diff --git a/body.tex b/body.tex index 3487065..4bcb720 100644 --- a/body.tex +++ b/body.tex @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ -% \centerline{\normalsize{}} - -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faGraduationCap}\ 教育经历} +\logosection{\faGraduationCap}{教育经历} +\datedline{\textbf{哔哩哔哩在线教育}}{\dateRange{2019.11}{至今}} -\textbf{哔哩哔哩在线教育} \hfill 2019.11 -- \makebox[\widthof{2099.11}][s]{至今} 刑法 \quad 罗翔说刑法 \hfill Online @@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faGraduationCap} \item 张三的共享辩护律师 \end{itemize} -\textbf{肯辛顿职业技术学院} \hfill 2018.09 -- 2019.11 +\datedline{\textbf{肯辛顿职业技术学院}}{\dateRange{2018.09}{2019.11}} MSc Advanced Computing \quad 硕士 \hfill {英国伦敦} \begin{itemize} @@ -20,10 +18,10 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faGraduationCap} \item 白读 \end{itemize} +\datedline{\textbf{街道口男子技工学校}}{\dateRange{2014.09}{2018.06}} +\datedline{\tripleInfo{软件工程}{本科}{计算机科学与技术学院}}{湖北武汉} -\textbf{街道口男子技工学校} \hfill 2014.09 -- 2018.06 -软件工程 \quad 本科 \quad 计算机科学与技术学院 \hfill 湖北武汉 \begin{itemize} \item GPA: 59/100 @@ -31,12 +29,10 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faGraduationCap} \item 自信的真普通人 \end{itemize} +\logosection{\faSuitcase}{工作经历} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faSuitcase}\ 工作经历} - -\textbf{血汗工厂}\ \hfill 20xx.xx -- 20xx.xx - -建筑工程一线劳动者 \hfill 工地 +\datedline{\textbf{血汗工厂}}{\dateRange{20xx.xx}{20xx.xx}} +\datedline{建筑工程一线劳动者}{工地} 努力在率先实现社会主义现代化上走在前列 @@ -50,9 +46,9 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faSuitcase}\ 工 \end{itemize} -\textbf{远洋邮轮1号}\ \hfill 20xx.xx -- 20xx.xx +\datedline{\textbf{远洋邮轮1号}}{\dateRange{20xx.xx}{20xx.xx}} -实习 \quad 水手 \quad 花式摸鱼工程师 \hfill 精神家园 +\datedline{\tripleInfo{实习}{水手}{花式摸鱼工程师}}{精神家园} 负责策划麦哲伦五百年纪念活动, 坚持不忘初心 \begin{itemize} @@ -60,19 +56,18 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faSuitcase}\ 工 \item 工人阶级的伟大代表 -- 不想当资本家的奴隶不是好工人 \end{itemize} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faWrench }\ 项目经历} +\logosection{\faWrench}{项目经历} +\datedline{\textbf{火星文明探索计划}}{\dateRange{20xx.xx}{20xx.xx}} -\textbf{火星文明探索计划}\ \hfill 20xx.xx -- 20xx.xx -混毕业的毕业设计 \quad 无人指导 \hfill The Pseudo Aeronautics and Space Administration +\datedline{\biInfo{混毕业的毕业设计}{无人指导}}{The Pseudo Aeronautics and Space Administration} \begin{itemize} \item \end{itemize} -\textbf{人类文明史的沙盘重演}\ \hfill 20xx.xx -- 20xx.xx - -Sid Meier's Civilization VI \quad Research Institution of Steam \hfill Online +\datedline{\textbf{人类文明史的沙盘重演}}{\dateRange{20xx.xx}{20xx.xx}} +\datedline{\biInfo{Sid Meier's Civilization VI}{Research Institution of Steam}}{Online} 审阅人类文明历史发展, 探究其客观规律-- 从水下第一个生命的萌芽开始,到石器时代的巨型野兽,再到人类第一次直立行走. \begin{itemize} @@ -82,17 +77,17 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faWrench }\ 项 \item New Frontier \end{itemize} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faInstitution}\ 公开成果} +\logosection{\faInstitution}{公开成果} SSS: Deep Learning Based Social Scrap Selection Method -\textbf{Involutionist} +\textbf{Involutionist} \textit{whom write the whole shit}, the nerd \textit{who was supposed to be in the Et al. as well}, Et al. 113rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2099. (Accepted as Best Paper) -\href{}{[paper]} \href{}{[project page]} +\href{http://pseudo.paper.link.me}{[paper]} \href{http://pseudo.code.link}{[project page]} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faCogs}\ 专业技能} +\logosection{\faCogs}{专业技能} \begin{itemize}[parsep=0.5ex] \item 编程语言: Python $\gg$ C = CPP > Java @@ -100,10 +95,11 @@ \section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faCogs}\ 专业 \item 阴阳怪气 \end{itemize} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faHeart}\ 获奖情况} -NeurIPS Best Paper Award \hfill 2099.12 +\logosection{\faHeart}{获奖情况} +\datedline{NeurIPS Best Paper Award}{2099.12} + +\logosection{\faInfo}{其他} -\section{\makebox[\widthof{\faGraduationCap}][c]{\color{CVBlue}\faInfo}\ 其他} % increase linespacing [parsep=0.5ex] \begin{itemize}[parsep=0.5ex] \item 技术博客: http://blog.yours.me diff --git a/footer.tex b/footer.tex index 60b4bf1..314c48c 100644 --- a/footer.tex +++ b/footer.tex @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] - 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