Run sparrow
Sparrow will be started with the provided configuration
sparrow run [flags]
--apiAddress string api: The address the server is listening on (default ":8080")
-h, --help help for run
--loaderFilePath string file loader: The path to the file to read the runtime config from (default "config.yaml")
--loaderHttpRetryCount int http loader: Amount of retries trying to load the configuration (default 3)
--loaderHttpRetryDelay duration http loader: The initial delay between retries in seconds (default 1s)
--loaderHttpTimeout duration http loader: The timeout for the http request in seconds (default 30s)
--loaderHttpToken string http loader: Bearer token to authenticate the http endpoint
--loaderHttpUrl string http loader: The url where to get the remote configuration
--loaderInterval duration defines the interval the loader reloads the configuration in seconds (default 5m0s)
-l, --loaderType string Defines the loader type that will load the checks configuration during the runtime. The fallback is the fileLoader (default "http")
--sparrowName string The DNS name of the sparrow
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.sparrow.yaml)
- sparrow - Sparrow, the infrastructure monitoring agent