Test task for mobile developers.
In order to evaluate your skills and coding style we would like you to develop a small mobile application that consumes https://newsapi.org API RESTFull services.
We would like to have a small application that accomplishes the following:
- The main screen will load news articles from your selected news source with the following information:
- Article title.
- Article description.
- Article thumbnail.
- Article published date.
- When a user taps on any article within the list goes to step 3:
- The detailed article screen will show detailed information about the article:
- Article title.
- Article description.
- Article thumbnail.
- Article author.
- Article published date.
- Link to article (opens in Safari or in the app)
- Get your API Key as explained within the documentation https://newsapi.org.
- Send the code the way you feel comfortable with.
- The application should compile without Error and run without crashing.
- You can use third party libraries with its preference to handle dependencies.
- Take the opportunity to showcase your coding style and use whatever design pattern (MVC, MVVM, etc) you would normally have used for this kind of task.
- Landscape Orientation
- Pagination or show more for the article list
- Unit Testing
The 0+X team wishes you good luck and we are looking forward to see your code. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us.