#Monitoring Actors at Runtime
Monitoring status of each actor under actor system
- Each actor has a corresponding JMXBean(org.squbs.unicomplex:type=ActorMonitor,name=%actorPath) to expose the actor information:
trait ActorMonitorMXBean {
def getActor: String
def getClassName: String
def getRouteConfig : String
def getParent: String
def getChildren: String
def getDispatcher : String
def getMailBoxSize : String
- A JMX Bean(org.squbs.unicomplex:type=ActorMonitor) to expose the configuration of Actor Monitor
trait ActorMonitorConfigMXBean {
def getCount : Int //Count of JMX bean has been created
def getMaxCount: Int //Maximum JMX bean can be created
def getMaxChildrenDisplay: Int //Per each actor, maximum children can be exposed
Add the following dependency to your build.sbt or scala build file:
"org.squbs" %% "squbs-actormonitor" % squbsVersion