feat: multi-chain validator
sign once when account's root validator is multi-chain validator
return inputs/output uiHash
- fix: use gasToken
fix: gasTokens usage
gasTokens could be either NATIVE or SPONSORED
add 'gasTokens' to estimateUserIntentFees
change sendUserIntent to gather signatures and send them in one call
- chore: add v0.0.3 address
- feat: multi-input tokens
- fix: use testnet relayer url
- chore: update intentExecutor v2 address
- feat: add fee estimation
- feat: add gasTokens: "CAB" feature
- feat: add getCAB action
- feat: update @zerodev/sdk to 5.4.6 and @zerodev/ecdsa-validator to 5.4.1
- feat: export installIntentExecutor util
- chore: update address
- Updated prepareUserIntent to use factory address and factory data regardless of account deployment status
- Initial release