- Fix: Handle 3DS authentication edge case and version tracking
- Fixed app crash related to unregistered AuthenticationBroadcastReceiver by implementing proper lifecycle-aware receiver management
- Enhance: Moved finish() call to Handler to ensure proper UI thread execution and prevent memory leaks
- Fix: Potential race conditions when closing activities with pending operations
- Feat: Added card holder information in create token and create authentication
- Fix JCB card detection and expiry date
- Support mid_label in create token and unbundled create authentication
- Fix package corruption issues on 4.0.0.
- Update to use Andriod API Version 34 (Android 14). This package is corrupted
- Chore: Upgrade sentry-android to 6.24.0
- Bug Fix: Fix Wrong Casting Bug
- Bug Fix: Redeploy
- Bug Fix: Handle External Event for 3DS
- Chore: Upgrade sentry-android to 6.15.0
- Chore: Update sentry dsn
- Feat: Added storeCVN method for caching cvn on subsequent multi-use token purpose
- Feat: Added storeCVN test page
- Bug: Bug fix for validation on createAuthentication method
- Chore: Bump up API version from 28 to 30.
NOTE: Github tag from 3.4.2 - 3.7.0 is being skipped due to inconsistency github release tag version with sdk version. Starting on 3.8.0 github release tag and xendit-android-sdk package version are in sync.
- Updated Cardinal Commerce Library credentials
- Return
- Improve 3ds handling
- Support multiple currencies for tokenization and authentication
- Updated snowplow to 1.4.2
- Tokenization and authentication returns card details such as issuing bank, card type, card scheme (brand) and card art.
- Support EMV 3DS (3DS 2.0)
- Add
(string) enable to create tokenization on master account for sub account
- Add
(boolean) field in multi use or skip authentication tokenization result, accessible using.getShould_3DS