When a certain portion is completed here, please mark it as completed here, along with the language it was done in.
Assignees are given under each heading. There can be multiple assignees per section if needed, and you can ask for appointment to multiple sections.
You may add more tasks if deemed necessary.
- text rendering
- header
- footer
- scroll bars
- window, pixel buffer management
- text rendering
- gpu acceleration*
- remote editing?
- file search maybe?
- file type recognition
- simple editing operations (undo, redo, copy) Note: lots of things can be stolen from kakoune, vim, emacs etc to put here
- multiple cursors
- Shortcuts
- shortcuts from both Vim and Emacs at the same time*
- jump to definition, declaration etc.
- see usages of thing
- literal search
- Simple message passing protocol
- Simple logging
- Manual message sending (for debugging)
- Message overriding (for debugging)
- Some kind of user interface?
- modal based editing*
- protocol for editing (line + column + change?)
- protocol for reading part of the buffer
- maybe simple semantic "parsing" (locate definitions, etc)
- a way to find what indentation the current file is using (tabs, 4 spaces, 2 spaces etc)
- command parser
- some script lang for the editor
@Anima Libera
*: Indicates an idea that is in flux, and may be discarded.