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~ VPS setup/config and Qortal node install/setup Directions ~

Easy to follow quide on setting up a VPS hosted node and installing qortal core (headles install ubuntu/debian based distros)

1.) Add non root user for all future work (Never use root!!!)

  useradd -m <username> (-m creates the home directory)
  passwd <username>

2.) Install sudo as root and apply to new user

  apt install sudo
  usermod -aG sudo <username> (allows <username> to issue sudo commands)

3.) Change shell to bash for new user

  chsh -s /bin/bash <username>

4.) Log out of root and log in with new user

5.) Fix .profile for new user

  mv .profile .profile_old

6.) Rename motd license bs so it isn't called on login

  sudo mv /etc/motd /etc/motd_old

7.) Log out of new user and log back in with new user to see updated terminal output format

  terminal output should look different
    - not just black/white
    - prompt string should be colorful and reflect current directory (eg: ~ means home (default start location))

8.) Run system updates/upgrades

  sudo apt update
  sudo apt upgrade

9.) Install curl (command line tool for transferring data via network protocols)

  sudo apt install curl

10.) Install wget (command line tool for retrieving data via the web)

  sudo apt install wget

11.) Install duf (terminal based disk usage)

  sudo apt install duf

12.) Install jq (lightweight/flexible json processor)

  sudo apt install jq 

13.) Install htop (terminal based, interactive resource monitor)

  sudo apt install htop

14.) Install glances (terminal based, interactive resource monitor a bit more informative than htop)

  curl -L | /bin/bash

15.) Install nethogs (terminal based, network tx/rx realtime display (has to be launched via sudo))

  sudo apt install nethogs

16.) Install rfkill (command line tool for controlling network adapters)

  sudo apt install rfkill

17.) Install unzip utility (command line tool for unzipping archives)

  sudo apt install unzip

18.) Install 7-zip (command line tool for zipping/unzipping archives)

  sudo apt install p7zip-full

19.) Install bc (command line tool for calculations)

  sudo apt install bc

20.) Install java

  sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jdk-headless

21.) Install ufw firewall

  sudo apt install ufw
    - configure firewall
        sudo ufw allow openssh
        sudo ufw allow 12392/tcp
        sudo ufw allow from to port 12391 proto tcp
        sudo ufw allow from to port 12388 proto tcp
    - additional firewall commands
      -- list/remove (v6) ufw entries if needed
          sudo ufw status numbered verbose
          sudo ufw remove {listed number}

22.) Install qortal core

  cd qortal         
  chmod +x *.sh
  rm -rf

23.) Fix settings.json for core on VPS

  rm -rf settings.json
  echo -en "{\n\"bindAddress\": \"\",\n\"apiDocumentationEnabled\": true,\n\"apiEnabled\": true,\n\"apiRestricted\": false,\n\"apiWhitelistEnabled\": false\n}" > settings.json

24.) Install tools to make it easier to get quick stats for core (tools called from home directory prefixed with ./)

  wget && chmod +x qort
  wget && chmod +x peer-heights
  sudo cp qort /usr/local/bin
    - useful commands
        ./qort -p peers
        ./qort -p admin/status
        ./qort -p admin/info
        ./qort -p admin/mintingaccounts

25.) Start the core

  cd qortal && ./

~ Load UI from MAC/Linux and connect with VPS/core installation ~

This portion of the guide assumes you have already downloaded/installed the UI locally! If not it can be downloaded from

1.) Load the terminal and type (this must be done every time!!!)

  ssh -L 12391:localhost:12391 <username@IP of VPS>

2.) Load UI and enjoy

3.) When done with UI

  Exit the UI via the exit button
  Exit the ssh session by typing in "exit" and hitting enter
  Exit the terminal session by typing in "exit" and hitting enter

~ Load UI from Windows and connect with VPS/core installation ~

This portion of the guide assumes you have already downloaded/installed the UI locally If not it can be downloaded from

1.) Download putty from and install/load

  When application loads "Session" will be highlighted in the Category tree on the left
  Populate the "Host Name (or IP address)" field on the right of the window with the IP from the VPS only
  In the left "Category" tree click "SSH" to expand it's tree
  In the left "Category" tree click "Tunnels"
    On the right of the window populate the "Source port" text field with "12391" only
    On the right of the window populate the "Destination" text field with <IP of VPS>:12391 only
    On the right of the window click the "Add" button only
  In the left "Category" tree click "Connection"
    On the right of the window populate the "Seconds between keepalives" text field with "60"
  In the left "Category" tree scroll up and click "Session" to get back to where we were in the beginning
    On the right of the screen the previously entered "Host Name" field should still be populated (this is good!)
    On the right of the screen populate "Saved Sessions" with a name you see fit
    On the right of the screen click "Save" and all the entries we just made will be stored under the session name you chose (this is good!)

2.) Before loading the UI locally, moving forward, the following must be done every time!!!

  Load putty
  On the right of the window select/click the previously entered/saved session name
  On the right of the window click "load"
  On the right of the screen click "open"
  An ssh window will open allowing you to login to the VPS instance via bash/shell
  Login with non-root username created earlier in this document
  Minimize window

3.) Load UI

  When prompted for apikey put the following in terminal to get it
  cat qortal/apikey.txt ; echo
  copy the key in black/white and paste into the UI apikey text box

4.) When done with UI

  Exit the UI via the exit button
  Exit the ssh/putty session by typing in "exit" and hitting enter which will close the terminal session and putty