underbarrel is shot
SecondaryReloadSound String ~ ~
ModeSwitchSound String ~ The sound to play when toggling between primary and underbarrel gun
MeleeDamageMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
MovementSpeedMultiplier / MoveSpeedModifier Float 1 Modifier for player movement speed, stacks on gun's modifier
DamageMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
SpreadMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
RecoilMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
RecoilControlMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
RecoilControlMultiplierSneaking Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
RecoilControlMultiplierSprinting Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
BulletSpeedMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
ReloadTimeMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
MovementSpeedMultiplier Float 1 The multiplier to the X stat of the gun
ZoomLevel Float 1 The zoom of the scope
FOVZoomLevel Float 1 The FOV zoom of the scope
ZoomOverlay String false/none None = No overlay. Anything else will become the overlay image
HasVariableZoom Boolean false Is it possible to adjust the zoom. P.s. The ZoomLevel and FOVZoomLevel values will not affect the zoom.
MinZoom Float 1.00 Minimum zoom level.
MaxZoom Float 4.00 Maximum zoom level.
ZoomAugment Float 1.00 Zoom in/out augment. ATTENTION! The result of division (÷) MaxZoom by ZoomAugment must be an integer. (Correct example: 8/2=4. NOT correct example: 8/3=2.66...).
HasNightVision Bool false Whether to apply night vision
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ Sets the model of the Shootable
Texture String ~ Sets the texture of the Shootable
StackSize / NaxStackSize Integer 1 The maximum number of X that can be stacked
DropItemOnShoot String null Items dropped on various events
DropItemOnReload String null Items dropped on various events
DropItemOnHit String null Items dropped on various events
Bounciness Float (Grenade: 0.9), (Bullet 0) When grenade or bullet hits an entity or block, the velocity will multiply by this amount
RoundsPerItem Integer 1 The number of rounds fired by a gun per item
FallSpeed Float 1 Speed at which the projectile should fall after being fired. Measured in 0.02*blocks/tick^2, or 8*blocks/second^2
ThrowSpeed / ShootSpeed Float 1 The speed at which the projectile should be launched. 0 Will give it no velocity and drop instantly.
HitBoxSize Float 0.5 The size of the hitbox. Units are probably /16ths
Damage Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit. Sets all values for all types below.
DamageVsLiving Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit.
DamageVsPlayer Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit.
DamageVsEntity Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit.
DamageVsVehicles Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit.
DamageVsPlanes Float 1 Amount of damage to do when hit.
IgnoreArmorProbability Float 0 Probability that a hit will ignore armourm 0=no chance, 1=always
IgnoreArmorDamageFactor Float 0 If a hit ignores armour, additional multiplier for damage. 1=normal damage
BreaksGlass Bool false Whether the projecticle breaks glass on impact.
Fuse Integer 0 Ticks until a grenade explodes. 0 = explode on impact
DespawnTime Integer 0 Time until the grenade despawns, without exploding. 0 = no despawn
ExplodeOnImpact / DetonateOnImpact Bool false Whether to explode when hitting a block or entity
FireRadius / Fire Float 0 The radius in which fire will be placed on impact
ExplosionRadius / Explosion Float 0 The radius of the explosion to create on impact
ExplosionPower Float 1 Multiplier for power of the explosive. (ability to take out blocks) 1 = vanilla. <1 will just reduce radius.
ExplosionBreaksBlocks Bool true Whether the impact explosion breaks blocks
ExplosionsDamageVsLiving Float 1 The damage to do to X from the explosion
ExplosionsDamageVsLiving Float 1 The damage to do to X from the explosion
ExplosionsDamageVsPlane Float 1 The damage to do to X from the explosion
ExplosionsDamageVsVehicle Float 1 The damage to do to X from the explosion
DropItemOnDetonate String null The item to drop when the projectile explodes
DetonateSound String ~ The sound to play on detonation.
HasSubmunitions Bool false Whether there are other projectiles by this one.
Submunition String ~ Set the submunition
NumSubmunitions Integer 0 Number of submunitions to create
SubmunitionDelay Integer ~ Delay to create submunitions after impact / firing?
SubmunitionSpread Float 1 Spread when deploying submunitions
FlareParticleCount Integer 0 Number of smoke particles to create
DebrisParticleCount Integer 0 Number of debris particles to create
TrailParticles / SmokeTrail Bool false Whether to create a trail of particles.
TrailParticleType String smoke The type of particle to emity for the trail
HasLight Boolean false Bullet should have full brightness. (Currently implemented for bullets only)
HasDynamicLight Boolean false Bullet should emit light.
Keyword Type Default Purpose
FlakParticles Integer 0 The number of flak particles produced when exploding
FlakParticleType String largesmoke The type of flak particles to spawn
SetEntitiesOnFire Bool false Whether to set entities on fire upon collision
HitSoundEnable Boolean false Whether to play the hit sound
HitSound String ~ The hit sound to play if enabled
HitSoundRange Float ~ The range that the hit sound will play
Penetration / PenetratingPower Float 1 Penetration power
PenetrationDecay Float 0 Penetration to remove each tick, e.g. 0.01 -> 1% loss each tick
DragInAir Float 0.99 Drag coefficient (Possibly 1 - )? Between 0 and 1
DragInWater Float 0.80 Drag coefficient in water (Possibly 1 - )? Between 0 and 1
NumBullets Integer -1 Number of bullets to fire per shot. -1 is "let gun decide"?
Accuracy / Spread Float -1 Bullet accuracy. -1 is "let gun decide"
LivingProximityTrigger Float -1 If greater than 0, the bullet will explode with this radius of a living entity
DriveableProximityTrigger Float -1 If greater than 0, the bullet will explode with this radius of a Driveable
DamageToTriggerer Float 0 How much damage to do to the entity who triggered it
PrimeDelay / TriggerDelay Integer 0 Time after firing which the bullet may not detonate
NumExplodeParticles Integer 0 Number of explosion particles to create
ExplodeParticles String largesmoke The type of explosion particles to create
SmokeTime Integer 0 Time for smoke to remain after explosion
SmokeParticles String explode The type of particles to use for smoke
SmokeEffect String potionID Duration Amplifier Add a potion effect to the smoke.
SmokeRadius Float 5 The radius that the smoke affects
VLS / HasDeadZone Bool false Whether this is a vertical launch system/guided thing
VLS time / DeadZoneTime Integer 0 How long it takes before guidance kicks in
FixedTrackDirection Boolean false Whether.. it can only go in a straight line?
GuidedTurnRadius Float 3 The turning radius of the guided missile
GuidedPhaseSpeed Float 2 The speed during guiding?
GuidedPhaseTurnSpeed Float 0.2 Speed of turning of guided missile?
BostParticle String ~ The particle type for "boost phase" ie when it isn't guided yet
Torpedo Boolean false Whether this is a torpedo or not
Bomb ~ ~ Add this to set this as a BOMB
Shell ~ ~ Add this to set this as a SHELL
Missile ~ ~ Add this to set this as a MISSILE
WeaponType String ~ Set weapon type (MISSILE, BOMB, SHELL, MINE, GUN, NONE)
LockOnToDriveables Bool false Lock on to vehicles, planes and mechas.
LockOnToVehicles Bool false Lock on to X
LockOnToPlanes Bool false Lock on to X
LockOnToMechas Bool false Lock on to X
LockOnToPlayers Bool false Lock on to X
LockOnToLivings Bool false Lock on to X
MaxLockOnAngle Float 45 Maximum angle for locking on to a target
LockOnForce / TurningForce Float 1 The force locking the bullet onto the target
MaxDegreeOfLockOnMissile Integer 20 The highest degree that the missile will keep its target when locked on
TickStartHoming Integer 5 How many ticks before the missile starts to home
EnableSACLOS Boolean false Enable Wire/Radio guiding, (Semi-Active Guidance). Source must maintain lock for projctile to track
MaxDegreeOfSACLOS Integer 5 Max angle around look vector that projectile will track within. If outside, tracking is lost.
MaxRangeOfMissile Integer 150 Number of blocks that a missile can be guided for
CanSpotEntityDriveable Boolean false ?
ShootForSettingPos Boolean false ?
ShootForSettingPosHeight Integer 100 ?
IsDoTopAttack Boolean false Whether to hit from the top of the entitity it's locked on to
PotionEffect String potionID Duration Amplifier The effects done to the entity hit
ManualGuidance Boolean false Whether this is manually guided
LaserGuidance Boolean false Whether this is laser guided
LockOnFuse Integer 10 Ticks before explosion when locked on?
MaxRange Integer -1 Maximum distance for something. -1 is infinite.
FancyDescription Boolean true Whether to display information about the bullet/mag in the description, like a gun.
KnockbackModifier Float 1 Modifier for knockback. Smaller = less knockback, bigger = more knockback, 1 = default knockback. Applies players hit by the bullet only.
BulletSpeedMultiplier Float 1 Multiplier for bullet speed. Stacks with gun bullet speed.
BlockHitFXScale Float Formula Scale for velocity of particles that spawn when the bullet hits a block. 0 = Disable
Keyword Type Default Purpose
MeleeDamage Integer 1 The damage caused by getting hit with the grenade
ThrowDelay Integer 0 Time wait between grenade throws
ThrowSound String ~ Sound to play when throwing grenade
DropItemOnThrow String ~ Whether to drop an item when grenade is thrown
CanThrow Bool true Whether the grenade can be thrown with right click
PenetratesEntities Boolean false Whether it can go through entities
PenetratesBlocks Boolean false Whether it can go through blocks
BounceSound String ~ Sound on bound
Sticky Bool false Whether the grenade should stick to surfaces
LivingProximityTrigger Float -1 If greater than 1, explode when within this radius of a living
VehicleProximityTrigger Float -1 If greater than 1, explode when within this radius of a vehicle
DamageToTriggerer Float 0 Damage given to the entity who triggered it
DetonateWhenShot Boolean false When this entity is shot or exploded, it will also detonate
PrimeDelay / TriggerDelay Integer 0 Detonation can only happen after this time in ticks
StickToThrower Boolean false Whether the grenade can stick to the person who threw it
StickToEntity Boolean false Sticks to X
StickToDriveable Boolean false Sticks to X
StickToEntityAfter Boolean false ?
AllowStickSound Boolean false Whether to play the stick sound. Only triggers on StickEntityAfter type of sticking.
StickSoundRange Integer 10 The range to play the stick sound. Only triggers on StickEntityAfter type of sticking.
StickSound String ~ The sound to play when sticking
NumExplodeParticles Integer 0 Number of explosion particles to create
ExplodeParticles String largesmoke The type of explosion particles to create
SmokeTime Integer 0 Time for smoke to remain after explosion
SmokeParticles String explode The type of particles to use for smoke
SmokeEffect String PotionID Duration Amplifier Add a potion effect to the smoke
SmokeRadius Float 5 The radius that the smoke affects
SpinWhenThrown Boolean true Whether the grenade should spin after thrown
Remote Boolean false Whether the grenade can be detonated using a remote detonator
FlashBang Boolean false Whether to use flashbang effects
FlashTime Integer 200 Number of ticks that the flash lasts for
FlashRange Integer 8 The number of blocks radius the flash effects affect
FlashSoundEnable Boolean false Enable the flash sound
FlashSoundRange Integer 16 The radius of blocks around to play the flash sound
FlashSound String ~ The flash sound to play
FlashDamageEnable Boolean false Whether to deal those in the flash range damage
FlashDamage Float ~ The damage to deal to those in the flash range
FlashEffects Boolean false Whether to enable flash effects
FlashEffectsID Integer ~ The ID of the flash effects to use
FlashEffectsDuration Integer ~ The number of ticks the flash effects last for
FlashEffectionsLevel Integer ~ The intensity of flash effects
MotionSensor Boolean false Enable motion sensor functionality
MotionSensorRange Float 5 The radius in whenceforthward the motion sensor will work
MotionSoundRange Float 20 The sound radius when motion is detected
MotionSound String ~ The sound to play when motion is detected
MotionTime Integer 20 Something in ticks?
DeployableBag Boolean false Whether this is actually a deployable bag, and not an explodey thing
NumUses Integer 1 The number of times the bag may be used before it runs out
HealAmount Float 0 Amount to heal players by who use this bag
AddPotionEffect / PotionEffect String potionID Duration Amplifier Add effect
NumClips Integer 0 The number of ammo clips players get when using the ammo bag (multiplied by numBulletsInGun)
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ The model name
Texture String ~ The texture name
Type String ~ The type of upgrade. (upgrade, tool, armUpgrade, legUpgrade, headUpgrade, shoulderUpgrade, feetUpgrade, hipsUpgrade, nothing)
ToolType String sword If it's a tool, the type of tool (pickaxe, axe, shovel, shears, sword)
Speed Float ~ The speed of the tool
ToolHardness Float 1 The maximum block hardness that can be broken
Reach Float 1 Mecha reach multiplier
AutoFuel Boolean false Whether this is an autofueler upgrade
Armour Float 0 Reduction of incoming damage to the mecha
CoalMultiplier Float 1 Coal pickup multiplier
DetectSound String ~ Plays a sound on diamond detection?
DiamondDetect Boolean false Whether this is a diamond detector
DiamondMultiplier Float 1 Diamond pickup multiplier
EmeralMultiplier Float 1 Emerald pickup multiplier
FlameBurst Boolean false ?
Floatation Boolean false Whether this is a floatation device
ForceBlockFallDamage Boolean false Possibly to deflect fall damage?
ForceDark Boolean false ?
InfiniteAmmo Boolean false Whether this is an infinite ammo box
IronMultiplier Float 1 Iron pickup multiplier
IronRefine Boolean false Automatically turn iron ore into ingots when mined
ItemVacuum Boolean false Pickup mined items and put into inventory rather than dropping.
LightLevel Integer 0 Light level to emit (0-15)
Nanorepair Boolean false Slowly repair mecha
NanorepairAmount Float 1 The amount to repair the mecha per tick if nanorepair is on
RedstoneMultiplier Float 1 Redstone pickup multiplier
RocketPack Boolean false Do rocket type stuff
SoundEffect String ~ Sound effect for rocket firing
Soundtime Float 0 Sound effect time (I presume for rocket firing)
SpeedMultiplier Float 1 Multiplier for mecha movement speed
StopMechaFallDamage Boolean false Stop mecha taking damage from falling
WasteCompact Boolean false Delete certain items when picked up to save inventory space

PSA: On some versions of FlansMod, you MUST define your seat and drivers before adding guns, setting up traverse sounds or anything related to the vehicle's seats. You do this by ensuring Passenger definitions are higher in the file.

Keyword Type Default Purpose
VehicleGunModelScale Float 1 The scale to transform the vehicle guns
Model String ~ Model name
VehicleGunReloadTick Integer 15214541 The tick to reload vehicle gun sounds. 9 days 19:18:47.050 ? Very cursed.
Texture String ~ Texture file to use
IsExplosionWhenDestroyed Boolean false Make an explosion when the vehicle is destroyed
DeathExplosionPower Float 1 Power of explosion when the vehicle is destroyed
DeathExplosionRadius Float 4 Radius of explosion when the vehicle is destroyed
DeathExplosionBreaksBlocks Boolean false Whether death explosion breaks blocks or not
DeathFireRadius Float 1 Radius of fire to be created when vehicle is destroyed
DeathExplosionDamageVsLiving Float 1 Damage of death explosion against living
DeathExplosionDamageVsPlayer Float 1 Damage of death explosion against players
DeathExplosionDamageVsPlane Float 1 Damage of death explosion against planes
DeathExplosionDamageVsVehicle Float 1 Damage of death explosion against vehicles
FallDamageFactor Float 1 Multiplier for fall damage in some way
MaxThrottle Float 1 Maximum throttle in generic units?
MaxNegativeThrottle Float 0 Maximum negative throttle, aka reversing
ClutchBrake Float 0 Clutch braking modifier
WorksUnderwater Boolean False Whether this driveable can still work when submerged
MaxThrottleInWater Float 0.5 Maximum throttle when the vehicle is in water
MaxDepth Integer 3 Blocks of water deep before the vehicle stops moving
Drag Float 1 Coefficient of drag
TurretOrigin (Float) X Y Z 0 0 0 The origin of the turret
TurretOriginOffset (Float) X Y Z 0 0 0 The offset of the turret from the origin?
CollisionPoint / AddCollisionPoint (float) X Y Z partName Points for block based collision detection
CollisionDamageEnable Boolean false Damage the vehicle when collision points collide with blocks
CollisionDamageThrottle Float 0 Damage to cause to colliding entities
CollisionDamageTimes Float 0 when to cause damage to colliding entities based on throttle
CanLockAngle Float 10 Maximum angle on which the ? can lock on to an entity
LockOnSoundTime Integer 60 Time to play the lock on sound
LockOnToDriveables Boolean false Lock on to Vehicles, plans and mechas
LockOnToVehicles Bool false ~
LockOnToPlanes Bool false
LockOnToMechas Bool false
LockOnToPlayers Bool false
LockOnToLivings Bool false
LockOnSoundRange Integer 5 The radius to play the lock on sound
CanRoll Boolean true Whether the vehicle can roll
HasFlare Boolean false Whether the vehicle has a flare function
FlareDelay Integer 200 Ticks between flare launches
TimeFlareUsing Integer 1 Ticks when the flare is active
PlaceableOnLand Boolean true Whether the driveable can be placed on land
PlaceableOnWater Boolean true Whether the driveable can be placed on water
PlaceableOnSponge Boolean true Whether the driveable can be placed on sponge?
FloatOnWater Boolean false Whether the driveable floats on water
Boat ~ false placeableOnLand = false, placeableOnWater = true, floatOnWater = true, wheelStepHeight = 0
Buoyancy Float 0.0165 Upwards force per wheel when a driveable is on water
FloatOffset Float 0 Offset in blocks for floating above/below wheel positions.
CanMountEntity Boolean false Sets vanilla CanMountEntity NBT value. True allows this entity to mount another. (Horse, other vehicle e.t.c).
EngineStartTime Float 0 Time between the vehicle being placed, and it being driveable.
Wheel / WheelPosition (Integer) ID (Float) X Y Z (partName) ~ Add a wheel position with ID. partName is optional and will default to coreWheel unless stated.
WheelRadius / WheelStepHeight Float 1 The wheel radius. Allows travelling up blocks when > 1 or root2 (Not sure which)
WheelSpringStrength / SpringStrength Float 0.5 Strength of suspension?
TrackFrames Integer 2 The number of animation frames for track animation
Harvester Boolean false Whether to enable the harvester
CollectHarvest Boolean false Whether to pickup items that are harvested
DropHarvest Boolean false Whether to drop the items that are harvested
HarvestBox (float)(size) X Y Z (position) X Y Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 The cuboid to harvest blocks inside
HarvestMaterial String ~ Add material to be harvested
HarvestToolType String ~ See later section on HarvestTools
CargoSlots Integer ~ The number of cargo slots the driveable has
BombSlots / MineS;ots Integer ~ The number of slots for bombs in the driveable
MissileSlots / ShellSlots Integer ~ The number of slots for missiles in the driveable
RestrictAmmunitionInput Bool false Whether to only allow bullet types/grenade types in gun/bomb/missile slots in the vehicle.
FuelTankSize Integer 100 Size of fuel tank. -1 means that the vehicle does not need fuel, and will ignore engine start times.
BulletDetectionRadius Integer 5 The radius (in blocks) to check for bullets
AddAmmo String ~ Add an ammo type by shortname
AllowAllAmmo / AcceptAllAmmo Boolean false Allow any type of ammunition to be shot (Please dont do this)
Primary String None Set the primary to weapon type (MISSILE, BOMB, SHELL, MINE, GUN, NONE)
Secondary String None Set the secondary to weapon type (MISSILE, BOMB, SHELL, MINE, GUN, NONE)
ShootDelayPrimary Float -1 The number of ticks to wait between shooting. -1 is use gun RPM or 1.
ShootDelaySecondary Float -1 The number of ticks to wait between shooting. -1 is use gun RPM or 1.
RoundsPerMinPrimary Float ~ Sets ShootDelay using RPM. Max is 1200
RoundsPerMinSecondary Float ~ Sets ShootDelay using RPM Max is 1200
DamageMultiplierPrimary Float 1 Multiplies projectile damage
DamageMultiplierSecondary Float 1 Multiplies projectile damage
PlaceTimePrimary Integer 5 ?
PlaceTimeSecondary Integer 5 ?
ReloadTimePrimary Integer 0 Ticks taken to reload the primary gun
ReloadTimeSecondary Integer 0 Ticks taken to reload the secondary gun
AlternatePrimary Boolean false Whether to alternate barrels or shoot all at once
AlternateSecondary Boolean false Whether to alternate barrels or shoot all at once
ModePrimary String FULLAUTO Firemode from (fullauto, minigun, burst, semiauto)
ModeSecondary String FULLAUTO Firemode from (fullauto, minigun, burst, semiauto)
BulletSpeed Float 3 Bullet speed for primary or secondary?
BulletSpread Float 0 Bullet spread for primary or secondary?
RangingGun Boolean false ?
GunLength Float 0 Supposedly for backwards compatibility
RecoilDistance Float 5 ?
RecoilTime Float 5 ?
ShootPointPrimary (float) X Y Z (partName) (gunName) ~ Add a shootpoint. Other ways of entering this are available. partName and gunName are entirely optional. Will default to core if not defined.
ShootPointSecondary (float) X Y Z (partName) (gunName) ~ Add a shootpoint. Other ways of entering this are available. partName is entirely optional. Will default to core if not defined.
EnableReloadTime Boolean flase Enable reload time?
ShootParticlesPrimary particleName (float) X Y Z ~ Add shoot particles
ShootParticlesSecondary particleName (float) X Y Z ~ Add shoot particles
SetPlayerInvisible Boolean false Whether riding players should have invis effect
IT1 Boolean false Whether this uses IT1 reloads. I bet you it doesn't ;)
FixedPrimary Boolean false Fixes the gun to PrimaryAngle relative to the turret. Otherwise, free to aim.
PrimaryAngle (float) X Y Z 0 0 0 The angle at which the primary should be fixed at. Expressed as a vector direction.
FixedSecondary Boolean false Fixes the gun to SecondaryAngle relative to the turret. Otherwise, free to aim.
SecondaryAngle (float) X Y Z 0 0 0 The angle at which the secondary should be fixed at. Expressed as a vector direction.
AddGun (float) X Y Z partName gunName (offset)(float) (X Y Z) ~ Add gun. Offset is not required.
BombPosition X Y Z (offset)(X Y Z) ~ Sets primary to BOMB, adds a bomb position. Offset is not required.
BarrelPosition X Y Z (offset)(X Y Z) ~ Adds a new barrel position and changes primary to SHELL. Offset is not required.
ShootDelay Integer 1 Duplicate way of setting shoot delay for secondary... would not reccomend.
ShellDelay / BombDelay Integer 1 Duplicate way of setting shoot delay for primary... would not reccomend.
AddRecipeParts partName quantity itemName ~ Add a part to the recipe. Damaged parts can be added, but I don't know how to do that.
AddDye quantity dyeName ~ Add a dye to the recipe. I am unsure if it is a name or an ID.
SetupPart partName health (int) x y z height width depth (penetration) ~ Add a collision box with the respective part to the driveables collision boxes. Penetration is a float, and not required
PartDeathExplosion partName radius power breaksBlocks (damageVsLiving) (damageVsPlayer) (damageVsPlane) (damageVsVehicles) ~ When this part dies, set off an explosion with these parameters
Driver / Pilot (int) X Y Z (partname) (minYaw) (maxYaw) (minPitch) (maxPitch) ~ Set driver position. Part will default to core.
DriverPart String Core Set part that the driver is on/in
DriverGun / PilotGun String ~ Set gun name that the pilot controls
DriverGunOrigin X Y Z 0 0 0 Set the place where bullets spawn from for driver gun.
RotatedDriverOffset X Y Z ? ?
RotatedPassengerOffset ID X Y Z ? ?
DriverAimSpeed X Y Z ? The speed of which the driver can aim
PassengerAimSpeed ID X Y Z ? The speed of which the passenger can aim
DriverLegacyAiming Boolean ? Something to do with legacy. Don't touch probably
PassengerLegacyAiming ID Boolean ? Something to do with legacy. Don't touch probably
DriverTraverseSounds Boolean ? Play sounds while rotating to aim
PassengerTraverseSounds SeatID Boolean ? Play sounds while rotating to aim
Passenger (int) X Y Z (partname) (minYaw) (maxYaw) (minPitch) (maxPitch) (gunType) (gunName) ~ Add a passenger with or without guns and viewing limits.
GunOrigin ID X Y Z ~ Set the gun origin for the gun with specified ID
YOffset Float 0 Change the level of Y somehow for a model.
CameraDistance Float 5 Third person camera distance in blocks
StartSoundRange Integer 50 Radius in blocks to play the starting sound
StartSoundLength Integer ~ The length in ticks of the starting sound
EngineSoundRange Integer 50 Radius in blocks to play the engine sound
EngineSoundLength Integer ~ The length in ticks of the engine sound
IdleSoundLength Integer 50 The length in ticks of the starting sound This may be a mistake and actually be IdelSoundRange. Who knows?
BackSoundRange Integer 50 Radius in blocks to play the back sound
BackSoundLength Integer ~ The length in ticks of the starting sound
SoundTime Integer 0 The length in ticks of the ? sound
YawSoundLength Integer ~ The length in ticks of the sound
PitchSoundLength Integer ~ The length in ticks of the sound
PassengerYawSoundLength SeatID soundLength ~ The length in ticks of the sound
PassengerPitchSoundLength SeatID soundLength ~ The length in ticks of the sound
ExitSoundLength Integer 50 Length (in ticks) of the exit sound
ExitSound string ~ The sound to play when a player exits a vehicle
StartSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
EngineSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
StompSoundFrontRight String ~ Stomp sound to play when leg hits ground
StompSoundFrontLeft String ~ Stomp sound to play when leg hits ground
StompSoundBackRight String ~ Stomp sound to play when leg hits ground
StompSoundBackLeft String ~ Stomp sound to play when leg hits ground
IdleSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
BackSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
YawSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
PitchSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
PassengerYawSound SeatID String ~ The name of the sound to play
PassengerPitchSound SeatID String ~ The name of the sound to play
ShootMainSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
ShootReloadSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
ShootSecondarySound / ShootSoundSecondary String ~ The name of the sound to play
PlaceSoundPrimary String ~ The name of the sound to play
PlaceSoundSecondary String ~ The name of the sound to play
ReloadSoundPrimary String ~ The name of the sound to play
ReloadSoundSecondary String ~ The name of the sound to play
LockedOnSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
LockOnSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
LockingOnSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
FlareSound String ~ The name of the sound to play
FancyCollision Boolean false Enable some fancy collision type
AddCollisionMesh [posX,posY,posZ] [sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ] [p1X,p1Y,p1Z] .. [p8X,p8Y,p8Z] ~ Add collision shapebox to core. p1..p8 are the corners of the shapebox. Positive = expand out, negative = shrink corner in.
AddCollisionMeshRaw posX posY posZ sizeX sizeY sizeZ p1X p1Y p1Z .. p8X p8Y p8Z ~ Add collision shapebox to core, but with no brackets. p1..p8 are the corners of the shapebox. Positive = expand out, negative = shrink corner in.
AddTurretCollisionMesh [posX,posY,posZ] [sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ] [p1X,p1Y,p1Z] .. [p8X,p8Y,p8Z] ~ Add collision shapebox to turret. p1..p8 are the corners of the shapebox. Positive = expand out, negative = shrink corner in.
AddTurretCollisionMeshRaw posX posY posZ sizeX sizeY sizeZ p1X p1Y p1Z .. p8X p8Y p8Z ~ Add collision shapebox to turret but with no brackets. p1..p8 are the corners of the shapebox. Positive = expand out, negative = shrink corner in.
LeftLinkPoint X Y Z ~ Add link point for track animation
RightLinkPoint X Y Z ~ Add link point for track animation
TrackLinkLength Float 0 Set link length for track animation
OnRadar Boolean false For ICBM mod radar
AddParticle / AddEmitter (string)effectType (int)emitRate (float X,Y,Z) origin extent velocity (float) minThrottle maxThrottle minHealth maxHealth partName ~ Add an emitter rendering particles from origin to extent



  • Wood
  • Plants
  • Vines

Pickaxe / Drill:

  • Iron
  • Anvil
  • Rock

Spade / Shovel / Excavator:

  • Ground
  • Grass
  • Sand
  • Snow
  • Clay

Hoe / Combine:

  • Plants
  • Leaves
  • Vine
  • Cactus
  • Gourd (Whatever that is : It's supposedly a general term for fruits)


  • Leaves
  • Cactus
  • Wood
  • Plants
Keyword Type Default Purpose
TurnLeftSpeed Float 1 The speed at which the mehca will turn left
TurnRightSpeed Float 1 The speed at which the mehca will turn right
MoveSpeed Float 1 The forwards and backwards speed of the mecha
SquashMobs Boolean false Whether mobs under the wheels will be crushed/killed
StepHeight Integer 0 How many blocks may be stepped up when walking. (Without jumping)
JumpHeight Float 1 How high the mecha can jump in blocks.
~ Float 1 jumpVelocity = Sqrt(Abs(9.81 * (jumpHeight + 0.2)/200))
RotateSpeed Float 10 Degrees per second/tick that the mecha will rotate at, max
StompSound String ~ The sound to play on impace with the ground?
StompSoundLength Integer 0 Number of ticks to play the stomp sound for
StompSoundRangeLower Float 0 ?
StompSoundRangeUpper Float 0 ?
LeftArmOrigin (float) X Y Z ~ The origin of X
RightArmOrigin (float) X Y Z ~ The origin of X
ArmLength Float 1 Length of the arm in 16ths of a block
LegLength Float 1 Length of the leg in 16ths of a block
HeldItemScale Float 1 The scale to trasform items or tools rendered in the mechas "hands"
Height Float 3 The height of the collision box in 16ths of a block
Width Float 2 The width of the collision box in 16ths of a block
ChassisHeight Integer 1 The height of the body above the ground in 16ths of a block
FallDamageMultiplier Float 1 How much fall damage the mecha should recieve (compared to a player?)
DamageBlocksFromFalling Boolean true Whether the mecha forces fall damage onto thr blocks around it, destroying them.
LegSwingLimit Float 2 ?
LimitHeadTurn Boolean Float false, 90 Whether view limits should be applied on the head
LegSwingTime Float 5 The speed at which leg movements are animated
UpperArmLimit Float 90 The maximum angle of the upper arm? Probably in the XY plane (Z axis)
LowerArmLimit Float 90 The maximum angle of the lower arm? Probably in the XY plane (Z axis)
LeftHandModifier (float) X Y Z 0 0 0 Modifier for weapons in hand. in 16ths of a block
RightHandModifier (float) X Y Z 0 0 0 Modifier for weapons in hand. in 16ths of a block
LegNode (Integer)rotation (Float)lowerBound (Float)upperBound (Integer)speed (Integer)legPart ~ Add a leg node
LegAnimSpeed Float 0 The speed at which to animate leg movement
RestrictInventoryInput Bool false Whether to only allow ammunition and fuel to be put into the inventory by the player (item pickup by mecha with item vacuum still works)
AllowMechaToolsInRestrictedInv Bool true Whether to allow mecha addons to be put into the inventory of the mecha
Keyword Type Default Purpose
NewFlightControl Boolean false Whether to enable new flight physics for planes. Configs marked with § are for the new flight controller only. Not suitable for VTOL planes.
MaxThrust Float 50 Maximum thrust of an engine in 10s of kgf §
MaxSpeed Float 2.0 Max Speed plane can fly blocks/tick §
TakeoffSpeed Float 0.5 Speed where plane can start to fly §
TurnLeftSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
TurnRightSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
LookUpSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
LookDownSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
RollLeftSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
RollRightSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turn speed
Supersonic Boolean false Whether plane is suited for speeds over 2.0 Blocks/tick §
Lift Float 1 Coefficient of lift
Mass float 1000 Mass in kg §
WingArea Float 1 Area in meters^2 of a single wing §
HeliThrottlePull Boolean true Whether throttle will "pull" itself to 50% in a helicopter.
EmptyDrag Float 1 Extra drag given to the plane when there is no driver.
ShootDelay Integer ~ Number of ticks between shots of the guns
BombDelay Integer ~ Number of ticks between bombs dropping
Propeller (Int)ID (Int)X Y Z part partType ~ Add a propeller to the plane
HeliPropeller (Int)ID (Int)X Y Z part partType ~ Add a propeller to the plane
HeliTailPropeller (Int)ID (Int)X Y Z part partType ~ Add a propeller to the plane
HasFlare Boolean ~ Whether the plane is equipped with a flare
FlareDelay Integer ~ The number of ticks between flares being deployed
TimeFlareUsing Integer ~ The number of ticks the flare is used for
PropSoundLength Integer ~ The number of ticks the prop sound plays for
PropSound String ~ Set the propeller sound
ShootSound String ~ Set the sound played on shoot
BombSound String ~ Set the sound played on bomb drop
HasGear Boolean false Whether the plane has retractable landing gear
HasDoor Boolean false Whether the plane has openable doors
HasWing Boolean false Whether the plane has retractable wings
FoldWingForLand Boolean false Whether to retract the wings when close enough to the ground
FlyWithOpenDoor Boolean false Whether the plane can fly with the door open
AutoOpenDoorsNearGround Boolean true Wether to auto deploy landing gear near the ground or not
AutoDeployLandingGearNearGround Boolean true Wether to auto open the door near the ground or not
RestingPitch Float 0 The angle when parked. Angle that it will spawn in at
SpinWithoutTail Boolean false Whether the helicopter should spin if no tail is present
Valkyrie Boolean false Whether this plane is a valkyrie
WingPosition1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingPosition2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingRotation1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingRotation2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingRotRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelPosition1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelPosition2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelRotation1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelRotation2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
WingWheelRotRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelPosition1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelPosition2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelRotation1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelRotation2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
TailWheelRotRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorPosition1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorPosition2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorRotation1 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorRotation2 (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
DoorRotRate (Float)X,Y,Z 0 0 0 Animation position for X
InflightInventory Boolean true False = true.. yeah.
Keyword Type Default Purpose
TurnLeftSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turning speed
TurnRightSpeed Float 1 Modifier for turning speed
SquashMobs Boolean false Whether to squash/kill livings under the wheels
FourWheelDrive Boolean false Apply power to all four wheels, or just two
Tank / TankMode Boolean false This has tracks instead of wheels
Mass Float 1000 The mass of the vehicle, for realistic acceleration. Roughly in KG?
UseRealisticAcceleration Boolean false Use a system which uses vehicle mass and engine power to calculate acceleration.
ThrottleDecay Float 0.0035F Amount to decrease the throttle by each tick
BrakingModifier Float 1 Multiplier for braking force (slowing down in opposite direction to travel). See also: ThrottleDecay
Gravity Float 0.175 The rate at which to increase speed downwards when falling.
MaxFallSpeed Float 0.85 Terminal velocity of the vehicle.
HasDoor Boolean false Whether this has openable doors
ShootWithOpenDoor Boolean false Whether the vehicle can NOT shoot while the door is open. True = CANNOT fly with door open False = CAN fly with door open (it's inverted)
RotateWheels Boolean false Whether to animate rotating wheels
FixTrackLink Integer 5 ? Something to do with track animations
FlipLinkFix Boolean false ? Something to do with track animations
DoorPosition1 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
DoorPosition2 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
DoorRotation1 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
DoorRotation2 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
DoorRate (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
DoorRotRate (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2Position1 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2Position2 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2Rotation1 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2Rotation2 (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2Rate (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
Door2RotRate (float)X,Y,Z ~ Config for animations
ShootDelay Integer ~ Number of ticks to wait between shots
ShellDelay Integer ~ Number of ticks to wait between shell shots
ShootSound String ~ Sound to play when shooting
ShellSound String ~ Sound to play when shooting shells
DriftSound String ~ Sound to play when drifting
DriftSoundLength Integer ~ Number of ticks to play drift sound for
AddSmokePoint / AddSmokeDispenser (float position)X,Y,Z (float direction)X,Y,Z (Integer)detTime part ~ Add smoke particle emitter to the model
Keyword Type Default Purpose
TopTexture String ~ The path of the texture to display on the block
BottomTexture String ~ The path of the texture to display on the block
SideTexture String ~ The path of the texture to display on the block
Page / SetPage List of strings ~ Set name of pages in the gun box
AddGun (String)nameOfGun num partname num partname.... ~ Adds a gun with recipe to the box
AddAmmo / AddAltAmmo / AddAlternateAmmo (String)nameOfGun num partname num partname.... ~ Adds ammo with recipe to the box
GuiTexture String ~ The path of the texture to use for the GUI background. Defaults if not set
GunBoxNameColor HexString 404040 Unsigned hex colour
ItemTextColor HexString 404040 Unsigned hex colour
ListTextColor HexString 404040 Unsigned hex colour
PageTextColor HexString FFFFFF Unsigned hex colour
ButtonTextColor HexString FFFFFF Unsigned hex colour
ButtonTextHighlight HexString FFFFFF Unsigned hex colour
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Category String ~ Generic string marking category. In theory is part of a set that I haven't looked for
StackSize Integer ~ The maximum stack size of the item
EngineSpeed Float 1 Speed modifier to the attached vehicle
EnginePower Float 10 Engine power for realistic acceleration
FuelConsumption Float 1 Rate at which the engine consumes fuel
Fuel Integer 0 If this is a fuel tank, the amount of fuel that it gives
PartBoxRecipe ~ ~ Part box is unused
WorksWith List of strings mecha, plane, vehicle The types of driveable an engine will work with
UseRF / UseRFPower Boolean false Whether to use redstone flux power if it is available
RFDrawRate Integer 1 Amount of RF to consume per tick
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ The model file to use
Texture String ~ Path of the texture file to use
Parachute Boolean false Whether to deploy a parachute on use, then consume the item
ExplosiveRemote Boolean false Whether this will detonate the most recently placed remote trigger explosive
Key Boolean false Whether this item is a key (Unimplmented/De-implemented)
Heal / HealPlayers Boolean false Whether to give player health on use
Repair / RepairVehicles Boolean false Wether to give driveable health on use
HealAmount / RepairAmount Integer 0 Amount of healing to give per click
ToolLife / ToolUses Integer 0 Number of teims the tool can be used. 0 is infinite
EUPerCharge Integer 0 Unimplemented. Charging tools with IC2 EU
RechargeRecipe list of (Integer)amount (String)itemName[.](integer damage) ~ Add recharge recipe. Damage not required
DestroyOnEmpty Boolean true Whether to destroy the item when it has been entirely used up
Food / Foodness Integer 0 Hunger filled when this item is used
Keyword Type Default Purpose
TopTexture String ~ Texture to use for the box
BottomTexture String ~ Texture to use for the box
SideTexture String ~ Texture to use for the box
AddArmor / AddArmour (String)shortname (String)name NEXT LINE (String) armourType (list) amount shortname ~ Add armour of type + recipe
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Model String ~ The model file to use
Type String ~ Hat/Helmet Chest/Body Legs/Pants Shoes/Boots
DamageReduction / Defence Double ~ Damage modifier between 0 and 1 that stacks with other armours. Sets both BulletDefence and OtherDefence
BulletDefence ~ Double Damage modifier between 0 and 1 that stacks with other armours. For bullet damage specifically.
OtherDefence ~ Double Damage modifier between 0 and 1 that stacks with other armours. For NON-bullet damage specifically.
PenetrationResistance Float 0 Resistance to penetration of a bullet. Same units as bullet penetration.
MoveSpeedModifier / Slowness Float 1 Modifier for player movement speed
JumpModifier Float 1 Modifier for player jump height
KnockbackReduction / KnockbackModifier Float 0.2 Modifier for knockback
NightVision Boolean false Whether night vision should be enabled for this armour
Invisible Boolean false Whether this gives the user the invisibilty effect
NegateFallDamage Boolean false Stop fall damage affecting the player
FireResistance Boolean false Give the player fire resistance effects
WaterBreathing Boolean false Give the player water breathing effects
Overlay String null Location of texture from scopes directory to use
SmokeProtection Boolean false Whether smoke effects from grenades affect the player
OnWaterWalking Boolean false Gives the player the ability to walk on water
Durability Integer false / 0 Set the durability of the armour
ArmourTexture / ArmorTexture String ~ Texture from assets/flansmod/armor/(armourTextureName)_armourID.png See next section for armour ID

Armour types

ID Keyword Alternate Keyword
0 Hat Helmet
1 Chest Body
2 Legs Pants
3 Shoes Boots

I apologise for mistakes in this file. Please PR if you spot any, or modify when things change.

Keyword Type Default Purpose
Name String ~ Team name
ShortName String ~ Team shortname
TextColour String ~ This is used for player names and such. TextColour can be one of Black, Blue, Green, Aqua, Red, Purple, Orange, LGrey, Grey, LBlue, LGreen, LAqua, Red, Pink, Yellow, White
TeamColour int, int, int ~ TeamColour is a more specific colour for banners, flags and spawn points. It is specified by Red, Green and Blue, each ranging from 0 to 255
Hat String ~ Specify the armour this team should spawn with(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskHelmet)
Chest String ~ Specify the armour this team should spawn with(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskBody)
Legs String ~ Specify the armour this team should spawn with(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskPants)
Shoes String ~ Specify the armour this team should spawn with(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskBoots)
AddClass String ~ Add class for this team(usage: AddClass classShortName)(example AddClass kskSniper1)
Keyword Type Default Purpose
Name String ~ Class name
ShortName String ~ Class shortname
UnlockLevel int 0 Required level to select this class
AddItem String, int ~ Add item to class(usage: AddItem itemShortName ammount)(example: AddItem l96ammo 3)
AddItem String, int ~ Add gun with attachments to class(usage: AddItem gunShortName+attachmentShotName)(example: AddItem g3+flanMWSilencer+flanMW4xScope)
Hat String ~ Optional parameters, used to replace the armor originally specified in the team configuration(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskHelmet)
Chest String ~ Optional parameters, used to replace the armor originally specified in the team configuration(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskBody)
Legs String ~ Optional parameters, used to replace the armor originally specified in the team configuration(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskPants)
Shoes String ~ Optional parameters, used to replace the armor originally specified in the team configuration(usage: Shoes armorShortName)(example Shoes kskBoots)