- Create dummy login screen which will trigger loading the local data
- Setup the data via Zustand
- Integrate styled-components
- Design product cards
- Design home screen
- Design favorites screen
- Configure Zalando-like theme
- Design product detail screen
- Design search screen
- List products from search result
- Change title to include gender
- Design shopping cart screen
- Figure out data structure for checkout screen
- Implement shipped by header
- Implement checkout footer
- Implement FlatList for checkout
- Design product card for checkout screen
- Implement triple dot button logic
- Implement modal logic
- Pass correct price to
- Display modal when triggering checkout
- Apply a11y to login screen
- Apply a11y to home screen
- Apply a11y to search screen
- Apply a11y to product detail screen
- Apply a11y to favorites screen
- Apply a11y to shopping cart screen
- Apply a11y to color theme (contrast)
- Focus SR to header when navigating to new screen with bottom tab nav
- hard to realize at the moment
- Focus SR back to element when leaving modal
- hard to realize at the moment