OpenFOAM functionObject for postProcessing, getting the conditional averaged fields with a given scalarField
It has been tested in OF4, OF6, OF7, OFv1712 and OFv1806
type conditionalAverage;
libs ("");
writeFormat raw;//ensight,gnuplot,jplot,raw,vtk,xmgr
conditionalFields (Z);// Must be volScalarField, can also be 'x','y','z','direction'.
weightedAveragedField rhoMeshV;//rhoMeshV;none;meshV
//directionVector (1 1 1);//If conditionalFields contains 'direction', a directionVector will be needed
nBins 20;//The number of sampled data, the conditionalFields are averaged devided into nBins, [min:(max-min)/nBins:max].
maxF 1;
minF 0;
averagedFields ( U C7H16 OH meanChemistryHRR );