pandora 组件库
Benefited from
, thesrc/pages/index.vue
is the entry page for development. You can visit/[component-name]/demo
to check component, likehttp://localhost:3000/#/button/demo
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn test
入口文件是 rollup 的
yarn gen-entry
yarn gen [component\'s name]
npx esno ./scripts/gen-dts.ts
This command will add git tag、generate changelog. You can test your lib with argument
yarn release [--dry]
❗ Noted: you should run
yarn build:lib
before run this command. Because the docs need the build bundle.
yarn docs:dev
yarn docs:build
<script setup>
is a feature that is currently in RFC stage. To get proper IDE support for the syntax, use Volar instead of Vetur (and disable Vetur).