In this chapter we will lift up the curtains and show you a bit of the magic that Codeception does to simplify unit testing. Earlier we tested the Controller layer of the MVC pattern. In this chapter we will concentrate on testing the Models.
Let's define what goals we are going to achieve by using the Codeception BDD in unit tests.
With Codeception we separate the environment preparation, action execution, and assertions.
The tested code is not mixed with testing double definitions and assertions. By looking into the test you can get an idea of how the tested code is being used and what results are expected. We can test any piece of code in Codeception by using the execute
action. Let's take a look:
class UserCest {
function getAndSet(CodeGuy $I)
$I->haveStub($user = Stub::make('Model\User'));
$I->execute(function () use ($user) {
return $user->getName();
Before proceeding, please make sure you executed build
command that creates a CodeGuy
class with methods from Unit module.
php codecept.phar build
Let's create first test with generate:cest
$ php codecept.phar generate:cest unit Post
At first we need to define with $class
property the class which is being actually tested.
class PostCest {
$class = 'Post';
function shouldBe(CodeGuy $I)
This will create an empty Cest file for us.
There are many cases where we test only one method of a class. As we discovered, it's quite easy to define the class and method you are going to test. We take the $class
parameter of the Cest class, and the method's name as a target method.
class PostCest {
$class = 'Post';
function save(CodeGuy $I) {
// will test Post::save()
// or Post->save()
Note, the CodeGuy object is passed as a parameter into each test.
To redefine the target of the test, consider using the testMethod
action. Note that you can't change the method you are testing inside the test. That's just simply wrong. So the testMethod
call should be put in the very beginning, or ignored.
class PostCase {
$class = 'Post';
function saveWithParameters(CodeGuy $I)
Also we recommend that you improve your test by adding a short test definition with the wantTo
command, just as we did before for acceptance tests.
class PostCase {
$class = 'Post';
function saveWithParameters(CodeGuy $I)
$I->wantTo('save post with different parameters');
You can bypass specifying the test method at all. This might be useful if you are writing specifications instead of a test, and you haven't yet developed the methods to test. For such cases, write your specifications as method names.
class PostCase {
$class = 'Post';
function shouldSave(CodeGuy $I)
$post = new Post;
$I->executeMethod($post, 'save');
Please note, in such cases you can't use executeTestedMethod
After we've taken everything into account, let's begin writing the test!
First of all the code from the application we need to test should be loaded.
To prepare the environment for unit testing you can use a bootstrap file tests/unit/_bootstrap.php
that will be loaded on each test run. Use the _bootstrap
file to perform any pre-test preparations that you need to make. For example, load fixtures, initialize db connection, etc. If you use an autoloader for your application, you should initialize the autoloader in _bootstrap
. Otherwise, you can load classes to be tested inside the individual test files, with a require_once
Example bootstrap file (tests/unit/_bootstrap.php
require_once __DIR__.'/../../config.xml';
// setting the database connection
\Codeception\Module\Dbh::$dbh = MyApplication::getDatabaseConnection();
Cest files have analogs for PHPUnit's setUp and tearDown methods.
You can use _before
and _after
methods of the Cest class to prepare and then clean the environment.
use \Codeception\Util\Stub as Stub;
class ControllerCest {
$class = 'Controller';
public function _before() {
$this->db = Stub::makeEmpty('DbConnector');
public function show(CodeGuy $I)
$controller = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('Controller', 'save');
$I->setProperty($controller, 'db', $this->db);
// ...
public function _after() {
Scenario-based test is run in 2 phases: analysis and execution. Whenever you want to add any custom PHP code (which doesn't use the $I object) you probably want it to be executed in the runtime. Thus, you should always perform the check if the test is running:
function save(\CodeGuy $I, \Codeception\Scenario $scenario)
$I->execute('Comment::save', array('post_id' => 5);
if ($scenario->running()) {
$I->seeInDatabase('posts',array('id' => 5, 'comments_count' => 1));
In case you want to execute line on analysis step (to preload bootstrap values), you can use the $scenario->preload()
The specially designed class \Codeception\Util\Stub
is used for creating test doubles. It's just a simple wrapper on top of PHPUnit's Mock Builder.
It can generate any stub with just a single factory method.
Let's see how we can create stubs for a User class:
use \Codeception\Util\Stub as Stub;
// create class instance with name set method 'save' redefined.
$user = Stub::make('User', array('name' => 'davert', 'save' => function () { return true; }));
$user->save(); // returns true
// create class instance with all empty methods (will return NULL)
$user = Stub::makeEmpty('User', array('getName' => function () { return 'davert'; }));
$user->save(); // is empty and returns NULL
$user->getName(); // return 'davert'
// create class with empty methods except one
$user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'getName', array('name' => 'davert'));
$user->save(); // is empty and returns NULL
$user->getName(); // returns 'davert'
// create class instance through constructor
// second parameter is array, it's values will be passed to constructor.
// similar to $user = new User($con, $is_new);
$user = Stub::construct('User', array($con, $is_new), array('name' => 'davert'));
// similar is constructEmpty
$user = Stub::constructEmpty('User', array($con, $is_new), array('getName' => function () { return 'davert'; }));
// and constructEmptyExcept
$user = Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'getName', array($con, $is_new), array('name' => 'davert'));
// copy and redefine class instance
// can act with regular objects, not only stubs
$user->getName(); // returns 'davert'
$user2 = Stub::copy($user, array('name' => 'davert2'));
$user->getName(); // returns 'davert2'
Let's briefly summarize: if you want to create a stub using a constructor use Stub::construct*
, if you want to bypass the constructor use Stub::make*
Various manipulations on tested objects can be performed:
function create(CodeGuy $I, Codeception\Scenario $scenario) {
$post = new Post(array('title' => 'Top 10 kitties'));
$I->expect('post about kitties created')
$I->executeMethod($post, 'create');
$I->seeInDatabase('posts', array('title' => 'Top 10 kitties'));
if ($scenario->running()) {
$post->setTitle('Top 10 doggies');
$I->expect('the kitties post is updated')
$I->executeMethod($post, 'create');
$I->seeInDatabase('posts', array('title' => 'Top 10 doggies'))
$I->dontSeeInDatabase('posts', array('title' => 'Top 10 kitties'));
If you need to use setters instead of changing properties, put your code inside the execute
action and perform manipulations there.
Anyway, how does Codeception helps with complex test cases? Let's go back to the controller test example.
$I->executeTestedMethodOn($controller, 1)
$I->seeMethodInvoked($controller, 'render');
We are testing the invocation of the render
method without the mock definition we did for PHPUnit. We just say: 'I see method invoked'. It's none of a tester's business how this method is mocked. Also, as we saw, the mock for this method can be changed on the next call.
But how can we define a mock and perform an assertion at the same time? We don't. The action seeMethodInvoked
only performs the assertion on the mocked method that was run. The mock was created by executeTestedMethodOn
command. It looked through the scenario and created mocks for executing the method we want to test.
You no longer have to think about creating mocks!
Still, you have to use stub classes, in order to make dynamic mocking work.
$I->haveFakeClass($controller = Stub::makeEmpty('Controller'));
// same as
$I->haveStub($controller = Stub::makeEmpty('Controller'));
Only the objects defined by one of those methods can be turned into mocks.
For stubs that won't become mocks, using the haveFakeClass
method is not required.
We used the Db module widely in our examples. As we tested methods of the Model, it was natural to test the result inside the database.
Connect the Db module to your unit suite to perform seeInDatabase
But before each test, the database should be cleaned. Deleting all of the tables and loading a dump may take quite a lot of time. For unit tests that are supposed to be run fast that's a catastrophe.
We could perform all of our database interactions within a transaction. If you are using PostgreSQL include the Dbh module in your suite configuration.
MySQL doesn't support nested transactions, so running this module can lead to unpredictable results. ORMs like Doctrine or Doctrine2 can emulate nested transactions. Thus, If you use such ORMs you should connect their modules to your suite. In order to not conflict with the Db module, they have slightly different actions for looking into the database.
// For Doctrine2
$I->seeInRepository('Entity',array('property' => 'value'));
// For Doctrine1
$I->seeInTable('Table',array('property' => 'value'));
If you don't use ORMs and MySQL, consider using SQLite for testing instead.
Codeception has it's powers and it's limits. We believe Codeception's limitations keep your tests clean and narrative. Codeception makes writing bad code for tests more difficult. Codeception has simple but powerful tools to create stubs and mocks. Different modules can be attached to unit tests which, just for an example, will simplify database interactions.