- upgrade termion to 4.0.3
- enhance terminal handling with latest termion features
- fix terminal setup to use proper alternate screen creation
- improve TUI responsiveness and color support
- maintain compatibility with existing terminal features
- upgrade thiserror to 2.0.11
- improve error handling with latest thiserror features
- maintain backward compatibility with existing error types
- upgrade env_logger to 0.11
- update logger configuration to use new env_logger API
- switch to termion for colored logging output:
- bright cyan timestamps
- bright magenta thread names
- yellow module paths in brackets
- improved level colors (bright red errors, yellow warnings, bright green info)
- improve error handling in logger setup
- fix output out/err files creation Created two separate files for output: {app}.out for stdout {app}.err for stderr Preserves the TUI functionality since we're not writing to stdout/stderr Captures all output in separate files for later analysis Uses the application name in the log files for easy identification Maintains proper error handling with Rust's ? operator The output files will be created in the current working directory and will contain all output from the monitored process. You can now view these files while the application is running or after it completes without interfering with the TUI.
- upgrade clap to 4.x
- can run application with additional parameters: tracer application_name -- param1 param2
- redirected stdout to current stdout
- auto killing application created as subprocess
- adding CI/CD
- removed unnecessary dependencies
- build size shrunk over 60%+
- simplified CPU history
- update TUI to latest version
- use summary readings from current PID and children PIDs
- autoscale by default - graphs looks much nicer ;-)
- support WSL
- fixed linux CPU id
- support for apps that has they own parameters
./tracer -n -o aa.csv "/opt/workspace/app_tracer/target/debug/examples/test_app -a 10000 -b -c"
- no more 2 separate apps - simple flag -n (-noui) to use txt mode only
- added eyre for better error handling in runtime
- memory readings in KB
- optional output persistence to csv file
- synchronized CPU output on all tabs
- initial version
- cli
- tui