For conversion, we assume that you are using MAC OS
We can convert the classification models using the following command
export EVAL_DIR='' # Location of results
export CKPT_NAME='' # Name of the pre-trained model weight file (e.g.,
cvnets-convert --common.config-file "${EVAL_DIR}/config.yaml" --common.results-loc $EVAL_DIR --model.classification.pretrained "${EVAL_DIR}/${CKPT_NAME}" --conversion.coreml-extn mlmodel
We can convert the detection models trained on MS-COCO (81 classes, including background) using the following command
export EVAL_DIR='' # Location of results
export CKPT_NAME='' # Name of the pre-trained model weight file (e.g.,
cvnets-convert --common.config-file "${EVAL_DIR}/config.yaml" --common.results-loc $EVAL_DIR --model.detection.pretrained "${EVAL_DIR}/${CKPT_NAME}" --conversion.coreml-extn mlmodel --model.detection.n-classes 81
We can convert the segmentation models trained on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset (21 classes, including background) using the following command
export EVAL_DIR='' # Location of results
export CKPT_NAME='' # Name of the pre-trained model weight file (e.g.,
cvnets-convert --common.config-file "${EVAL_DIR}/config.yaml" --common.results-loc $EVAL_DIR --model.segmentation.pretrained "${EVAL_DIR}/${CKPT_NAME}" --conversion.coreml-extn mlmodel --model.segmentation.n-classes 21