Create a folder
[project root]\text-duke.ui-test
Add a
(if you are on Windows) orruntest.sh
(if you are on a *nix OS) into the folder, containing the script below.
:@ECHO OFF REM create bin directory if it doesn't exist if not exist ..\bin mkdir ..\bin REM delete output from previous run del ACTUAL.TXT REM compile the code into the bin folder javac -cp ..\src -Xlint:none -d ..\bin ..\src\main\java\duke.Duke.duke.Duke.java IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo ********** BUILD FAILURE ********** exit /b 1 ) REM no error here, errorlevel == 0 REM run the program, feed commands from input.txt file and redirect the output to the ACTUAL.TXT java -classpath ..\bin duke.Duke.duke.Duke < input.txt > ACTUAL.TXT REM compare the output to the expected output FC ACTUAL.TXT EXPECTED.TXT
:#!/usr/bin/env bash # create bin directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "../bin" ] then mkdir ../bin fi # delete output from previous run if [ -e "./ACTUAL.TXT" ] then rm ACTUAL.TXT fi # compile the code into the bin folder, terminates if error occurred if ! javac -cp ../src -Xlint:none -d ../bin ../src/main/java/duke.Duke.duke.Duke.java then echo "********** BUILD FAILURE **********" exit 1 fi # run the program, feed commands from input.txt file and redirect the output to the ACTUAL.TXT java -classpath ../bin duke.Duke.duke.Duke < input.txt > ACTUAL.TXT # compare the output to the expected output diff ACTUAL.TXT EXPECTED.TXT if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "Test result: PASSED" exit 0 else echo "Test result: FAILED" exit 1 fi
Update the
commands in the script to match the name/location of your main class. -
Add an
to the same folder, containing the expected output. -
Add an
containing the input commands. -
Run the
file to execute the test.
- Initial Version: based on se-edu/addressbook-level2, adapted by Jeffry Lum