- Sonic Pi
- Benjamin's resources / snippets
- put together loops in Ruby
- loops can be synced with each other (e.g. a beat with a melody)
- lots of functions to alter amplitude, make minor/major chords, etc.
- can receive MIDI events, e.g. read a note/velocity from a keyboard
- Sam Aaron live coding an ambient electro set w/ Sonic Pi
Tracker stuff shown by eBrnd:
- SID Tracker
- Cheese Cutter
- no samples, parametrize SID sound chip
- Modern Tracker (Sample based)
- Codurance Blog Post, with list of rules to constraint your code
- Acceptance tests with Geb /
- Groovy/Ruby mixture somehow (not sure what is used where)
- based on WebDriver
- PageObject patterns (works nice with React - one page object per Component)
- JS lib for mocking HTTP: nock
- Session by Yulia Startsev (Mozilla)
- WebComponents - for fallback, Polymer can be used
- links as shared in Slack by Yulia:
- Session by Michelle
- Nest: node.js based server-side apps with TypeScript
- Swagger (opt-in)
- GraphQL, etc.
- setup with rustup and rls
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
- rls
- WSL: add ~/.cargo/bin to PATH
rustup update
rustup component add rls-preview rust-analysis rust-src
- StanU CS140e
- Observation (≠ judgement)
- Person talking loud vs. he is angry
- Feelings (≠ thoughts)
- Needs (≠ strategies)
- Request (≠ demand)
- Should be doable, concrete, present ("SMART")
- Can also be request for feedback ("I opened myself, can you repeat it back to see if we have a common understanding")
- Wikipedia
- Marshall Rosenberg, "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life"
- also good YT videos by him
- Nancy Kline: "Time & Think"
- Session by @dmn1k
- collect problems & observations (e.g. after daily)
- options; rule of three (single option is bad)
- make experiments with defined end date and expected outcome; remind each other (e.g. "why are you working alone, we wanted to do pairing only?")
- review outcome
- can be too much at first (too many experiments at once), makes sense to have a limit (e.g. "3 experiments per sprint")
- Microsoft's
Quantum Development Kit
- brings Q#, .NET based language
- simulated quantum operations (gates) and qbits
- web based, graphic editor for qbits and gates
- can simulate or be run on a real quantum computer
- you will get notified when results are in