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5 Recent Student Protests That Made a Big Difference |
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Cosmo's Hannah Smothers pointed out in a recent article:
If you're surprised to see teenagers form a cohesive movement with an ambitious goal they're actively working toward, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
She highlights 5 student-led protests that have created real change in this decade alone:
In 2012, Dreamers and other undocumented youth organized sit-ins that convinced the Obama administration to suspend deportations of Dreamers
Youth-led protests in 2014 in Ferguson, MO, helped start the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Student-led protests against racism at University of Missouri in 2015 toppled a college president and transformed the campus
Students at Yale and dozens of colleges around the country marched and protested in favor of racial and gender equality and inclusion
The massive 2016 protests at Standing Rock were started by a few Lakota Sioux teenagers who founded the One Mind Youth Movement and organized against the Dakota XL Pipeline
Change can and does happen! To learn more, read Smothers' article here and be sure to check out the links.