A comprehensive console-based application for managing playlist.
This project was developed as part of the 2024 Data Structures course at Zagazig University. It leverages a custom-built Doubly linked list data structure, showcasing a range of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. This project provided hands-on experience with data structure design, algorithm efficiency, and OOP concepts, allowing for both learning and practical application of these key software engineering skills.
At the start of the program, the project has no data.You have the option to add data or import it from a file.
We can add a new playlist by selecting option 1
We can add a new surah by selecting option 2 and if the playlist name is don't exist you will try again
We can remove a surah by selecting option 4 and if the surah name is don't exist you will try again
we can change the order of playlist by selection option 4 and if the playlist name is don't exist you will try again
we can display all current plalists by selecion option 5
we can display all playlists and them surahs by selection option 6
we can display surahs in a specific playlist by seletion option 7
We can play a Surah from a specific playlist by selecting option 8. Once playing, we can control the Surah using the keyboard arrow keys Use left arrow (<-) to play the previous surah Use right arrow (->) to play the next surah Use up arrow (^) to pause the current surah Use down arrow (V) to resume the paused surah
At any point of the program we can save the data in the same file, this is the resulting file
This is the result of loading the data from a file
We can delete a contact by selecting option 11 and type the name of the playlist
Thank you for caring 🌌