api | 说明 |
d3.geoPath | 创建一个新的地理路径生成器. |
path | 投影并渲染指定的地理特征. |
path.area | 计算指定的二位地理特征面积. |
path.bounds | 计算指定的二位地理特征包裹框. |
path.centroid | 算指定的二位地理特征中心. |
path.measure | 算指定的二位地理特征周长. |
path.projection | 设置地理路径生成器的投影方式. |
path.context | 设置渲染上下文. |
path.pointRadius | 设置点特征的半径. |
api | 说明 |
projection | 将指定的球面上一点投影到平面. |
projection.invert | 逆转投影,根据平面一点反向计算球面坐标. |
projection.stream | wrap the specified stream to project geometry. |
projection.clipAngle | set the radius of the clip circle. |
projection.clipExtent | set the viewport clip extent, in pixels. |
projection.angle | set the post-projection rotation. |
projection.scale | set the scale factor. |
projection.translate | set the translation offset. |
projection.fitExtent | set the scale and translate to fit a GeoJSON object. |
projection.fitSize | set the scale and translate to fit a GeoJSON object. |
projection.fitWidth | set the scale and translate to fit a GeoJSON object. |
projection.fitHeight | set the scale and translate to fit a GeoJSON object. |
projection.center | set the center point. |
projection.rotate | set the three-axis spherical rotation angles. |
projection.precision | set the precision threshold for adaptive sampling. |
projection.preclip | set the spherical clipping stream transform. |
projection.postclip | set the planar clipping stream transform. |
d3.geoClipAntimeridian | cuts spherical geometries that cross the antimeridian. |
d3.geoClipCircle | clips spherical geometries to a small circle. |
d3.geoClipRectangle | clips planar geometries to a rectangular viewport. |
d3.geoAlbers | the Albers equal-area conic projection. |
d3.geoAlbersUsa | a composite Albers projection for the United States. |
d3.geoAzimuthalEqualArea | the azimuthal equal-area projection. |
d3.geoAzimuthalEquidistant | the azimuthal equidistant projection. |
d3.geoConicConformal | the conic conformal projection. |
d3.geoConicEqualArea | the conic equal-area (Albers) projection. |
d3.geoConicEquidistant | the conic equidistant projection. |
conic.parallels | set the two standard parallels. |
d3.geoEquirectangular | the equirectangular (plate carreé) projection. |
d3.geoGnomonic | the gnomonic projection. |
d3.geoMercator | the spherical Mercator projection. |
d3.geoOrthographic | the azimuthal orthographic projection. |
d3.geoStereographic | the azimuthal stereographic projection. |
d3.geoTransverseMercator | the transverse spherical Mercator projection. |
project | project the specified point from the sphere to the plane. |
project.invert | unproject the specified point from the plane to the sphere. |
d3.geoProjection | create a custom projection. |
d3.geoProjectionMutator | create a custom configurable projection. |
d3.geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw | the raw azimuthal equal-area projection. |
d3.geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw | the raw azimuthal equidistant projection. |
d3.geoConicConformalRaw | the raw conic conformal projection. |
d3.geoConicEqualAreaRaw | the raw conic equal-area (Albers) projection. |
d3.geoConicEquidistantRaw | the raw conic equidistant projection. |
d3.geoEquirectangularRaw | the raw equirectangular (plate carreé) projection. |
d3.geoGnomonicRaw | the raw gnomonic projection. |
d3.geoMercatorRaw | the raw Mercator projection. |
d3.geoOrthographicRaw | the raw azimuthal orthographic projection. |
d3.geoStereographicRaw | the raw azimuthal stereographic projection. |
d3.geoTransverseMercatorRaw | the raw transverse spherical Mercator projection. |
api | 说明 |
d3.geoArea | 根据给定的地理特征计算球面面积. |
d3.geoBounds | 根据指定的地理特征计算包裹框(经纬度). |
d3.geoCentroid | 根据给定的地理特征计算球面中心. |
d3.geoContains | 测试一个点是否在给定的地理特征轮廓内部. |
d3.geoDistance | 计算两个点之间的大圆距离. |
d3.geoLength | 计算一条线的长度或者多边形的周长. |
d3.geoInterpolate | 在两个点之间沿着大圆进行插值. |
d3.geoRotation | 根据指定的角度创建一个旋转函数. |
rotation | 沿着指定的球面对指定点进行旋转. |
rotation.invert | 计算某个点在旋转之前的点. |
api | 说明 |
d3.geoCircle | 创建一个圆生成器. |
circle | 以分段的多边形的形式生成一个圆. |
circle.center | 以经纬度的方式指定圆心. |
circle.radius | 以度为单位指定圆的角半径. |
circle.precision | 指定分段圆的精度. |
d3.geoGraticule | create a graticule generator. |
graticule | generate a MultiLineString of meridians and parallels. |
graticule.lines | generate an array of LineStrings of meridians and parallels. |
graticule.outline | generate a Polygon of the graticule’s extent. |
graticule.extent | get or set the major & minor extents. |
graticule.extentMajor | get or set the major extent. |
graticule.extentMinor | get or set the minor extent. |
graticule.step | get or set the major & minor step intervals. |
graticule.stepMajor | get or set the major step intervals. |
graticule.stepMinor | get or set the minor step intervals. |
graticule.precision | get or set the latitudinal precision. |
d3.geoGraticule10 | generate the default 10° global graticule. |
api | 说明 |
d3.geoStream | convert a GeoJSON object to a geometry stream. |
stream.point | indicates a point with the specified coordinates. |
stream.lineStart | indicates the start of a line or ring. |
stream.lineEnd | indicates the end of a line or ring. |
stream.polygonStart | indicates the start of a polygon. |
stream.polygonEnd | indicates the end of a polygon. |
stream.sphere | indicates the sphere. |
api | 说明 |
d3.geoIdentity | scale, translate or clip planar geometry. |
identity.reflectX | reflect the x-dimension. |
identity.reflectY | reflect the y-dimension. |
d3.geoTransform | define a custom geometry transform. |
api | 说明 |
d3.geoPath | 创建一个新的地理路径生成器. |
path | 投影并渲染指定的地理特征. |
path.area | 计算指定的二位地理特征面积. |
path.bounds | 计算指定的二位地理特征包裹框. |
path.centroid | 算指定的二位地理特征中心. |
path.measure | 算指定的二位地理特征周长. |
path.projection | 设置地理路径生成器的投影方式. |
path.context | 设置渲染上下文. |
path.pointRadius | 设置点特征的半径. |
- 先看一个简单的示例: Demo1.ts
class Demo1 extends Base {
constructor() {
main() {
// 地图投影
let projection = geoMercator()
.center([107, 31])
.translate([this.width / 2, this.height / 2]);
// 地理路径生成器
let path = geoPath().projection(projection);
let color = schemeCategory10;
.then( (root: any) => {
let groups = this.svg.append('g');
let paths = groups.selectAll('path')
.attr('class', 'province')
.style('fill', function (d: any, i: number) {
return color[i%10];
.attr('d', path);
d3.geoGraticule | create a graticule generator. graticule | generate a MultiLineString of meridians and parallels.(产生多条经线和平行线。) graticule.lines | generate an array of LineStrings of meridians and parallels.(生成子午线和平行线阵列。) graticule.outline | generate a Polygon of the graticule’s extent.(生成分划范围的多边形。) graticule.extent | get or set the major & minor extents.(获取或设置主要和次要区段。) graticule.extentMajor | get or set the major extent. graticule.extentMinor | get or set the minor extent. graticule.step | get or set the major & minor step intervals.(获取或设置主要和次要的步距。) graticule.stepMajor | get or set the major step intervals. graticule.stepMinor | get or set the minor step intervals. graticule.precision | get or set the latitudinal precision. d3.geoGraticule10 | generate the default 10° global graticule.(全球格生成默认10°。)