This is the third instalment of the XTDB tutorial, focusing on Datalog queries.
You need to get XTDB running before you can use it.
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}
org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {:mvn/version "0.14.1212"}
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "dev-SNAPSHOT"}} ;; "RELEASE"
{"snapshots" {:url ""}}}
(require '[xtdb.api :as xt])
You come into range of the satellites orbiting Mercury. Your communications panel lights up and you read:
You have reached Mercury, home to the greatest stock market in the Solar System. Your ship has been flagged as a transport vessel for business-related activities.
Please have your flight manifest ready and prepare to land.
- Mercury Commonwealth
The government is asking to see your flight manifest.
You have your manifest:
- You have permission to land, continue to the spaceport.
You do not have your manifest:
- You do not have permission to land. You can either return to Pluto or continue at your own risk.
You read your XTDB manual as you wait for an available landing pad.
A Datalog query consists of a set of variables and a set of clauses. The result of running a query is a result set (or lazy sequence) of the possible combinations of values that satisfy all of the clauses at the same time. These combinations of values are referred to as "tuples".
The possible values within the result tuples are derived from your database of documents. The documents themselves are represented in the database indexes as "entity–attribute–value" (EAV) facts. For example, a single document
{:xt/id :myid, :color "blue", :age 12}
is transformed into two facts[[:myid :color "blue"][:myid :age 12]]
.In the most basic case, a Datalog query works by searching for "subgraphs" in the database that match the pattern defined by the clauses. The values within these subgraphs are then returned according to the list of return variables requested in the
vector within the query."- XTDB manual Read More
You are happy with what you have read, and in anticipation of the assignment, you define the standalone node.
(def node (xt/start-node {}))
You land on the surface of the tidally locked planet. As you do, the job ticket for this assignment is issued.
Find information on products for stock buyers
Interplanetary Buyers & Sellers (IPBS)
Cosmina Sinnett
We have some new starters in the sales team. They need to be trained on how to query XTDB using Datalog to quickly find the information they need on a product. Traders must have access to up-to-date information when talking to their clients. We would also like you to create a function that can be used for the things we have to look up a lot. I will include example data so they can learn using relevant commodities.
On your way over to the IPBS office, you input the data in the attachment using the easy ingest function you created on Pluto.
(defn easy-ingest
"Uses XTDB put transaction to add a vector of
documents to a specified system"
[node docs]
(xt/submit-tx node
(vec (for [doc docs]
[::xt/put doc])))
(xt/sync node))
(def data
[{:xt/id :commodity/Pu
:common-name "Plutonium"
:type :element/metal
:density 19.816
:radioactive true}
{:xt/id :commodity/N
:common-name "Nitrogen"
:type :element/gas
:density 1.2506
:radioactive false}
{:xt/id :commodity/CH4
:common-name "Methane"
:type :molecule/gas
:density 0.717
:radioactive false}
{:xt/id :commodity/Au
:common-name "Gold"
:type :element/metal
:density 19.300
:radioactive false}
{:xt/id :commodity/C
:common-name "Carbon"
:type :element/non-metal
:density 2.267
:radioactive false}
{:xt/id :commodity/borax
:common-name "Borax"
:IUPAC-name "Sodium tetraborate decahydrate"
:other-names ["Borax decahydrate" "sodium borate" "sodium tetraborate" "disodium tetraborate"]
:type :mineral/solid
:appearance "white solid"
:density 1.73
:radioactive false}])
(easy-ingest node data)
This means you are ready to give them a tutorial when you get there.
Oh good, you’re here.
I have a room reserved and we have five new starters ready and waiting to learn how to query XTDB.
We are in the middle of our double sunrise. The workers take this time to rest, but in half an Earth hour the sun will rise again and the workers will start back.
You can take this time to prepare any training material if you wish.
- Cosmina Sinnett
You have the opportunity to prepare examples for the lesson ahead.
"You use the time wisely and plan some examples":
- Continue to complete the assignment.
"You decide to wing it and see how the tutorial goes":
- You go and teach the new starters. They are not impressed with your lack of preparation. They learn next to nothing and you realize you made a mistake.
You put together examples and make notes so you can be confident in your lesson.
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [element]
:where [[element :type :element/metal]]})
This basic query is returning all the elements that are defined as :element/metal
The :find
clause tells XTDB the variables you want to return.
In this case, we are returning the :xt/id
due to our placement of element
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [element]
:where [[element :type :element/metal]]})
(xt/q (xt/db node)
{:find '[element]
:where '[[element :type :element/metal]]})
(xt/q (xt/db node)
{:find [element]
:where [[element :type :element/metal]]})))
The vectors given to the clauses should be quoted. How you do it at this stage is arbitrary.
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [name]
:where [[e :type :element/metal]
[e :common-name name]]})
To find all the names of the commodities that have a certain property, such as :type
, you need to use a combination of clauses.
Here we have bound the results of type :element/metal
to e
Next, we can use the results bound to e
and bind the :common-name
of them to name
is what has been specified to be returned and so our result is the common names of all the elements that are metals.
One way to think of this is that you are filtering to only get the results that satisfy all the clauses.
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [name rho]
:where [[e :density rho]
[e :common-name name]]})
You can pull out as much data as you want into your result tuples by adding additional variables to the :find
The example above returns the :density
and the :common-name
values for all entities in XTDB that have values of some kind for both :density
and :common-name
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [name]
:where [[e :type type]
[e :common-name name]]
:in [type]}
can be used to further filter the results. Lets break down what is going down here.
First, we are assigning all :xt/id
s that have a :type
to e
← #{[:commodity/Pu] [:commodity/borax] [:commodity/CH4] [:commodity/Au] [:commodity/C] [:commodity/N]}
At the same time, we are assigning all the :types
to type
← #{[:element/gas] [:element/metal] [:element/non-metal] [:mineral/solid] [:molecule/gas]}
Then we assign all the names within e
that have a :common-name
to name
← #{["Methane"] ["Carbon"] ["Gold"] ["Plutonium"] ["Nitrogen"] ["Borax"]}
We have specified that we want to get the names out, but not before looking at :in
For :in
we have further filtered the results to only show us the names of that have :type
We could have done that before inside the :where
clause, but using :in
removes the need for hard-coding inside the query clauses.
We pass the value(s) to be used as the third argument to xt/q
You give your lesson to the new starters when they return. They are a good audience and follow it well.
To check their understanding you set them a task to create a function to aid their daily queries. You are impressed with their efforts.
(defn filter-type
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [name]
:where [[e :common-name name]
[e :type type]]
:in [type]}
(defn filter-appearance
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [name IUPAC]
:where [[e :common-name name]
[e :IUPAC-name IUPAC]
[e :appearance appearance]]
:in [appearance]}
(filter-type :element/metal)
(filter-appearance "white solid")
When you are finished, Cosmina thanks you and you head back to the spaceport.
You are back at your spaceship. Seeing another light on your communications panel, you realize there is another assignment ready for you.
Congratulations on completing your assignment. You are getting the hang of things now, and we are impressed with your progress.
We would like you to go to Neptune. They have recently lost a lot of data in a flood so they have decided to digitize their entire system and archives. We told them you could do it in such a way that the data is still time ordered as it was with their previous filing system.
Good luck, and don’t forget to update your manifest."
- Helios Banking Inc.
You update your manifest with the latest badge.
{:xt/id :manifest
:pilot-name "Johanna"
:id/rocket "SB002-sol"
:id/employee "22910x2"
:cargo ["stereo" "gold fish" "slippers" "secret note"]}]])
(xt/sync node)
You enter the countdown for liftoff to Neptune. See you soon.